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#! /usr/local/bin/perl -w

#	Invariants and pre- and post-conditions are expected
#       to return undef if they fail.
#	Pre- and post-conditions receive the same argument list
#	as the implementation itself. Methods and constructors
#	may have as many pre- and post-conditions as they
#	require.
#	Pre- and post-conditions and invariants may be declared
#	optional. Optional conditions may be switched on and off
#	using the &check method (see examples below).
#	The subroutine &self always returns a reference to
#	the invoking object. However, that reference is still
#	also passed as the first argument.
#	The implementation's return value is available in the
#	method's post-condition(s) through the subroutine
#	&value, which returns a reference to a scalar or an array
#	(depending on the calling context).
#	&value also provides access to the value of an attribute within
#	that attribute's pre- and post-conditions.
#	The value of the object prior to a method is available in the
#	post-conditions via the &old subroutine, which returns a copy
#	of the object as it was prior to the method call.
#	Methods can be declared abstract. They croak if not redefined.
#	Class methods and attributes can be declared.
#	The constructor implementation is invoked *after* the object
#	is created and blessed into the class. It only needs to
#	initialize the object returned by &self. Its return value is ignored.
#	The implementations of all base class constructors are called
#	automatically by the derived class constructor (and passed
#	the same argument list)
#	Attributes are private to the class in which they're declared.
#	Attributes cannot be accessed directly, only via their 
# 	accessor methods. This is true even within class methods.
#	All generated accessors return a reference to their attribute.
#	Accessors may only have preconditions.
#	Accessors and methods inherit (all) the preconditions of 
#	every ancestral accessor or method of the same name.

package QueueBase;
use Class::Contract 'old';

contract {
	abstract method 'append';

	abstract method 'next';

	ctor 'new';
	  impl { print "QueueBase::new!\n" };

package ClientQueue;
use Class::Contract 'old';

contract {
	inherits QueueBase;

	invar { print "appends: ", self->flags->{append} || 0, "\n"; };
	invar { print "nexts:   ", self->flags->{next}   || 0, "\n"; };

	optional invar {
		@{self->queue} > 0 || undef;
	}; failmsg "Empty queue detected at %s after call";

	attr queue => ARRAY;
	attr flags => HASH;
	class attr 'first';

	method 'append';
		optional pre  { print "first append\n" if ${self->first};  1; };

		pre {
			print "<<<0>>>\n";
			return 0  unless shift(@_)->isa("Client");
			print "<<<0.1>>>\n";
		}; failmsg "Expected Client object";

		post {
			return unless @{self->queue} == @{old->queue} + 1;
			return unless self->queue->[-1]{id} == $_[0]{id};
			return 1;

		impl {
			print "<<<1>>>\n";
			${self->first} = 0;
      print "<<<2>>>\n";
		  print "<<<3>>>\n";
		  push @{self->queue}, shift;
	    print "<<<4>>>\n";

	method 'next';
		post {
      return unless @{self->queue} == @{old->queue} - 1;
      return 1;
    }; failmsg "Expected removal of a single Client object";

		impl {
			shift @{self->queue}

	ctor 'new';
		pre { 
		  return unless @_ >= 1 && !grep {!$_->isa('Client')} @_;
		  return 1;
		}; failmsg "constructor must be passed an initial Client obj";

		impl {
      @{self->queue} = ( shift );
		  ${self->first} = 1;

package OrderedQueue;
use Class::Contract 'old';

	inherits 'ClientQueue';

	method 'append';
		post {
			return unless $_[0]{id} > self->queue->[-2]{id};
		}; failmsg "Client appended out of order";

	ctor 'new';
		impl { print "OrderedQueue::new!\n" };

package Client;

my $nextid = 1;
sub new {
	bless { id => $nextid++ }, ref($_[0]) || $_[0];

package Main;

use Class::Contract qw(check);

check my %contract => 0 for (__ALL__);	# TURN OFF ALL OPTIONAL CHECKS

check %contract for ('ClientQueue');		# TURN ON OPTIONAL CHECKS 
						                            # FOR ClientQueue ONLY

print "[[[1]]]\n";
my $client = Client->new();

print "[[[2]]]\n";
my $order_queue = OrderedQueue->new($client);

$client = Client->new();

print "[[[3]]]\n";

print "[[[4]]]\n";
$client = Client->new();
my $client2 = Client->new();

print "[[[5]]]\n";
# Uncomment following to get append out of order error
# $order_queue->append($client2); 

print "[[[6]]]\n";
$client = "not a client";

# Expected Client object
eval '$order_queue->append($client)';
print $@  if $@;

print $order_queue->next(), "\n";
print $order_queue->next(), "\n";
print $order_queue->next(), "\n";

# Nothing left in queue: Expected removal a single Client object
my $val = $order_queue->next();
print "$val\n";
