Codebase list itcl4 / HEAD tests / namespace.test

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# Tests for classes within namespaces
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#   AUTHOR:  Michael J. McLennan
#            Bell Labs Innovations for Lucent Technologies
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#            Copyright (c) 1993-1998  Lucent Technologies, Inc.
# ======================================================================
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

package require tcltest 2.2
namespace import ::tcltest::test
package require itcl

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#  Classes within namespaces
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test namespace-1.1 {same class name can be used in different namespaces
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_1 {
        itcl::class Counter {
            variable num 0
            method ++ {{by 1}} {
                incr num $by
            method do {args} {
                return [eval $args]
            common tag 1
        proc exists {} { return "don't clobber me!" }
    namespace eval test_ns_2 {
        itcl::class Counter {
            variable num 0
            method ++ {{by 2}} {
                if {$num == 0} {
                    set num 1
                } else {
                    set num [expr {$num*$by}]
            method do {args} {
                return [eval $args]
            common tag 2
} -result {}

test namespace-1.2 {classes in different namespaces are different
} -body {
    list [namespace eval test_ns_1::Counter {info variable tag}] \
         [namespace eval test_ns_2::Counter {info variable tag}] \
} -result {{protected common ::test_ns_1::Counter::tag 1 1} {protected common ::test_ns_2::Counter::tag 2 2}}

test namespace-1.3 {create an object in one namespace
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_1 {
        list [Counter c] [c ++] [c ++] [c ++] [c ++]
} -result {c 1 2 3 4}

test namespace-1.4 {create an object in another namespace
} -body {
    namespace eval test_ns_2 {
        list [Counter c] [c ++] [c ++] [c ++] [c ++]
} -cleanup {
    namespace delete ::itcl::internal::variables::test_ns_2
    namespace delete test_ns_2
} -result {c 1 2 4 8}

test namespace-1.5 {can find classes wrapped in a namespace
} -body {
    list [catch {test_ns_1::c do itcl::find objects -isa Counter} msg] $msg \
         [catch {test_ns_1::c do itcl::find objects -class Counter} msg] $msg
} -result {0 ::test_ns_1::c 0 ::test_ns_1::c}

test namespace-1.6 {can't create an object that clobbers a command in this namespace
} -body {
    list [catch {namespace eval test_ns_1 {Counter exists}} msg] $msg
} -result {1 {command "exists" already exists in namespace "::test_ns_1"}}

test namespace-1.7 {can create an object that shadows a command in the global namespace
} -body {
    list [catch {namespace eval test_ns_1 {Counter lreplace}} msg] $msg \
         [catch {itcl::find objects *lreplace} msg] $msg \
         [namespace eval test_ns_1 {namespace which lreplace}]
} -cleanup {
    namespace delete ::itcl::internal::variables::test_ns_1
    namespace delete test_ns_1
} -result {0 lreplace 0 ::test_ns_1::lreplace ::test_ns_1::lreplace}
