Codebase list intel-vaapi-driver-shaders / run/a9d6540c-7978-4e47-86c8-2da952d46c4b/main TESTING

Tree @run/a9d6540c-7978-4e47-86c8-2da952d46c4b/main (Download .tar.gz)

TESTING @run/a9d6540c-7978-4e47-86c8-2da952d46c4b/mainraw · history · blame


The intel-vaapi-driver uses the Google Test Framework (gtest) for testing the
driver.  Documentation for gtest can be found in the test/gtest/doc/
subdirectory.  The original, upstream gtest project can be found at

Ideally, driver tests will only verify driver-specific functionality, features
and internal utility functions and concepts.

Developers are expected to write new tests for any new code that they contribute
to the project.  The project maintainers reserve the right to refuse patch
submissions if they are not accompanied by tests, when reasonable, or if a
submission causes existing tests to regress.

Google Test Framework Integration

Google Test recommends it be custom compiled for each project that uses it.
Therefore, the intel-vaapi-driver project tracks a subset copy of the Google
Test Framework source code at release 1.8.0 (initially) in a test/gtest/
subdirectory of the project source tree.  The intel-vaapi-driver copy of gtest
will only be updated to new upstream releases (or critical upstream fixes) of
gtest, only if it is necessary.  As of this writing, the last release (1.8.0)
was August 2016, about three years after its previous release.  Thus, there
should be minimal need to update or maintain gtest within the intel-vaapi-driver

Intel-vaapi-driver tests or other project code should *not* be intermixed within
the test/gtest/ subdirectory.  The test/gtest/ subdirectory should only contain
source from the upstream Google Test project to make upgrades simpler.

Building Google Test Framework Library

The Google Test Framework is compiled as a convenience library (
within the intel-vaapi-driver source tree.  The rules to build are
maintained in a custom makefile in the intel-vaapi-driver project tree
(see test/  The library will be automatically compiled
if the tests are enabled by configuration.

Building Driver Tests

The --enable-tests=[yes|no] configuration option is defined in to
enable or disable compilation of and the driver test executable.
The default is disabled.  When the tests are enabled during configuration, the
make command will compile the driver tests and link to and output a
single test/test_i965_drv_video executable.  Hence...

    "./ --enable-tests && make" a minimal example of how one might build the driver and its tests.

Writing Driver Tests

Intel-vaapi-driver tests are defined in the test/ subdirectory using the Google
Test Framework.  All driver tests that need a VADriverContextP, VADisplay and
etc. should define a test fixture that inherits from the I965TestFixture class
and then use the gtest test fixture macro (TEST_F) to define the test case.  The
I965TestFixture class handles initialization and termination of the i965 driver
context, display, etc.  It also defines various C++ operators to convert to
these types, amongst others.  Additionally, it provides an interface that wraps
various i965 driver functions.  After calling a wrapped function within a test,
the test should check HasFailure() with the appropriate assertion macro since
these wrapper functions may generate fatal or non-fatal test assertions.

The following is a basic example of how to use the I965TestFixture class to
write a test:

    #include i965_test_fixture.h
    #include <vector>
    class MyDriverATest : public I965TestFixture
        virtual void SetUp()

            // do local test SetUp stuff
        virtual void TearDown()
            // do local test TearDown stuff


    TEST_F(MyDriverATest, test_case_1)
        ConfigAttribs attribs(
            1, {type: VAConfigAttribRTFormat, value: VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420});

        // call I965TestFixture wrapper for i965_CreateConfig
        VAConfigID config = this->createConfig(
            VAProfileJPEGBaseline, VAEntrypointVLD, attribs);
        ASSERT_FALSE(HasFailure()); // abort and fail if wrapper call failed
        ASSERT_ID(config); // abort and fail if config id is not valid

        // convert I965TestFixture to driver context
        VADriverContextP ctx(*this);
        ASSERT_PTR(ctx); // abort and fail if invalid pointer

        // convert I965TestFixture to display
        VADisplay display(*this);

        // more testing...

To directly test a driver function that is only declared and defined in a .c
implementation file, an extern prototype of that function should be declared and
wrapped in an extern C block.  The test/i965_internal_decl.h header does some
of this for you already.

To include a driver's C header file in a C++ test file, the #include should be
wrapped within an extern C block.  See test/i965_internal_decl.h for an


Validation and QA Teams should compile the test executable and run it directly
from their build tree.  Without any command line options, the executable will
execute all the tests and report the result to the console.  For CI frameworks,
the --gtest_output=xml:test_result.xml command line option can be specified to
have the test results dumped to an xml file that can be processed by the CI
framework.  There are various other predefined gtest command line options that
may also be useful, like test shuffling, repeating, seed, etc. (see --help for
these options).


An intel-vaapi-driver source distribution is generated during `make dist` and
includes the necessary Google Test Framework source code and makefile rules
along with the driver test source code.