Codebase list helpdev / upstream/0.6.10

Tree @upstream/0.6.10 (Download .tar.gz)


Helping users and developers to get information about the environment to
report bugs or even test your system without spending a day on it. It can
get information about hardware, OS, paths, Python distribution and packages,
including Qt-things. Operates in Linux, Windows and Mac. Working on
Python 2.7+ and Python 3.4+.

If you want to get information at runtime of your application, you need
to call using the same environment (and process) in which your application
is running. This module can be imported and integrated into your application,
providing a report about the current environment.

Some information can be depedent or independent of your Python environment,
and some others can be dependent your running application. So, there are some
acronymn used to refer to them:

- PEI: Python environment independent;

- PED: Python environment DEPENDENT;

- PEAD: Python environment and application DEPENDENT.


- This script is not supposed to get personal information using the option
  ``--all``, but you must check the information before using the output.

- Using the option ``--all-for-sure`` it is added information about paths and
  variables that can show personal information. So, be sure when using this
  option when publishing in the web.

- I'm not responsible for bad use or problems with the information given by
  this script, but if pointed in the Issues, I can help fixing it.

Installing, updating and uninstalling

To install and/or update, do ::

    $ pip install -U helpdev

To remove ::

    $ pip uninstall helpdev


You just need to run in the terminal the line(s) below.

To get a minimalist output ::

    $ helpdev

To filter a set of packages to get info, which lists all that starts with
sphinx, qtpy and pyqt5 ::

    $ helpdev --packages="sphinx.*,qtpy,PYQT5"

To get a complete output without personal information ::

    $ helpdev --all

To get a complete output WITH PERSONAL INFORMATION ::

    $ helpdev --all-for-sure

To get some help information ::

    $ helpdev --help

Examples from v0.6


.. code-block:: ruby

   Some Ruby code.

.. code-block:: console

    $ helpdev --help

.. code-block:: console

    usage: helpdev
        [--hardware] [--os] [--thread] [--network [NETWORK]]
        [--distributions] [--python] [--conda]
        [--qt] [--qt-bindings] [--qt-abstractions]
        [--packages [PACKAGES]]
        [--packages-pip] [--packages-pip-e]
        [--packages-conda] [--packages-conda-e]
        [--numbers] [--float] [--int]
        [--personal] [--path] [--scope]

    HelpDev - Extracts information about the Python environment easily.

    optional arguments:

    --hardware            CPU, memory and architecture (PEI)
    --os                  Operating system (PEI)
    --thread              Threads specification in the system (PEI)
    --network [NETWORK]   Network information, DNS and load for usual sites
                           (PEI). NETWORK timeout defaults to 5s. 0 is disabled

    --distributions       All options for distributions below (PED)
    --python              Python distribution (PED)
    --conda               Conda/Anaconda Python distribution (PED)

    --qt                  All options for Qt below (PEAD)
    --qt-bindings         Available Qt bindings (PyQt/Pyside) (PEAD)
    --qt-abstractions     Available Qt abstractions (QtPy/Qt.Py/PyQtGraph) (PEAD)

    --packages [PACKAGES] All options for packages below, except '-e' (PED)
                           Filter PACKAGE(s) to report. Accepts regex, separator is ','
    --packages-pip        PIP installed packages + PIP check (PED)
    --packages-pip-e      PIP locally installed packages + PIP check (PED)
    --packages-conda      CONDA installed packages (PED)
    --packages-conda-e    CONDA locally installed packages (PED)

    --numbers             All options for numbers below (PEI)
    --float               Float representation in the system (PEI)
    --int                 Integer representation in the system (PEI)

    --personal            All options for personal information below (PEAD)
    --path                Show Python current paths i.e. 'sys.path' (PEAD)
    --scope               Show Python current scope i.e. 'dir()' (PEAD)

    --all                 Run all options above, except 'personal' (PEAD)
    --all-for-sure        Run all options above, INCLUDING 'PERSONAL' (PEAD)

    --version, -v         Show program's version number and exit
    --help, -h            Show this help message and exit

With --packages filter

This filtering feature provides a clean list of packages to report. It
accepts regular expressions. Each expression must be separated by comma.

The basic regular expression checks the start until the end of the package
name and they are case insenstitive.

.. code-block:: sh

    # gets all that starts with 'sphinx', 'qtpy' and 'PYQT5' (not case sensitive)
    $ helpdev --packages="sphinx.*,qtpy,PYQT5"

.. code-block:: sh

    * PYTHON PACKAGES---------------------------------------
        - PyQt5......................... 5.12.1
        - QtPy.......................... 1.7.0
        - Sphinx........................ 2.0.1
        - sphinx-rtd-theme.............. 0.4.3
        - sphinxcontrib-applehelp....... 1.0.1
        - sphinxcontrib-bibtex.......... 0.4.2
        - sphinxcontrib-devhelp......... 1.0.1
        - sphinxcontrib-excel........... 0.0.1
        - sphinxcontrib-fulltoc......... 1.2.0
        - sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp........ 1.0.2
        - sphinxcontrib-jsmath.......... 1.0.1
        - sphinxcontrib-plantuml........ 0.15
        - sphinxcontrib-qthelp.......... 1.0.2
        - sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml. 1.1.3
    * CONDA PACKAGES-----------------------------------------
        - pyqt5......................... 5.12.1
        - qtpy.......................... 1.7.0
        - sphinx........................ 2.0.1
        - sphinx-rtd-theme.............. 0.4.3
        - sphinxcontrib-applehelp....... 1.0.1
        - sphinxcontrib-bibtex.......... 0.4.2
        - sphinxcontrib-devhelp......... 1.0.1
        - sphinxcontrib-excel........... 0.0.1
        - sphinxcontrib-fulltoc......... 1.2.0
        - sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp........ 1.0.2
        - sphinxcontrib-jsmath.......... 1.0.1
        - sphinxcontrib-plantuml........ 0.15
        - sphinxcontrib-qthelp.......... 1.0.2
        - sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml. 1.1.3

This code is based on many other scripts from:

   - `zhreshold <>`_
   - `QDarkStyle <>`_
   - `QtPy <>`_