Codebase list golang-github-segmentio-kafka-go / upstream/latest balancer.go

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package kafka

import (

// The Balancer interface provides an abstraction of the message distribution
// logic used by Writer instances to route messages to the partitions available
// on a kafka cluster.
// Instances of Balancer do not have to be safe to use concurrently by multiple
// goroutines, the Writer implementation ensures that calls to Balance are
// synchronized.
type Balancer interface {
	// Balance receives a message and a set of available partitions and
	// returns the partition number that the message should be routed to.
	// An application should refrain from using a balancer to manage multiple
	// sets of partitions (from different topics for examples), use one balancer
	// instance for each partition set, so the balancer can detect when the
	// partitions change and assume that the kafka topic has been rebalanced.
	Balance(msg Message, partitions (partition int)

// BalancerFunc is an implementation of the Balancer interface that makes it
// possible to use regular functions to distribute messages across partitions.
type BalancerFunc func(Message, int

// Balance calls f, satisfies the Balancer interface.
func (f BalancerFunc) Balance(msg Message, partitions int {
	return f(msg, partitions...)

// RoundRobin is an Balancer implementation that equally distributes messages
// across all available partitions.
type RoundRobin struct {
	offset uint64

// Balance satisfies the Balancer interface.
func (rr *RoundRobin) Balance(msg Message, partitions int {
	length := uint64(len(partitions))
	offset := rr.offset
	return partitions[offset%length]

// LeastBytes is a Balancer implementation that routes messages to the partition
// that has received the least amount of data.
// Note that no coordination is done between multiple producers, having good
// balancing relies on the fact that each producer using a LeastBytes balancer
// should produce well balanced messages.
type LeastBytes struct {
	counters []leastBytesCounter

type leastBytesCounter struct {
	partition int
	bytes     uint64

// Balance satisfies the Balancer interface.
func (lb *LeastBytes) Balance(msg Message, partitions int {
	for _, p := range partitions {
		if c := lb.counterOf(p); c == nil {
			lb.counters = lb.makeCounters(partitions...)

	minBytes := lb.counters[0].bytes
	minIndex := 0

	for i, c := range lb.counters[1:] {
		if c.bytes < minBytes {
			minIndex = i + 1
			minBytes = c.bytes

	c := &lb.counters[minIndex]
	c.bytes += uint64(len(msg.Key)) + uint64(len(msg.Value))
	return c.partition

func (lb *LeastBytes) counterOf(partition int) *leastBytesCounter {
	i := sort.Search(len(lb.counters), func(i int) bool {
		return lb.counters[i].partition >= partition
	if i == len(lb.counters) || lb.counters[i].partition != partition {
		return nil
	return &lb.counters[i]

func (lb *LeastBytes) makeCounters(partitions (counters []leastBytesCounter) {
	counters = make([]leastBytesCounter, len(partitions))

	for i, p := range partitions {
		counters[i].partition = p

	sort.Slice(counters, func(i int, j int) bool {
		return counters[i].partition < counters[j].partition

var (
	fnv1aPool = &sync.Pool{
		New: func() interface{} {
			return fnv.New32a()

// Hash is a Balancer that uses the provided hash function to determine which
// partition to route messages to.  This ensures that messages with the same key
// are routed to the same partition.
// The logic to calculate the partition is:
// 		hasher.Sum32() % len(partitions) => partition
// By default, Hash uses the FNV-1a algorithm.  This is the same algorithm used
// by the Sarama Producer and ensures that messages produced by kafka-go will
// be delivered to the same topics that the Sarama producer would be delivered to
type Hash struct {
	rr     RoundRobin
	Hasher hash.Hash32

func (h *Hash) Balance(msg Message, partitions (partition int) {
	if msg.Key == nil {
		return h.rr.Balance(msg, partitions...)

	hasher := h.Hasher
	if hasher == nil {
		hasher = fnv1aPool.Get().(hash.Hash32)
		defer fnv1aPool.Put(hasher)

	if _, err := hasher.Write(msg.Key); err != nil {

	// uses same algorithm that Sarama's hashPartitioner uses
	partition = int(hasher.Sum32()) % len(partitions)
	if partition < 0 {
		partition = -partition
