Codebase list ilisp / debian/5.12.0+cvs.2004.12.26-10 ilisp-xfr.el

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ilisp-xfr.el @debian/5.12.0+cvs.2004.12.26-10raw · history · blame

;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*-

;;; ilisp-xfr.el --
;;; ILISP transfer commands Lisp <-> Emacs.
;;; This file is part of ILISP.
;;; Please refer to the file COPYING for copyrights and licensing
;;; information.
;;; Please refer to the file ACKNOWLEGDEMENTS for an (incomplete) list
;;; of present and past contributors.

(require 'cl)

;;; return-ilisp --
;;; It's too bad that this function copies so much code from comint-send-input.
;;; It ought to be a wrapper around it, instead.

(defun return-ilisp ()
  "Grab the current expression with comint-get-old-input.
If we have a complete sexp, send it.  Otherwise, indent appropriately."
  (let ((proc (get-buffer-process (current-buffer))))
    (if (not proc)
	(error "Current buffer has no process")
	(let* ((pmark (process-mark proc))
	       (input (ilisp-get-old-input)))
	  (if input
		(if (>= (point) pmark)
		    (goto-char (point-max))
		    (goto-char pmark)
		    (insert input))
		(if (not ilisp-no-newline) (insert ?\n))
		(if (and (funcall comint-input-filter input)
			 (or (ring-empty-p (ilisp-get-input-ring))
			     (not (string= (ring-ref (ilisp-get-input-ring) 0)
		    (ilisp-ring-insert (ilisp-get-input-ring) input))
		(funcall comint-input-sentinel input)
		;; Ugh, comint changing under my feet....
		;; Note: This used to be
		;;        (eq ilisp-emacs-version-id 'gnu-19)
		;;       25/11/94 Marco Antoniotti
		(when (or (eq +ilisp-emacs-version-id+ 'fsf-19)
			  (eq +ilisp-emacs-version-id+ 'fsf-20)
			  (eq +ilisp-emacs-version-id+ 'fsf-21)
			  (eq +ilisp-emacs-version-id+ 'fsf-22)
			  (eq +ilisp-emacs-version-id+ 'fsf-23))
		  (setq comint-input-ring-index nil))
		;; Nuke symbol table
		(setq ilisp-original nil)
		(funcall comint-input-sender proc input)
		(set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
		(set-marker comint-last-input-end (point))
		(goto-char (point-max)))
	      (if (= pmark (point-max))
		  (let ((comint-send-newline t))
		    (when (not ilisp-no-newline) (insert ?\n))
		    (set-marker (process-mark proc) (point))
		    (funcall comint-input-sender proc ""))
		  (insert ?\n)
		    (narrow-to-region pmark (point-max))
		    (funcall indent-line-function))))))))

;;;%%Keyboard mode
(defun raw-keys-ilisp ()
  "Start using raw keyboard mode to characters to the inferior LISP.
Each character typed is sent to the inferior LISP until a key bound to
interactive-keys-ilisp is encountered.  See also io-bridge-ilisp."
  (when (not ilisp-raw-map)
    (let ((map (make-keymap)))
      (fillarray map 'ilisp-send-char)
      (when (string-match "Lucid" emacs-version)
	;; not necessary, but friendlier.
	(setq ilisp-completion-map (make-keymap))
	;; (set-keymap-name ilisp-completion-map 'ilisp-completion-map)
	;; (set-keymap-parent ilisp-completion-map lisp-mode-map)
      (define-key map "\C-g" 'interactive-keys-ilisp)
      (setq ilisp-raw-map map)))
  (use-local-map ilisp-raw-map)
  (message ilisp-raw-message))

(defun interactive-keys-ilisp ()
  "Go back to interactive keyboard interactions in the inferior LISP."
  (use-local-map ilisp-use-map)
  (message "Interactive keyboard mode"))

(defun ilisp-send-char ()
  "Send the last typed character to the current inferior LISP.
If 'ilisp-raw-echo' is T then echo it."
  (when (ilisp-value 'ilisp-raw-echo t)
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (insert last-input-char)
    (set-marker (process-mark (ilisp-process)) (point))
    (set-marker comint-last-input-end (point)))
  (process-send-string (ilisp-process)
		       (make-string 1 last-input-char))
  (message ilisp-raw-message))

(defun ilisp-raw-handler (process output)
  "Turn on raw keyboard mode."

(defun ilisp-interactive-handler (process output)
  "Turn on interactive keyboard mode."

(defun io-bridge-ilisp ()
  "Make it possible for the inferior LISP to turn on EMACS raw mode.
When this function is called, the inferior LISP can turn on EMACS raw mode by
sending ^[1^], and turn it off by sending ^[0^]."
  (require 'bridge)
  (setq bridge-handlers (cons '("1" . ilisp-raw-handler)
			      (cons '("0" . ilisp-interactive-handler)

;;;%%Debugger interface
(defun delete-char-or-pop-ilisp (arg &optional killflag)
  "Delete ARG characters, or pop break level if at end of buffer.
Optional second arg KILLFLAG non-nil means kill instead (save in kill ring).
Interactively, ARG is the prefix arg, and KILLFLAG is set if
ARG was explicitly specified."
  (interactive "p")
  (cond ((eobp)
	 (message "Pop LISP one level")
	 (comint-simple-send (ilisp-process) (ilisp-value 'comint-fix-error)))
	(t (call-interactively 'delete-char (list arg killflag)))))

;; end of file -- ilisp-xfr.el --