Codebase list libcloudproviders / debian/0.2.5-1

Tree @debian/0.2.5-1 (Download .tar.gz)

# cloudproviders integration API

libcloudproviders is a DBus API that allows cloud storage sync clients to expose
their services. Clients such as file managers and desktop environments can then
provide integrated access to the cloud providers services.

## cloudprovidersd

cloudprovidersd is a daemon which keeps track of existing cloud providers and their accounts.
It provides the `org.freedesktop.CloudProviderManager` DBus object to interact with.

## libcloudprovider

libcloudproviders is a glib based library that makes it easier to implement
a cloud provider server or client.

## Implementing support for sync clients

Any cloud provider clients need to own a DBus name and export a
`org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager` object to it. For each account the cloud
provider needs to export an individual object implementing the
`org.freedesktop.CloudProvider.Account1` interface and register it with the
object manager.

An example implementation using libcloudprovider can be found in

## Implementing support for integrators

Integrators should connect via to the `org.freedesktop.CloudProviderManager` object
and call the GetCloudProviders method on the `org.freedesktop.CloudProvider.Manager1`
interface. That method will return a tuple of the registered cloud providers
bus name and the object path of their object manager.

With the bus name and object path they can query the object manager for a list
of accounts and can then interact with these though the
`org.freedesktop.CloudProvider.Account1` interface.

An example implementation using libcloudprovider can be found in

## API Documentation

See the [API documentation]( for further details.