Codebase list highlight / HEAD README_LSP_CLIENT.adoc

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André Simon
:revdate: February 2021
:lang: en
:toc: left
:toc-title: Contents
:toclevels: 4
:sectnumlevels: 2
// Misc Settings:
:experimental: true
:icons: font
:linkattrs: true


Starting with version 4.0, highlight will use the LSP protocol to enhance
its output.

What does this mean?

Many editors make use of "Language Servers" to get syntax information of various
programming languages without the need to implement a deep understanding of the
files'' syntax they process. Well known code editors with LSP support are VSCode,
Kate, vim, Emacs and Eclipse.

More information about LSP and editor support:

Highlight''s LSP based features:

* enhanced tooltips using hover requests
* semantic highlighting
* syntax error highlighting


Language servers are configured in lsp.conf:


Servers = {

  { Server="clangd", Exec="clangd", Syntax="c", Options={"--log=error"} },
  { Server="ccls", Exec="ccls", Syntax="c", Options={"-v=-3", "--"} },
  { Server="ccls-objc", Exec="ccls", Syntax="objc", Options={"-v=-3", "--"} },

  { Server="gopls", Exec="gopls", Syntax="go", Options={} },

  { Server="rls", Exec="rls", Syntax="rust", Options={} },
  { Server="rust-analyzer", Exec="rust-analyzer", Syntax="rust", Delay=250, Options={} },

  { Server="pyls", Exec="pyls", Syntax="python", Options={"--check-parent-process"} },

  { Server="R", Exec="R", Syntax="r", Options={"--slave", "-e", "languageserver::run()"} },

  { Server="clangd-win", Exec="F:\\LLVM\\bin\\clangd.exe", Syntax="c", Options={"--log=error"} },


These profile settings may also be set with corresponding `--ls-*` options.


Command line options:
Language Server options:

     --ls-profile=<server>      read LSP configuration from lsp.conf
     --ls-delay=<ms>            set server initialization delay
     --ls-exec=<bin>            set server executable name
     --ls-option=<option>       set server CLI option (can be repeated)
     --ls-hover                 execute hover requests (HTML output only)
     --ls-semantic              retrieve semantic token types (requires LSP 3.16)
     --ls-syntax=<lang>         set syntax which is understood by the server
     --ls-syntax-error          retrieve syntax error information
                                  (assumes --ls-hover or --ls-semantic)
     --ls-workspace=<dir>       set workspace directory to init. the server

The GUI offers an LSP tab to enable these options.

Important: LSP features require absolute input file paths.


Colour themes have a new section to define semantic token styles. These
types use the same identifiers which are reported by the language server
capabilities. If the server reports token types not listed here, they
will be ignored.

-- new LSP based elements:

SemanticTokenTypes  = {
  { Type = 'type', Style = Keywords[2] },
  { Type = 'class', Style =  Keywords[1] },
  { Type = 'struct', Style =  Keywords[4] },
  { Type = 'interface', Style = Keywords[1] },
  { Type = 'parameter', Style = Keywords[5] },
  { Type = 'variable', Style = Keywords[6] },
  { Type = 'enumMember', Style = Keywords[6] },
  { Type = 'function', Style = Keywords[3] },
  { Type = 'method', Style = Keywords[3] },
  { Type = 'keyword', Style =  Keywords[1]},
  { Type = 'number', Style = Number },
  { Type = 'regexp', Style = String },
  { Type = 'operator', Style = Operator },

-- Error token (default: red color)
Error = { Custom = { { Format = "html", Style = "color: green" } } }

-- Error message (default: color:red; border:solid 1px red;)
ErrorMessage = { Custom = { { Format = "html", Style = "color: green" } } }

-- Hover tooltip span (default: cursor:help )
Hover = { Custom = { { Format = "html", Style = "cursor:help" } } }


Additional elements to describe token modifiers will be added in a later release.


highlight  -I --ls-profile ccls --ls-workspace '/home/andre/Projekte/c' /home/andre/Projekte/c/re.cpp --out-format html  --ls-hover > /home/andre/Projekte/c/re.cpp.ccls.html

highlight  -I  --ls-profile rust-analyzer --ls-workspace '/home/andre/Projekte/rust/fibo'  /home/andre/Projekte/rust/fibo/src/  --out-format html --ls-semantic > fibo.html


Apply `-v -v` to print LSP messages.

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