Codebase list jinja-vanish / 131ad4e

Tree @131ad4e (Download .tar.gz)

Jinja vanish: Escape like a ninja

When using `Jinja2`_-templates to output non-HTML contents, autoescaping cannot
be used because it is hardcoded to work with an HTML ``escape`` function and
`MarkupSafe`_'s Markup objects.

`jinja_vanish` enables implementing custom auto-escapes by overriding the
``escape`` function inside the generated template code using an extended
code-generator and replacing the built-in filters ``|e`` and ``|escape``. Usage
is fairly simple, here is an example that uses `psycopg2`'s ``mogrify()``
function to escape SQL for Postgres:

.. code-block:: python

    from datetime import datetime

    from jinja_vanish import DynEscapeAutoenvironment, markup_escape_func
    from psycopg2.extensions import adapt

    def sql_escape(v):
        # the decorator handles wrapping/unwrapping in Markup(), but is
        # otherwise not necessary
        return adapt(v)

    env = DynEscapeAutoenvironment(autoescape=True, escape_func=sql_escape)
    tpl = env.from_string('SELECT * FROM foo where post_date <= {{now}}')


Running it outputs::

    SELECT * FROM foo where post_date <= '2016-01-24T23:23:22.727789'::timestamp

.. _Jinja2:
.. _MarkupSafe: