Codebase list foomatic-db-engine / upstream/3.0.2-20050705

Tree @upstream/3.0.2-20050705 (Download .tar.gz) @upstream/3.0.2-20050705raw · history · blame


use Foomatic::Defaults;
use Foomatic::DB;
use Getopt::Std;
use Data::Dumper;

help if !@ARGV ;
getopts("AP:d:p:hwt:") || help();
help() if $opt_h;
my $driver = $opt_d;
my $poid   = $opt_p;
my $showall   = $opt_A;
my $showmatch   = $opt_P;
my $debug = 0;

my $db = Foomatic::DB->new();
my $printer;
my @drivers = $db->get_driverlist();
if( $showall or $showmatch ){
    for $printer (@{$db->{'overview'}}) {
	my $pr = $printer->{'make'};
	my $model = $printer->{'model'};
	my $name = "$pr $model";
	my $driver = ($printer->{'driver'} || "No Default Driver");
	my $dlist = "";
	my $dcount = 0;
	if( $printer->{'drivers'} ){
	    $dcount = @{$printer->{'drivers'}};
	    for my $d (@{$printer->{'drivers'}}) {
		$dlist .= "$d ";
	if( not defined($showmatch) or "$name" =~ m{$showmatch}o ){
	    print "$name Id='$printer->{'id'}' Driver='$driver'";
	    if ($dcount > 1){
		print " CompatibleDrivers='$dlist'";
	    print "\n";
    exit 0;

help() if( not defined( $poid ) );

my $lcname = lc( $poid );
my $pentry;
for $printer (@{$db->{'overview'}}) {
    my $name = lc( $printer->{'id'} );
    print "compare '$lcname' to '$name'\n" if $debug;
    if( $name eq $lcname ){
	$pentry = $printer;

print "found " . Dumper($pentry) if $debug;
die "printer '$poid' not found" if( not defined $pentry );

if (not defined($driver) ) {
    $driver = $pentry->{'driver'};
    if( not defined( $driver ) ){
	die "printer '$poid' does not have default driver";

my $found = 0;
for my $d (@{$pentry->{'drivers'}}) {
    last if ($found = ($driver eq $d));
if( not $found ){
    warn "WARNING: printer '$poid' and driver '$driver' are not compatible\n";
$found = 0;
for my $d (@drivers) {
    last if ($found = ($driver eq $d));
if( not $found ){
    die "ERROR: driver '$driver' not in database\n";

# If the user supplies an old numerical printer ID, translate it to
# a new clear-text ID
$poid = Foomatic::DB::translate_printer_id($poid);

my $db = Foomatic::DB->new();
# Get all the data about this driver/printer pair
my $possible = $db->getdat($driver, $poid);
# Stop if the printer is not supported by the given driver
die "That printer and driver combination is not possible.\n"
    if (!$possible);
# Stop if the driver entry has an empty command line prototype
die "The driver database entry does not contain sufficient data to build a PPD file.\n"
    if (!$db->{'dat'}{'cmd'});

my @data;

@data = $db->getppd($opt_w);
die "ERROR: no PPD file for printer '$poid' and driver '$driver'\n"
    if not @data;

print @data;

exit 0;

sub help {
    print <<HELP;
$0 [-h][-A][-w][-P regexp]
$0 [-h][-A][-d <driver>] [-p <printerid>]
 -d <driver>    : Driver name
 -p <printerid> : Printer ID
 -A             : show all Printer ID's and compatible drivers
 -P <regexpr>   : show all Printer ID's whose names and model
                  matched by the RE.  For example:
                   -P HP will match all names with HP in them
 -w             : Generate PPD which is compatible with the CUPS PostScript
                  driver for Windows (GUI strings are limited to 39 
 -h             : show help information

  If the driver is not specified then the default driver for the
  printerid is used.

	exit 1;
