Codebase list jlex / debian/1.2.6-1 bug1.txt

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bug1.txt @debian/1.2.6-1raw · history · blame

The file in the bug report below has some errors and tries to reference
some features that are not actually in JavaLex, but it seems to illustrate
a problem with regular expression parsing.  

For instance, the following line has some problems.

ONECHAR      [^\\"']|(\\.)|(\[0123]?{OCTNUMBER}{0,2})|{UNICODE_CHARACTER}

1) A '\' must precede the '"' in the first [ ... ].
2) A '\' must precede the '\' before the second [ ... ].
3) The {0,2} is not supported.  It means the number of occurances
of a macro (?), a feature not supported by Java-Lex.

ONECHAR      [^\\\"']|(\\.)|(\\[0123]?{OCTNUMBER})|{UNICODE_CHARACTER}

But there still appear to be some problems parsing the (very complex)
FLOAT macro.  This bug does not result in incorrect lexers being generated
but rather in Java-Lex incorrectly asserting a parse error during generation
of the lexer source file.  This makes the bug in a sense easy to recognize,
since the processing and compilation of the lex file will not 
go to completion.
				-- Elliot


From glunz@zfe.siemens.deWed Sep 11 14:59:23 1996
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 13:59:56 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Wolfgang Glunz <>
To: ejberk@Princeton.EDU
Subject: Problem with JavaLex


First of all thanks for the effort you put into the development of JavaLex.
Unfortunately I have a problem where I don't know how to proceed.

I tried the following .lex file:


/* this goes into the lexer class */



IDENTIFIER          [A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z_$0-9]*
DIGIT               [0-9]
HEXDIGIT            [A-Fa-f0-9]
OCTDIGIT            [0-7]
DECNUMBER           [1-9]{DIGIT}*
HEXNUMBER           0[Xx]{HEXDIGIT}+
DECLONG             {DECNUMBER}[Ll]
HEXLONG             {HEXNUMBER}[Ll]
OCTLONG             {OCTNUMBER}[Ll]
EXPONENT            [Ee][+-]?{DIGIT}+
FLOATBASE           ([+-])?((({DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}*)|({DIGIT}*\.{DIGIT}+)){EXPONENT}?)|({DIGIT}+{EXPONENT})
DOUBLE              ({FLOATBASE}[Dd]?)|({DIGIT}+[Dd])
FLOAT               (({FLOATBASE})|({DIGIT}+))[Ff]
ONECHAR             [^\\"']|(\\.)|(\[0123]?{OCTNUMBER}{0,2})|{UNICODE_CHARACTER}
WASSTRING              \"({STRINGCHAR})*\"
STRING              "SSSS"
CHAR_OP             ([-;{},;()[\].&|!~=+*/%<>^?:])
WHITESPACE          [ \n\r\t]+


<INCOMMENT>"/*" { }
<INCOMMENT>.    { }
<INCOMMENT>\n   { }
"/*"            { BEGIN(INCOMMENT); }
"//".*          { }
{DECLONG}       { }
{HEXLONG}       { }
{OCTLONG}       { }
{DECNUMBER}     { }
{HEXNUMBER}     { }
{OCTNUMBER}     { }
{CHARACTER}     { }
{FLOAT}         { }
{DOUBLE}        { }

I switched debugging on in JavaLex and get the following output:
(tail only)
Entering dodash [lexeme: +] [token: 17]
Lexeme: -       Token: 10       Index: 52
Lexeme: ]       Token: 5        Index: 53
Lexeme: ?       Token: 15       Index: 54
expanded escape: [0-9]
   { }
Lexeme: [       Token: 6        Index: 55
Lexeme: 0       Token: 12       Index: 56
Lexeme: -       Token: 10       Index: 57
Lexeme: 9       Token: 12       Index: 58
Lexeme: ]       Token: 5        Index: 59
Leaving dodash [lexeme:]] [token:5]
Lexeme: +       Token: 17       Index: 60
Leaving term [lexeme:+] [token:17]
Lexeme: ?       Token: 15       Index: 61
Leaving factor [lexeme:?] [token:15]
Error: Parse error at line 54.
Error Description: + ? or * must follow an expression or subexpression.
java.lang.Error: Parse error.
        at CError.parse_error(
        at CMakeNfa.first_in_cat(
        at CMakeNfa.cat_expr(
        at CMakeNfa.expr(
        at CMakeNfa.term(
        at CMakeNfa.factor(
        at CMakeNfa.cat_expr(
        at CMakeNfa.expr(
        at CMakeNfa.rule(
        at CMakeNfa.machine(
        at CMakeNfa.thompson(
        at CLexGen.userRules(
        at CLexGen.generate(
        at JavaLex.main(

Two questions:

1. The error message says that a + ? or * must follow an expression. Is it not possible to
write (expression)|(expression) ?
2. JavaLex seems to expand the macros only partially. Why so ?

	Any help is appreciated,


Wolfgang Glunz             email:
Siemens AG, ZFE T SE 2     WWW:   <URL:> 
					(Siemens only)
81730 Muenchen / Germany   Phone: +49 89 63649492
Otto Hahn Ring 6           Fax:   +49 89 63640898