Codebase list jp2a / lintian-fixes/main

Tree @lintian-fixes/main (Download .tar.gz)



jp2a is a simple JPEG/PNG to ASCII converter.

The source is available at <>. This project
used to be hosted on SourceForge.


Copyright 2006-2016 Christian Stigen Larsen and 2020 Christoph Raitzig  
Distributed under the GNU General Public License v2.

You can read the full license in the file COPYING.  jp2a also uses other
libraries.  These licenses can be found in the file LICENSES.

Example: Oswald the lucky rabbit
                    .;lxOOOOOxdl:.    cMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWKklc'..
                'llc..   ..:oMMMMMMKxNMMMMMMMMMM0kl:'.
              :0'             cMMMMMMMMMMMMWd'.
            .K:l0              .MMMMMMMMMMl.
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           M.    M               MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKx:.
          cMMK                   WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMXd'
          NMMM:                  MMMMMMMMMMMXWMMMMMMMMMMMMNd'
          KMMMW                  MMMMMMMMMMM' ;XMMMMMMMMMMMMMWd'
           MMMM                 XMMMMMMMMMMM    dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNc
      ''   NMKWl'             .KMMMMMMMMMMM'     :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMd
     KMMMMM.                    .cOMMMMMW'          kMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMX
      cOXMNXl.            ......   .MWd. .0cc:'      .NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMk
            .cololoxKWWWXWMMMMMMM:  M   c:. .l0ok      oMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
                      .'Mo,MMMMNk:lO' :l  .OMMMMl       .OMMMMMMMMMMMMN
                       X0'OkxkxOK;.  :: ,.XMMMMMMO    :O   lXMMMMMMMMk
                        kc,,o0M0.:;c'N  ko;lMMMMMM:'xMMMNWKO,.clxdl:.
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                       c   N0l       .  .l:;;oKMMk  MMMMMMMMM0
                       O   ,.ocOc..l..k'   .:c;'O   0MMMMMMMX.
                      X     N..l  .c           K.   OMMMMMMM
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                    d..':. lcKol,,,,'.:c,,'.cd;'o,'.
                      . ;:,WMMMMMMXx,; M0XXNNWM.
                           MMMMMMMM   .MMMMMMMM
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                ;c:,'',::lX'  '',''   .MMMMMMMMMMWK:c:
               x.          .lloc;.',lxl..lKMMMMMKl   M
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             N.'oc'.    M                   :            X
              lo:. ',::xN:                             .x0'
                .,lccccM .ll,.                . ;;:::;c'.0
                       .kl.  .c::lcccccc:cc::;  .''clccl.

The Oswald character is Copyright Walt Disney, and, unfortunately, not in the
public domain.  However, I believe that I can use this picture under the fair
use clause, for demonstrational purposes, especially in low-resolution, ASCII
format. If I am wrong, I will promptly remove it.


Look in your system's package manager. I don't maintain Windows binaries


`jp2a` can be compiled as usual: `./configure && make && make install`

If you want to compile after cloning the git repo (i.e. generate the `configure` script yourself), you need autotools, automake and autoconf-archive. You may need to specify the path to jpeglib. I usually just do

    autoreconf -vi
    ./configure --with-jpeg-prefix=/usr/local \
                --with-curl-config=`which curl-config`
    make -j

Before installing, you may want to check that jp2a works by running `src/jp2a`
on some `.jpg` and `.png` files. You can also use `make check`. When you're ready to install,

    make -j install

Extract the archive and follow the instructions inside 'install.txt' to build and
install it. For a default install, the corresponding `.so` (shared object) files
will be present in `/usr/local/lib/`

Next, run the command `ldconfig` (escalated privileges may be required) to configure dynamic linker run-time bindings. See
its man page for more details. The configure command should work after that.

If configure can't automatically find jpeglib, specify with

    ./configure --with-jpeg-include=PATH --with-jpeg-lib=PATH

or you can just type the prefix

    ./configure --with-jpeg-prefix=/usr/local/

You can also compile jp2a with libcurl, so it can automatically download images
from the net:

    ./configure --enable-curl

This will look for `curl-config` in $PATH, but you can specify it directly with
`--with-curl-config=PATH` if you need to.

### Runtime dependencies
- [jpeglib]( or [libjpeg-turbo](
- [libpng](
- [curl]( (optional)
- [ncurses]( (optional)

### Build dependencies
- make (e.g. [GNU Make](
- a C compiler like [gcc](

If you generate the `configure` script yourself (i.e. run `autoreconf`) you also need these:

- autotools
- [automake](
- [autoconf](
- [autoconf-archive](


### Cross compiling

You can cross compile.

### WSL

You can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux.

### Compile with `configure`

The `configure` script requires a Bourne shell, so you got to install one (e.g. Bash).
The easiest way is to install [Cygwin]( Make sure to install the used libraries (curl, jpeglib, libpng, ncurses) as well as gcc and make.
Open Cygwin and proceed as usual: `./configure && make && make install`

You can also "cross compile" with Cygwin so that you get a binary that does not depend on Cygwin.

### Compile without `configure`

You need a working jpeglib for Windows and set up include paths yourself.
You will need to manually type out a `config.h` file. Example:

    PACKAGE_STRING=\"jp2a x.x.x-win32\"

You need to add jpeg.lib to the linker. If you want libcurl support, you need
that as well. It should be available from