Codebase list libb-perlreq-perl / run/bc4da90a-c859-4c0e-bb00-785b809456d4/main perl.prov

Tree @run/bc4da90a-c859-4c0e-bb00-785b809456d4/main (Download .tar.gz)

perl.prov @run/bc4da90a-c859-4c0e-bb00-785b809456d4/mainraw · history · blame


use 5.006;
use strict;

use PerlReq::Utils qw(argv explode inc mod2path path2mod path2dep sv_version verf);

sub pod2usage {
	eval { require Pod::Usage } or die $@;
	goto &Pod::Usage::pod2usage;

use Getopt::Long 2.24 qw(GetOptions :config gnu_getopt);
	"v|verbose+"	=> \my $Verbose,
	"h|help"	=> sub { pod2usage("00") }
		or pod2usage(2);
$Verbose = 2 if $ENV{RPM_SCRIPTS_DEBUG};
$| = 1;

# list of provides
my %prov;

# begin
process_file($_) foreach argv();

sub process_file {
	my $fname = shift;
	warn "# processing $fname\n" if $Verbose > 1;

	my ($prefix, $basename) = explode($fname);
	unless ($prefix) {
		warn "# $fname does not match any prefix\n" if $Verbose > 1;
	} else {
		warn "# $fname has prefix $prefix\n" if $Verbose > 1;

	if ($fname =~ /\.p[lh]$/) {
		$prov{$basename}{prov} = 1;
		warn "# $fname has basename $basename\n" if $Verbose;
	} elsif ($basename =~ /\.pm$/) {
		$prov{$basename}{prov} = 1;
		warn "# $fname has basename $basename, checking version\n" if $Verbose;
	} elsif ($basename =~ /\.(al|ix)$/) {
		warn "# $fname (autoloaded file SKIP)" if $Verbose > 1;
	} elsif ($basename =~ /\.pod$/) {
		warn "# $fname (pod file SKIP)" if $Verbose > 1;
	} else {
		warn "# $fname has basename $basename (SKIP)\n";
	my $cur_pkg = my $pkg0 = "main"; my $pkg1;
	my $re_pkg = qr/\b\w+(?:::\w+)*/;
	open my $fh, $fname or die "$0: $fname: $!\n";
	local $_;
	while (<$fh>) {
		next if /^\s*#/;
		next if /^=\w/ .. (/^=cut/ or eof);
		last if /^__(DATA|END)__\b/;
		s/\s+#\s.*//; # strip comments
		if (/^(\s*\{?\s*)package\s+($re_pkg)\s*;/) {
			if ($1) {
				# block package
				$cur_pkg = $pkg1 = $2;
			else {
				# toplevel package
				$cur_pkg = $pkg0 = $2;
				undef $pkg1;
			warn "# package $cur_pkg at $fname line $.\n" if $Verbose > 1;
		elsif (/^}/ && $pkg1) {
			warn "# back from $pkg1 to $pkg0 at $fname line $.\n" if $Verbose > 1;
			$cur_pkg = $pkg0;
			undef $pkg1;
		/\$(?:($re_pkg)::)?VERSION\s*\)?\s*=/ or next;
		# it's a version assignemnt
		my $pkg = $1;
		my $val = $';

		if ($pkg and mod2path($pkg) ne $basename) {
			warn "# saw \$$pkg\::VERSION at $fname line $. (SKIP)\n";
		if (not $pkg and mod2path($cur_pkg) ne $basename) {
			warn "# saw \$VERSION in package $cur_pkg at $fname line $. (SKIP)\n";

		if ($val =~ /\b\d|\d\./) { # there's a version number
			# strip e.g. use vars qw($VERSION)
			# check next line if it has e.g. $VERSION = eval $VERSION
			if ((my $next_line = <$fh>) =~ /\bVERSION\b.*=/) {
				chomp $next_line;
				$_ .= "\n" . $next_line;
			my $v = extract_version($fname, $_, $pkg);
			$prov{$basename}{ver}{$v} = 1 if $v;
		elsif ($val =~ /\$($re_pkg)::VERSION\s*;/) {
			# holy Jesus! they assign the version from another package
			warn "# saw \$VERSION reference to \$$1::VERSION at $fname line $.\n" if $Verbose;
			my $basename2 = mod2path($1);
			$prov{$basename}{ver} = $prov{$basename2}{ver} ||= {};
			$prov{$basename}{vref} = $basename2;
		else {
			warn "# VERSION assignment not recognized at $fname line $. (SKIP)\n";
			warn "# $_\n";

# end
foreach my $k (sort { uc($a) cmp uc($b) } keys %prov) {
	next unless $prov{$k}{prov};
	my @v = sort keys %{$prov{$k}{ver}||{}};
	if (not @v and my $k2 = $prov{$k}{vref}) {
		my $m1 = path2mod($k);
		my $m2 = path2mod($k2);
		warn "# unresolved reference from \$$m1\::VERSION to \$$m2\::VERSION\n";
	if (@v) {
		print path2dep($k) . " = $_\n" for @v;
	else {
		print path2dep($k) . "\n";

sub extract_version {
	my ($fname, $line, $pkg) = @_;
	warn "# extracting version at line $.:\n# $line\n" if $Verbose > 1;
	my $code = "$line\n; \$VERSION";
	$code =~ s/\$\Q$pkg\E::VERSION/\$VERSION/g if $pkg;

	if ($code =~ s/\buse\s+version\b[^;]*;//g or $code =~ /\bqv\b/
		or $code =~ /\bversion(?:::)?->new\b/ or $code =~ /\bnew\s+version\b/)
		package Sandbox;
		eval "use version";
		warn $@ if $@;

	my $version = do {
		package Sandbox;
		no strict;
		eval $code;
	goto bad if not $version;

	use B qw(svref_2object);
	my $v = sv_version(svref_2object(\$version));
	if ($v) {
		$v = verf($v);
		warn "# VERSION $v at $fname line $.\n" if $Verbose;
		return $v;
	warn "# WARNING: failed to extract version at $fname line $.:\n";
	warn "# $line\n";
	warn "# $@\n" if $@;


=head1	NAME

perl.prov - list what Perl source files provide




This script calculates conventional name for each Perl source I<file>
specified on a command line, based on its location relative to standard
Perl library paths; alternatively, a list of files is obtained from
standard input, one file per line.  F<*.pm>, F<*.pl>, and F<*.ph> files
are processed (F<*.pm> files also suffer version extraction).  The
output of perl.prov is suitable for automatic dependency tracking (e.g.
for RPM packaging).

For example, F</usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/> provides
C<perl( = 1.810> (as of perl-5.8.6).

perl.prov is a counterpart of L<perl.req>.

=head1	OPTIONS


=item	B<-v>, B<--verbose>

Increase verbosity.


The RPM_PERL_LIB_PATH environment variable, if set, must contain the
list of paths, separated by colons. These paths are considered as
library paths used to determine relative names of provided perl files
(in addition to paths from C<@INC> variable).

=head1	AUTHOR

Written by Alexey Tourbin <>,
based on an earlier version by Ken Estes <>,
with contributions from Mikhail Zabaluev <>.

=head1	COPYING

Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 Alexey Tourbin, ALT Linux Team.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

=head1	SEE ALSO
