Codebase list libcryptx-perl / v0.039 lib / Crypt /

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package Crypt::Misc;

use strict;
use warnings;

require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); ### use Exporter 5.57 'import';
use Carp 'croak';
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [qw(encode_b64 decode_b64 encode_b64u decode_b64u pem_to_der der_to_pem read_rawfile write_rawfile slow_eq is_v4uuid random_v4uuid)] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw();

use Carp 'carp';
use CryptX;
use Crypt::Digest 'digest_data';
use Crypt::Mode::CBC;
use Crypt::Mode::CFB;
use Crypt::Mode::ECB;
use Crypt::Mode::OFB;
use Crypt::Cipher;
use Crypt::PRNG 'random_bytes';

sub encode_b64 {

sub decode_b64  {

sub encode_b64u {

sub decode_b64u {

sub pem_to_der {
  my ($data, $password) = @_;

  my ($begin, $obj1, $content, $end, $obj2) = $data =~ m/(----[- ]BEGIN ([^\r\n\-]+KEY)[ -]----)(.*?)(----[- ]END ([^\r\n\-]+)[ -]----)/s;
  return undef unless $content;

  $content =~ s/^\s+//sg;
  $content =~ s/\s+$//sg;
  $content =~ s/\r\n/\n/sg;  # CR-LF >> LF
  $content =~ s/\r/\n/sg;    # CR >> LF
  $content =~ s/\\\n//sg;    # \ + LF

  my ($headers, undef, $b64) = $content =~ /^(([^:]+:.*?\n)*)(.*)$/s;
  return undef unless $b64;

  my $binary = decode_b64($b64);
  return undef unless $binary;

  my ($ptype, $cipher_name, $iv_hex);
  for my $h (split /\n/, ($headers||'')) {
    my ($k, $v) = split /:\s*/, $h, 2;
    $ptype = $v if $k eq 'Proc-Type';
    ($cipher_name, $iv_hex) = $v =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*,\s*([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s*$/ if $k eq 'DEK-Info';
  if ($cipher_name && $iv_hex && $ptype && $ptype eq '4,ENCRYPTED') {
    croak "FATAL: encrypted PEM but no password provided" unless defined $password;
    my $iv = pack("H*", $iv_hex);
    my ($mode, $klen) = _name2mode($cipher_name);
    my $key = _password2key($password, $klen, $iv, 'MD5');
    return $mode->decrypt($binary, $key, $iv);
  return $binary;

sub der_to_pem {
  my ($data, $header_name, $password, $cipher_name) = @_;
  my $content = $data;
  my @headers;

  if ($password) {
    $cipher_name ||= 'AES-256-CBC';
    my ($mode, $klen, $ilen) = _name2mode($cipher_name);
    my $iv = random_bytes($ilen);
    my $key = _password2key($password, $klen, $iv, 'MD5');
    $content = $mode->encrypt($data, $key, $iv);
    push @headers, 'Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED', "DEK-Info: ".uc($cipher_name).",".unpack("H*", $iv);

  my $pem = "-----BEGIN $header_name-----\n";
  if (@headers) {
    $pem .= "$_\n" for @headers;
    $pem .= "\n";
  my @l = encode_b64($content) =~ /.{1,64}/g;
  $pem .= join("\n", @l) . "\n";
  $pem .= "-----END $header_name-----\n";
  return $pem;

sub read_rawfile {
  my $f = shift;
  croak "FATAL: read_rawfile() non-existing file '$f'" unless -f $f;
  open my $fh, "<", $f or croak "FATAL: read_rawfile() cannot open file '$f': $!";
  binmode $fh;
  return do { local $/; <$fh> };

sub write_rawfile {
  # write_rawfile($filename, $data);
  croak "FATAL: write_rawfile() no data" unless defined $_[1];
  open my $fh, ">", $_[0] or croak "FATAL: write_rawfile() cannot open file '$_[0]': $!";
  binmode $fh;
  print $fh $_[1] or croak "FATAL: write_rawfile() cannot write to '$_[0]': $!";
  close $fh       or croak "FATAL: write_rawfile() cannot close '$_[0]': $!";

sub slow_eq {
  my ($a, $b) = @_;
  return unless defined $a && defined $b;
  my $diff = length $a ^ length $b;
  for(my $i = 0; $i < length $a && $i < length $b; $i++) {
    $diff |= ord(substr $a, $i) ^ ord(substr $b, $i);
  return $diff == 0;

sub random_v4uuid() {
  # Version 4 - random - UUID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-Yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
  # where x is any hexadecimal digit and Y is one of 8, 9, A, B (1000, 1001, 1010, 1011)
  # e.g. f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479
  my $raw = random_bytes(16);
  #                   xxxxxxxxxxxx4xxxYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  $raw |= pack("H*", "00000000000040000000000000000000");
  $raw &= pack("H*", "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"); # 0x3 == 0011b
  $raw |= pack("H*", "00000000000000008000000000000000"); # 0x8 == 1000b
  my $hex = unpack("H*", $raw);
  $hex =~ s/^(.{8})(.{4})(.{4})(.{4})(.{12}).*$/$1-$2-$3-$4-$5/;
  return $hex;

sub is_v4uuid($) {
  my $uuid = shift;
  return 0 if !$uuid;
  return 1 if $uuid =~ /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i;
  return 0;

