Codebase list fonts-cascadia-code / fresh-releases/upstream

Tree @fresh-releases/upstream (Download .tar.gz)

![Cascadia Code](images/cascadia-code.png)

# About Cascadia Code
Cascadia is a fun new coding font that comes bundled with [Windows Terminal](, and is now the default font in Visual Studio as well. 

# Font Variants
-  `Cascadia Code`: standard version of Cascadia
-  `Cascadia Mono`: a version of Cascadia that doesn't have ligatures
-  `Cascadia (Code|Mono) PL`: a version of Cascadia that has embedded Powerline symbols

For the italic, there is a standard `italic` and a `cursive` variant accessible via `ss01` (see [below]( 

# Font features
![Coding Ligatures](images/ligatures.png)

![Arrow Support](images/arrow_support.png)

![Stylistic Sets](images/stylistic_set.png)

Enabling stylistic sets will [vary between applications]( For example, in VS Code, you can enable stylistic sets (and other OpenType features) via `settings.json`:

"editor.fontLigatures": "'ss01', 'ss02', 'ss03', 'ss04', 'ss05', 'ss06', 'zero', 'onum'"

#### To enable the Cursive form of the italic, here's the code you should use:
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
"editor.fontLigatures": "'ss01'",

# Character Sets
![Cascadia Code](images/cascadia-code-characters.png)
![Cascadia Code Italic](images/cascadia-code-italic-characters.png)

# Installation

**You can download the latest version of Cascadia Code from the releases page here:** [](

##### Font formats:

- `ttf variable`: we recommend this version for **all users,** and particularly those on Windows or any other OS that employs TrueType hinting. It offers the greatest diversity of weight options (anything from 200-700).
- `ttf static`: in the rare situation where the above variable font version is not supported, or a singular weight is preferred to the entire range, static formats are supplied. However, please note they do not have the same degree of hinting quality as the variable font versions.
- `otf static`: for users who prefer OTF format fonts, otf static instances are provided. At this time we do not have a variable font OTF version. 
- `WOFF2`: These versions are provided for the purposes of web use, and are available both as variable fonts, and static instances. 

Once unzipped, right-click the font file and click `Install for all users`. This will install the font onto your machine. 

👉 **Note:** If you have previously installed a version of Cascadia Code, please uninstall the previous version *prior* to installing a new version. Not doing so can result in improper rendering. 

For more details and app-specific instructions, [please check the wiki]( 

# Get involved
Instructions on how to modify and submit an update to the Cascadia Code source is [available in the wiki](

# Communicating with the Team

The easiest way to communicate with the team is via GitHub Issues. Please file new issues, feature requests and suggestions, but **DO search for similar open/closed pre-existing issues before you do**.

Please help us keep this repository clean, inclusive, and fun! We will not tolerate any abusive, rude, disrespectful or inappropriate behavior. Read our [Code of Conduct]( for more details.

If you would like to ask a question that you feel doesn't warrant an issue (yet), please reach out to us via Twitter:

Aaron Bell, Font Designer: [@aaronbell](

Kayla Cinnamon, Program Manager: [@cinnamon_msft](

Rich Turner, Program Manager: [@richturn_ms](

_Special thanks_ to:
- Fira Code – OpenType code for the coding ligatures – [github](
- Nerd Fonts – Centralizing app iconography – [github](
- Viktoriya Grabowska – Designer of Cyrillic Italic and Consultant – [@vika_grabowska](
- Mohamad Dakak - Arabic designer - [@mohamaddakak](
- Liron Lavi Turkenich - Hebrew designer - [@LironLaviTur](
- Gerry Leonidas – Greek Consultant – [@gerryleonidas](
- Donny Trương – Vietnamese Consultant – [Vietnamese Typography](

# Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the [Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct]( For more information see the [Code of Conduct FAQ](
or contact []( with any additional questions or comments.