Codebase list fortran-language-server / debian/1.12.0-1

Tree @debian/1.12.0-1 (Download .tar.gz)

Fortran Language Server

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A Fortran implementation of the `Language Server Protocol <>`_ using Python (2.7+ or 3.0+).

Editor extensions using this language server to provide autocomplete and other IDE-like functionality are
available for `Atom <>`_,
`Visual Studio Code <>`_,
`Visual Studio <>`_,
`(Neo)vim <>`_,
and `Emacs <>`_.

Language Server Features

- Document symbols (``textDocument/documentSymbol``)
- Auto-complete (``textDocument/completion``)
- Signature help (``textDocument/signatureHelp``)
- GoTo/Peek definition (``textDocument/definition``)
- Hover (``textDocument/hover``)
- GoTo implementation (``textDocument/implementation``)
- Find/Peek references (``textDocument/references``)
- Project-wide symbol search (``workspace/symbol``)
- Symbol renaming (``textDocument/rename``)
- Documentation parsing (`Doxygen <>`_ and `FORD <>`_ styles)
- Diagnostics (limited)

  - Multiple definitions with the same variable name
  - Variable definition masks definition from parent scope
  - Missing subroutine/function arguments
  - Unknown user-defined type used in "TYPE"/"CLASS" definition (only if visible in project)
  - Unclosed blocks/scopes
  - Invalid scope nesting
  - Unknown modules in "USE" statement
  - Unimplemented deferred type-bound procedures
  - Use of unimported variables/objects in interface blocks
  - Statement placement errors ("CONTAINS", "IMPLICIT", "IMPORT")

- Code actions (``textDocument/codeAction``) [Experimental]

  - Generate type-bound procedures and implementation templates for deferred procedures


- Signature help is not available for overloaded subroutines/functions
- Diagnostics are only updated when files are saved or opened/closed


``pip install fortran-language-server``

If you get the following error:

   ``'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers``

try updating setuptools:


    pip install -U setuptools
    pip install fortran-language-server

Language server settings

The following global settings can be used when launching the language server.

* ``--nthreads`` Number of threads to use during workspace initialization (default: 4)
* ``--notify_init`` Send notification message when workspace initialization is complete
* ``--symbol_skip_mem`` Do not include type members in document symbol results
* ``--incremental_sync`` Use incremental document synchronization
* ``--autocomplete_no_prefix`` Do not filter autocomplete results by variable prefix
* ``--autocomplete_no_snippets`` Do not use snippets with place holders in autocomplete results
* ``--autocomplete_name_only`` Complete only the name of procedures and not the parameters
* ``--lowercase_intrinsics`` Use lowercase for intrinsics and keywords in autocomplete requests
* ``--use_signature_help`` Use signature help instead of snippets for subroutines/functions
* ``--variable_hover`` Show hover information for variables (default: subroutines/functions only)
* ``--hover_signature`` Show signature information in hover for argument (also enables '--variable_hover')
* ``--preserve_keyword_order`` Display variable keywords information in original order (default: sort to consistent ordering)
* ``--enable_code_actions`` Enable experimental code actions (default: false)
* ``--disable_diagnostics`` Disable code diagnostics (default: false)
* ``--max_line_length`` Maximum line length (default: none)
* ``--max_comment_line_length`` Maximum comment line length (default: none)
* ``--debug_log`` Write debug information to ``root_dir/fortls_debug.log`` (requires a specified ``root_dir`` during initialization)

Debug settings:

The following settings can be used to perform `standalone debug tests <>`_ on the language server.

* ``--debug_filepath=DEBUG_FILEPATH`` File path for language server tests
* ``--debug_rootpath=DEBUG_ROOTPATH`` Root path for language server tests
* ``--debug_line=DEBUG_LINE`` Line position for language server tests (1-indexed)
* ``--debug_char=DEBUG_CHAR`` Character position for language server tests (1-indexed)
* ``--debug_full_result`` Print full result object instead of condensed version
* ``--debug_parser`` Test source code parser on specified file
* ``--debug_diagnostics`` Test diagnostic notifications for specified file
* ``--debug_symbols`` Test symbol request for specified file
* ``--debug_workspace_symbols=QUERY_STRING`` Test workspace/symbol request for project-wide search
* ``--debug_completion`` Test completion request for specified file and position
* ``--debug_signature`` Test signatureHelp request for specified file and position
* ``--debug_definition`` Test definition request for specified file and position
* ``--debug_hover`` Test hover request for specified file and position
* ``--debug_implementation`` Test implementation request for specified file and position
* ``--debug_references`` Test references request for specified file and position
* ``--debug_rename=RENAME_STRING`` Test rename request for specified file and position
* ``--debug_actions`` Test codeAction request for specified file and position


Project specific settings can be specified by placing a JSON file named ``.fortls`` (example below)
in the ``root_dir`` directory.