###  private functions

sub _name2mode {
  my $cipher_name = uc(shift);
  my %trans = ( 'DES-EDE3' => 'DES_EDE' );

  my ($cipher, undef, $klen, $mode) = $cipher_name =~ /^(AES|CAMELLIA|DES|DES-EDE3|SEED)(-(\d+))?-(CBC|CFB|ECB|OFB)$/i;
  croak "FATAL: unsupported cipher '$cipher_name'" unless $cipher && $mode;
  $cipher = $trans{$cipher} || $cipher;
  $klen = $klen ? int($klen/8) : Crypt::Cipher::min_keysize($cipher);
  my $ilen = Crypt::Cipher::blocksize($cipher);
  croak "FATAL: unsupported cipher '$cipher_name'" unless $klen && $ilen;

  return (Crypt::Mode::CBC->new($cipher), $klen, $ilen) if $mode eq 'CBC';
  return (Crypt::Mode::CFB->new($cipher), $klen, $ilen) if $mode eq 'CFB';
  return (Crypt::Mode::ECB->new($cipher), $klen, $ilen) if $mode eq 'ECB';
  return (Crypt::Mode::OFB->new($cipher), $klen, $ilen) if $mode eq 'OFB';

sub _password2key {
  my ($password, $klen, $iv, $hash) = @_;
  my $salt = substr($iv, 0, 8);
  my $key = '';
  while (length($key) < $klen) {
    $key .= digest_data($hash, $key . $password . $salt);
  return substr($key, 0, $klen);



=head1 NAME

Crypt::Misc - miscellaneous functions related to (or used by) CryptX


This module contains a collection of mostly unsorted functions loosely-related to CryptX distribution but not implementing cryptography.

Most of them are also available in other perl modules but once you utilize CryptX you might avoid dependencies on other modules by using
functions from Crypt::Misc.


 use Crypt::Misc ':all';

 # Base64 and Base64/URL-safe functions
 $base64    = encode_b64($rawbytes);
 $rawbytes  = decode_b64($base64);
 $base64url = encode_b64u($encode_b64u);
 $rawbytes  = decode_b64u($base64url);

 # read/write file
 $rawdata = read_rawfile($filename);
 write_rawfile($filename, $rawdata);

 # convert PEM/DER
 $der_data = pem_to_der($pem_data);
 $pem_data = der_to_pem($der_data);

  # others
  die "mismatch" unless slow_eq($str1, $str2);


By default, Crypt::Misc doesn't import any function. You can import individual functions like this:

 use Crypt::Misc qw(read_rawfile);

Or import all available functions:

 use Crypt::Misc ':all';

=head2 encode_b64

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

 $base64string = encode_b64($rawdata);

Encode $rawbytes into Base64 string, no line-endings in the output string.

=head2 decode_b64

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

 $rawdata = encode_b64($base64string);

Decode a Base64 string.

=head2  encode_b64u

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

 $base64url_string = encode_b64($rawdata);

Encode $rawbytes into Base64/URL-Safe string, no line-endings in the output string.

=head2  decode_b64u

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

 $rawdata = encode_b64($base64url_string);

Decode a Base64/URL-Safe string.

=head2  read_rawfile

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

 $rawdata = read_rawfile($filename);

Read file C<$filename> into a scalar as a binary data (without decoding/transformation).

=head2  write_rawfile

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

 write_rawfile($filename, $rawdata);

Write C<$rawdata> to file <$filename> as binary data.

=head2  slow_eq

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

 if (slow_eq($data1, $data2)) { ... }

Constant time compare (to avoid timing side-channel).

=head2  pem_to_der

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

  $der_data = pem_to_der($pem_data);
  $der_data = pem_to_der($pem_data, $password);

Convert PEM to DER representation. Supports also password protected PEM data.

=head2  der_to_pem

I<Since: CryptX-0.029>

  $pem_data = der_to_pem($pem_data, $header_name);
  $pem_data = der_to_pem($pem_data, $header_name, $password);
  $pem_data = der_to_pem($pem_data, $header_name, $passord, $cipher_name);

  # $header_name e.g. "PUBLIC KEY", "RSA PRIVATE KEY" ...
  # $cipher_name e.g. "DES-EDE3-CBC", "AES-256-CBC" (DEFAULT) ...

Convert DER to PEM representation. Supports also password protected PEM data.

=head2  random_v4uuid

I<Since: CryptX-0.031>

 my $uuid = random_v4uuid();

Returns cryptographically strong Version 4 random UUID: C<xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-Yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx>
where C<x> is any hexadecimal digit and C<Y> is one of 8, 9, A, B (1000, 1001, 1010, 1011)
e.g. C<f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479>.

=head2  is_v4uuid

I<Since: CryptX-0.031>

  if (is_v4uuid($uuid)) {

Checks the given C<$uuid> string whether it matches V4 UUID format and returns C<0> (mismatch) or C<1> (match).

=head1 SEE ALSO


=item * L<CryptX|CryptX>

