Codebase list libcryptx-perl / v0.019 _generators /

Tree @v0.019 (Download .tar.gz) @v0.019raw · history · blame

package Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%];


use strict;
use warnings;

use Crypt::Cipher;
use base 'Crypt::Mode';

sub new { my $class = shift; _new(Crypt::Cipher::_trans_cipher_name(shift), @_) }



=head1 NAME

Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%] - [%info%]


   my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new('AES');

   #(en|de)crypt at once
[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' %]
   my $ciphertext = $m->encrypt($plaintext, $key);
   my $plaintext = $m->decrypt($ciphertext, $key);
   my $ciphertext = $m->encrypt($plaintext, $key, $iv);
   my $plaintext = $m->decrypt($ciphertext, $key, $iv);

   #encrypt more chunks
[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' %]
   $m->start_encrypt($key, $iv);
   my $ciphertext = $m->add('some data');
   $ciphertext .= $m->add('more data');
 [%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' or lc_name == 'cbc' %]
   $ciphertext .= $m->finish;

   #decrypt more chunks
[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' %]
   $m->start_decrypt($key, $iv);
   my $plaintext = $m->add($some_ciphertext);
   $plaintext .= $m->add($more_ciphertext);
[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' or lc_name == 'cbc' %]
   $plaintext .= $m->finish;



=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

[%-IF lc_name == 'ctr' %]
 my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new($cipher_name);
 my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new($cipher_name, $ctr_mode, $ctr_width);
 my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new($cipher_name, $ctr_mode, $ctr_width, $cipher_rounds);

 # $ctr_mode .... 0 little-endian counter (DEFAULT)
 #                1 big-endian counter
 #                2 little-endian + RFC3686 incrementing
 #                3 big-endian + RFC3686 incrementing
 # $ctr_width ... counter width in bytes (DEFAULT = full block width)
 # $cipher_rounds ... optional num of rounds for given cipher
[%-ELSIF lc_name == 'ecb' or lc_name == 'cbc' %]
 my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new('AES');
 my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new('AES', $padding);
 my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new('AES', $padding, $cipher_rounds);

 # $padding .... 0 no padding (plaintext size has to be myltiple of block length)
 #               1 PKCS5 padding, Crypt::CBC's "standard" - DEFAULT
 #               2 Crypt::CBC's "oneandzeroes"
 # $cipher_rounds ... optional num of rounds for given cipher
 my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new('AES');
 my $m = Crypt::Mode::[%orig_name%]->new('AES', $cipher_rounds);

 # $cipher_rounds ... optional num of rounds for given cipher

=head2 encrypt

[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' %]
   my $ciphertext = $m->encrypt($plaintext, $key);
   my $ciphertext = $m->encrypt($plaintext, $key, $iv);

=head2 decrypt

[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' %]
   my $plaintext = $m->decrypt($ciphertext, $key);
   my $plaintext = $m->decrypt($ciphertext, $key, $iv);

=head2 start_encrypt

See example below L</finish>.

=head2 start_decrypt

See example below L</finish>.

=head2 add

See example below L</finish>.

=head2 finish

   #encrypt more chunks
[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' %]
   $m->start_encrypt($key, $iv);
   my $ciphertext = '';
   $ciphertext .= $m->add('some data');
   $ciphertext .= $m->add('more data');
[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' or lc_name == 'cbc' %]
   $ciphertext .= $m->finish;

   #decrypt more chunks
[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' %]
   $m->start_decrypt($key, $iv);
   my $plaintext = '';
   $plaintext .= $m->add($some_ciphertext);
   $plaintext .= $m->add($more_ciphertext);
[%-IF lc_name == 'ecb' or lc_name == 'cbc' %]
   $plaintext .= $m->finish;

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item * L<CryptX|CryptX>, L<Crypt::Cipher|Crypt::Cipher>

=item * L<Crypt::Cipher::AES|Crypt::Cipher::AES>, L<Crypt::Cipher::Blowfish|Crypt::Cipher::Blowfish>, ...
[% FOREACH v IN urls %]
=item * L<[%v%]|[%v%]>
[% END %]