Codebase list golang-github-oneofone-xxhash / upstream/1.2+git20161215.1.5d8fefa

Tree @upstream/1.2+git20161215.1.5d8fefa (Download .tar.gz)

# xxhash [![GoDoc](]( [![Build Status](](

This is a CGO wrapper and a native Go implementation of the excellent [xxhash](* algorithm, an extremely fast non-cryptographic Hash algorithm, working at speeds close to RAM limits.

* The C implementation is ([Copyright]( (c) 2012-2014, Yann Collet)

## Install

	go get

## Features

* On Go 1.7+ the pure go version is faster than CGO for all inputs.
* Supports ChecksumString{32,64} xxhash{32,64}.WriteString, which uses no copies when it can, falls back to copy on appengine.
* The native version falls back to a less optimized version on appengine due to the lack of unsafe.

## Benchmark
# need the forcecgo flag to actually bench CGO on 1.7
go test -bench=. -benchmem -tags forcecgo

### Core i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz, Linux 4.4.5 (64bit), Go tip (+fcd2a06 2016-03-28)

 go test -bench=. -benchtime 3s -tags forcecgo
BenchmarkXXChecksum32-8                         10000000               352 ns/op
BenchmarkXXChecksum32Cgo-8                      10000000               562 ns/op

BenchmarkXXChecksumString32-8                   10000000               361 ns/op
BenchmarkXXChecksumString32Cgo-8                10000000               572 ns/op

BenchmarkXXChecksum64-8                         20000000               188 ns/op
BenchmarkXXChecksum64Cgo-8                      10000000               418 ns/op

BenchmarkXXChecksumString64-8                   20000000               202 ns/op
BenchmarkXXChecksumString64Cgo-8                10000000               436 ns/op

BenchmarkFnv32-8                                 2000000              2438 ns/op
BenchmarkFnv64-8                                 2000000              2407 ns/op

BenchmarkAdler32-8                               3000000              1242 ns/op

BenchmarkCRC32IEEE-8                            20000000               206 ns/op
BenchmarkCRC32IEEEString-8                       5000000               715 ns/op

BenchmarkCRC64ISO-8                              1000000              4767 ns/op
BenchmarkCRC64ISOString-8                        1000000              5418 ns/op

BenchmarkXXChecksum64Short-8                    500000000                9.71 ns/op
BenchmarkXXChecksum64ShortCgo-8                 20000000               263 ns/op

BenchmarkXXChecksumString64Short-8              500000000               11.6 ns/op
BenchmarkXXChecksumString64CgoShort-8           20000000               271 ns/op

BenchmarkCRC32IEEEShort-8                       200000000               24.2 ns/op
BenchmarkCRC64ISOShort-8                        200000000               22.6 ns/op

BenchmarkFnv64Short-8                           100000000               58.7 ns/op

BenchmarkXX64MultiWrites-8                      20000000               231 ns/op
BenchmarkXX64CgoMultiWrites-8                    5000000               744 ns/op

BenchmarkFnv64MultiWrites-8                      2000000              2368 ns/op
ok      137.142s

## Usage
	h := xxhash.New64()
	// r, err := os.Open("......")
	// defer f.Close()
	r := strings.NewReader(F)
	io.Copy(h, r)
	fmt.Println("xxhash.Backend:", xxhash.Backend)
	fmt.Println("File checksum:", h.Sum64())


## License

This project is released under the Apache v2. licence. See [LICENCE](LICENCE) for more details.