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<h1>Adding a Private Key</h1>

<p>If you want to use client authenticated 
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</OBJECT> (SSL), <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->you 
 must add the client's trusted public certificate (or the public certificate 
 of the client's certificate authority), and the corresponding private 
 key, to the <span style="font-style: italic;"><I>clientcerts </I></span>keystore 
 file. See <a href="Adding_a_Certificate.htm">Adding a Certificate</a> 
 for more information on adding certificates.</p>


<p>Private keys can only be imported as a special type of password-protected 
 file called <span style="font-style: italic;"><I>pkcs8</I></span>. The password 
 of the private key must be the same as that protecting the keystore.</p>


<p>To add a private key:</p>


<p>1. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->From 
 the Security Menu, choose Client Certificates.</p>


<p>2. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Select 
 the client certificate to which you want to add the private key, and then 
 click the Set Private Key button.</p>


<p>3. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Select 
 the private key that you want to add to the client certificate, and then 
 click the Open button.</p>


<p>4. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Enter 
 the keystore password, and then click OK.</p>


<p>5. <!--kadov_tag{{<spaces>}}-->&nbsp;<!--kadov_tag{{</spaces>}}-->Click 
 OK to close the dialog.</p>


<h4>Related Topics</h4>

<p><a href="Adding_a_Certificate.htm">Adding a Certificate</a></p>

<p><a href="Deleting_a_Certificate.htm">Deleting a Certificate</a></p>

<p><a href="Exporting_a_Private_Key.htm">Exporting a Private Key</a></p>

<p><a href="Managing_Certificates.htm">Managing Certificates</a></p>

<p><a href="Setting_a_Keystore_Password.htm">Setting a Keystore Password</a></p>

<p><a href="Viewing_a_Certificate.htm">Viewing a Certificate</a> </p>

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