Codebase list leaflet-geometryutil / run/40407123-0ec7-4234-888f-06408541db08/main

Tree @run/40407123-0ec7-4234-888f-06408541db08/main (Download .tar.gz)


[![Build Status](](

* Tested with stable Leaflet 0.7.0


Check out [online documentation](


### Running tests in command-line

* Install [nodejs]( and [phantomjs](

    sudo apt-get install nodejs phantomjs

* Ready !

    make test

### master ###

* Nothing changed yet.

### 0.4.0 ###

* Same version as v0.3.3, new release as v0.4.0 to keep numbering coherent as a new feature has been added

### 0.3.3 ###

* Add bearing and destination functions (thanks @doublestranded)

### 0.3.2 ###

* Use a soft dependency for Leaflet (thanks Erik Escoffier)

### 0.3.1 ###

* Make sure interpolateOnLine() always returns a L.LatLng object (thanks Justin Manley)

### 0.3.0 ###

* Added UMD style initialization (thanks @PerLiedman)
* Added readable distance (thanks @Mylen)
* Fix side effects on latlngs with `closest()` (thanks @AndrewIngram)

### 0.2.0 ###

* Locate point on line
* Rotate point around center
* Fixed bug if closest point was on last segment

### 0.1.0 ###

* Line subpart extraction
* Line lengths
* Angle and slope computation
* Line reverse
* Line interpolation

### 0.0.1 ###

* Initial working version


* BSD New


* [Benjamin Becquet](
* [Mathieu Leplatre](
* [Simon Thépot](
* [Nhinze](
* [Frédéric Bonifas](
* [Alexander Melard](

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