Codebase list hydra / HEAD hydra-irc.c

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hydra-irc.c @HEADraw · history · blame

#include "hydra-mod.h"


RFC 1459: Internet Relay Chat Protocol


extern char *HYDRA_EXIT;
char buffer[300] = "";
int32_t myport = PORT_IRC, mysslport = PORT_IRC_SSL;

int32_t start_oper_irc(int32_t s, char *ip, int32_t port, unsigned char options, char *miscptr, FILE *fp) {
  char *empty = "";
  char *login, *pass;
  int32_t ret;

  if (strlen(login = hydra_get_next_login()) == 0)
    login = empty;
  if (strlen(pass = hydra_get_next_password()) == 0)
    pass = empty;

  sprintf(buffer, "OPER %s %s\r\n", login, pass);
  if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
    return 3;
  ret = hydra_recv(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
  if (ret >= 0)
    buffer[ret] = 0;
  /* 381 koma :You are now an IRC Operator */
  /* 464 koma :Invalid password */
  if ((ret > 0) && (strstr(buffer, " 381 ") != NULL)) {
    hydra_report_found_host(port, ip, "irc", fp);
  } else {

  if (memcmp(hydra_get_next_pair(), &HYDRA_EXIT, sizeof(HYDRA_EXIT)) == 0)
    return 3;
  return 2;

int32_t send_nick(int32_t s, char *ip, char *pass) {
  if (strlen(pass) > 0) {
    sprintf(buffer, "PASS %s\r\n", pass);
    if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
      return -1;
  sprintf(buffer, "CAP LS\r\n");
  if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
    return -1;
  sprintf(buffer, "NICK hydra%d\r\nUSER hydra%d hydra %s :hydra\r\n", (int32_t)getpid(), (int32_t)getpid(), hydra_address2string(ip));
  if (hydra_send(s, buffer, strlen(buffer), 0) < 0) {
    return -1;
  return 0;

int32_t irc_server_connect(char *ip, int32_t sock, int32_t port, unsigned char options, char *hostname) {
  if (sock >= 0)
    sock = hydra_disconnect(sock);
  //        usleepn(275);
  if ((options & OPTION_SSL) == 0) {
    if (port != 0)
      myport = port;
    sock = hydra_connect_tcp(ip, myport);
    port = myport;
  } else {
    if (port != 0)
      mysslport = port;
    sock = hydra_connect_ssl(ip, mysslport, hostname);
    port = mysslport;
  return sock;

int32_t start_pass_irc(int32_t s, char *ip, int32_t port, unsigned char options, char *miscptr, FILE *fp, char *hostname) {
  char *empty = "";
  char *pass;
  int32_t ret;

  if (strlen(pass = hydra_get_next_password()) == 0)
    pass = empty;

  s = irc_server_connect(ip, s, port, options, hostname);
  if (s < 0) {
    hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Child with pid %d terminating, can not connect\n", (int32_t)getpid());
    return 3;

  if (send_nick(s, ip, pass) < 0) {
    return 3;

  ret = hydra_recv(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);
  if (ret >= 0)
    buffer[ret] = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
  if ((ret > 0) && (!hydra_string_match(buffer, "ERROR\\s.*password"))) {
  if ((ret > 0) && (strstr(buffer, "ERROR") == NULL)) {
    hydra_report_pass_found(port, ip, "irc", fp);
                 "[INFO] Server password '%s' is working, you can pass it as "
                 "argument\nto irc module to then try login/password oper mode\n",
  } else {
    if (verbose && (miscptr != NULL))
                   "[VERBOSE] Server is requesting a general password, '%s' "
                   "you entered is not working\n",

  if (memcmp(hydra_get_next_pair(), &HYDRA_EXIT, sizeof(HYDRA_EXIT)) == 0)
    return 3;
  return 4;

void service_irc(char *ip, int32_t sp, unsigned char options, char *miscptr, FILE *fp, int32_t port, char *hostname) {
  int32_t run = 1, next_run = 1, sock = -1, ret;
  char *buf;


  if (memcmp(hydra_get_next_pair(), &HYDRA_EXIT, sizeof(HYDRA_EXIT)) == 0)
  while (1) {
    next_run = 0;
    switch (run) {
    case 1: /* connect and service init function */

      sock = irc_server_connect(ip, sock, port, options, hostname);
      if (sock < 0) {
        hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Child with pid %d terminating, can not connect\n", (int32_t)getpid());

      if (miscptr == NULL) {
        miscptr = "";
      if (send_nick(sock, ip, miscptr) < 0) {

      buffer[0] = 0;
      if ((ret = hydra_recv(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1)) >= 0)
        buffer[ret] = 0;

        /* ERROR :Bad password */
#ifdef HAVE_PCRE
      if ((ret > 0) && (hydra_string_match(buffer, "ERROR\\s.*password"))) {
      if ((ret > 0) && (strstr(buffer, "ERROR") != NULL)) {
        if (verbose)
          hydra_report(stderr, "[INFO] Server is requesting a password, will try to find it\n");
        if (sock >= 0)
          sock = hydra_disconnect(sock);
        next_run = 4;

      while (hydra_data_ready(sock)) {
        buf = hydra_receive_line(sock);

      if ((ret > 0) && (strstr(buffer, " 432 ") != NULL)) {
        /* 432 * hydra_5075 :Erroneous nickname */
        if (verbose)
          hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Erroneous nickname\n");

      if ((ret > 0) && (strstr(buffer, " 433 ") != NULL)) {
        /* 433 * hydra :Nickname already in use */
        if (verbose)
          hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Nickname already in use\n");

      /* ERROR :Bad password is returned from ngircd when it s waiting for a
       * server password */
      if ((ret > 0) && (strstr(buffer, " 001 ") == NULL)) {
        /* seems we not successfully connected */
                     "[ERROR] should not be able to identify server msg, "
                     "please report it\n%s\n",

      next_run = 2;
    case 2: /* run the cracking function */
      next_run = start_oper_irc(sock, ip, port, options, miscptr, fp);
    case 3: /* clean exit */
      if (sock >= 0)
        sock = hydra_disconnect(sock);
    case 4:
      next_run = start_pass_irc(sock, ip, port, options, miscptr, fp, hostname);
      hydra_report(stderr, "[ERROR] Caught unknown return code, exiting!\n");
    run = next_run;

int32_t service_irc_init(char *ip, int32_t sp, unsigned char options, char *miscptr, FILE *fp, int32_t port, char *hostname) {
  // called before the childrens are forked off, so this is the function
  // which should be filled if initial connections and service setup has to be
  // performed once only.
  // fill if needed.
  // return codes:
  //   0 all OK
  //   -1  error, hydra will exit, so print a good error message here

  return 0;

void usage_irc(const char *service) {
  printf("Module irc is optionally taking the general server password, if the "
         "server is requiring one, and if none is passed the password from "
         "-p/-P will be used\n\n");