Codebase list fbasics / 28775b81-0b31-4f4f-841d-ff6e07b30053/main NAMESPACE

Tree @28775b81-0b31-4f4f-841d-ff6e07b30053/main (Download .tar.gz)

NAMESPACE @28775b81-0b31-4f4f-841d-ff6e07b30053/mainraw · history · blame

## Libraries

## Imports
importFrom("grDevices", as.graphicsAnnot, cm.colors, col2rgb,
             colors, contourLines, gray.colors, heat.colors,
             rainbow, rgb, terrain.colors, topo.colors,
importFrom("graphics", axis, barplot, box, boxplot, contour,
             grid, hist, layout, locator, matplot, mtext,
             panel.smooth, par, persp, pie,,
             plot.window, polygon, rect, rug, symbols, text,
importFrom("stats", acf, ansari.test, approx, ar, arima,
             complete.cases, constrOptim, cor, cor.test,
             density, dnorm, dt, integrate, ks.test, lsfit,
             median, model.matrix, model.response, nlm, nlminb,
             numericDeriv, optim, optimize, pacf, pchisq, pf,
             pnorm, ppoints, qchisq, qf, qnorm, qqline,
             qqnorm, qt, residuals, rexp, rnorm, runif, sd,
             shapiro.test, spline, t.test, uniroot, var)
importFrom("utils", menu)

importFrom("methods", getMethod, is, new, slot)

importFrom("spatial", prmat, surf.gls)

## 'akima' is *not* here because of its non-GPL Licence
## importFrom("akima", interp, interpp)

## (MM:) FIXME: Only import what you need!

## Exports

S3method("getModel", "default")
S3method("print", "control")
S3method("stdev", "default")
S3method("termPlot", "default")
S3method("volatility", "default")

S3method(".plot", "histogram")
S3method(".print", "ssd")
S3method(".summary", "gel")
S3method(".summary", "gmm")

# In the future this should be used:

# To do before implementation:
#The porfolio book needs:

#fCouplae, fExtremes, fGarch, fMultivar and fRegression need a lot of exported
#functions that start with a dot. This has to be fixed first...