Codebase list golang-github-knqyf263-go-deb-version / upstream/0.0_git20190517.09fca49

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# go-deb-version

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A Go library for parsing package versions

go-deb-version is a library for parsing and comparing versions

Versions used with go-deb-version must follow [deb-version]( (ex. 2:6.0-9ubuntu1)  
The implementation is based on [Debian Policy Manual](

OS: Debian, Ubnutu

# Installation and Usage

Installation can be done with a normal go get:

$ go get

## Version Parsing and Comparison

import ""

v1, err := version.NewVersion("2:6.0-9")
v2, err := version.NewVersion("2:6.0-9ubuntu1")

// Comparison example. There is also GreaterThan, Equal.
if v1.LessThan(v2) {
    fmt.Printf("%s is less than %s", v1, v2)

## Version Sorting

raw := []string{"7.4.052-1ubuntu3.1", "7.4.052-1ubuntu3", "7.1-022+1ubuntu1", "7.1.291-1", "7.3.000+hg~ee53a39d5896-1"}
vs := make([]version.Version, len(raw))
for i, r := range raw {
	v, _ := version.NewVersion(r)
	vs[i] = v

sort.Slice(vs, func(i, j int) bool {
	return vs[i].LessThan(vs[j])

# Contribute

1. fork a repository: to
2. get original code: `go get`
3. work on original code
4. add remote to your repo: git remote add myfork
5. push your changes: git push myfork
6. create a new Pull Request

- see [GitHub and Go: forking, pull requests, and go-getting](


# License

# Author
Teppei Fukuda