* ``lowercase_intrinsics`` Use lowercase for intrinsics and keywords in autocomplete requests (default: false)
* ``debug_log`` Write debug information to ``root_dir/fortls_debug.log`` (default: false)
* ``disable_diagnostics`` Disable diagnostics for this project only (default: false)
* ``max_line_length`` Maximum line length (default: none)
* ``max_comment_line_length`` Maximum comment line length (default: none)

Setup source file search paths:

By default all files with the suffix ``F,F77,F90,F95,F03,F08,FOR,FPP`` (case-insensitive) in the
``root_dir`` directory, specified during initialization, and all its sub-directories are parsed and included in
the project.

Directories and files can be excluded from the project by specifying their paths (relative to ``root_dir``) in
the ``excl_paths`` variable in the ``.fortls`` file. Excluded directories also exclude all sub-directories. Source
files with a common suffix may also be excluded using the ``excl_suffixes`` variable.

Source file directories can also be specified manually by specifying their paths (relative to ``root_dir``) in
the ``source_dirs`` variable in the ``.fortls`` file. When ``source_dirs`` is specified directories are not added
recursively, so any nested sub directories must be explicitly listed. However, ``root_dir`` does not need to
be specified manually as it is always included.

External source files (ex. libraries) can also be included in language server results by specifying their paths
in the ``ext_source_dirs`` variable in the ``.fortls`` file. These files will be parsed during initialization,
but will not be updated with any changes made until the language server is restarted. As with ``source_dirs``,
specified directories are not added recursively, so any nested sub directories must be explicitly listed.

**Note:** The previous naming convention for source file directories (``mod_dirs``) is still supported
but has been deprecated.


**Note:** Preprocessor support is not "complete", see below. For preprocessed files the language server
will only analyze code within preprocessor conditional regions if the conditional test can be
evaluated by the server or if the region is the *default* path (ie. a bare ``#else`` region).

**Note:** Currently, ``#include`` statements are only used for preprocessing (ie. tracking definitions).
Fortran objects defined in these files will not be processed.

File suffixes for preprocessing can be controlled with the variable ``pp_suffixes`` in a workspace's
``.fortls`` file. When this variable is used *only* those files with the specified suffixes will be
preprocessed. If an empty array is specified then *no* preprocessing will be performed on any files.
By default, or if the variable is ommited or ``null``, only files with upper case suffixes are preprocessed.

Preprocessor definitions can be set for each project, to improve support for Fortran files using conditional
compilation, using the ``pp_defs`` variable in the ``.fortls`` file. Preprocessing is performed *only* for files
where the file extension is all caps (ie. ".F90", ".F", etc.). Currently, support for preprocessing is limited
to variables declared in the project's ``.fortls`` file or in the source file of interest as ``#include`` files
and inheritance through ``USE`` statements are yet not supported. Variable substitution is also performed
within files, but is currently limited to non-recursive cases. For example, ``#define PP_VAR1 PP_VAR2`` will
cause ``PP_VAR1`` to be replaced with the text ``PP_VAR2`` throughout the file, not that value of ``PP_VAR2``.

Include directories can be specified using the variable ``include_dirs`` in a workspace's ``.fortls`` file.
These directories are *only* used to search for preprocessor ``#include``'d files. The directory containing
the file where an ``#include`` statement is encountered is always searched. File search is performed starting
with the containing directory followed by the specified ``include_dirs`` specified paths, in order (left to right).


      "source_dirs": ["subdir1", "subdir2"],
      "excl_paths": ["subdir3", "subdir1/file_to_skip.F90"],
      "excl_suffixes": ["_skip.f90"],
      "pp_suffixes": [".f03", ".F90"],
      "pp_defs": {"HAVE_PACKAGE": ""},
      "include_dirs": ["rel_include/dir_path", "/abs/include/dir/path"],
      "ext_source_dirs": ["/path/to/fortran/library"],
      "lowercase_intrinsics": false,
      "debug_log": false

Bug reports
When `filing bugs <>`_ please provide example code to reproduce the observed issue.


This project is made available under the `MIT License <>`_.


If you *really* like `this package <>`_ you can `buy me a coffee <>`_ to say thanks.

Editor examples (Atom):

Document symbols (``textDocument/documentSymbol``):

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Auto-complete (``textDocument/completion``):

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Signature help (``textDocument/signatureHelp``):

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Goto definition (``textDocument/definition``):

.. image::

Hover (``textDocument/hover``):

.. image::

Find references (``textDocument/references``):

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