Codebase list ignition-transport / debian/1.3.0-3 configure.bat

Tree @debian/1.3.0-3 (Download .tar.gz)

configure.bat @debian/1.3.0-3raw · history · blame

@rem Run CMake, pointing to sibling directories containing dependencies.
@rem Note that zmq and cppzmq are relative to the source dir, while
@rem protobuf is relative to the build dir.  Not sure why.

@set build_type=Release
@if not "%1"=="" set build_type=%1

@set build_bitness=64
@if not "%2"=="" set build_bitness=%2

@set PROTOBUF_PATH=%cd%\..\..\protobuf-2.6.0-win%build_bitness%-vc12
@set ZEROMQ_PATH=%cd%\..\..\ZeroMQ 3.2.4
@set CPPZMQ_PATH=%cd%\..\..\cppzmq
@set IGNITION-MATH_PATH=%cd%\..\..\ign-math\build\install\%build_type%

@echo Configuring for build type %build_type% for %build_bitness% bits
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles"^

@if %errorlevel% neq 0 exit /b %errorlevel%
@echo Configuration complete.  To build, run `nmake`