Codebase list libexporter-tiny-perl / upstream/0.038

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    Exporter::Tiny - an exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only
    core dependencies

       package MyUtils;
       use base "Exporter::Tiny";
       our @EXPORT = qw(frobnicate);
       sub frobnicate { my $n = shift; ... }

       package MyScript;
       use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -as => "frob" };
       print frob(42);

    Exporter::Tiny supports many of Sub::Exporter's external-facing features
    including renaming imported functions with the `-as`, `-prefix` and
    `-suffix` options; explicit destinations with the `into` option; and
    alternative installers with the `installler` option. But it's written in
    only about 40% as many lines of code and with zero non-core dependencies.

    Its internal-facing interface is closer to, with configuration
    done through the @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK and %EXPORT_TAGS package variables.

    Exporter::Tiny performs most of its internal duties (including resolution
    of tag names to sub names, resolution of sub names to coderefs, and
    installation of coderefs into the target package) as method calls, which
    means they can be overridden to provide interesting behaviour.

  Utility Functions
    These are really for internal use, but can be exported if you need them.

        Similar to `mkopt` from Data::OptList. It doesn't support all the
        fancy options that Data::OptList does (`moniker`, `require_unique`,
        `must_be` and `name_test`) but runs about 50% faster.

        Similar to `mkopt_hash` from Data::OptList. See also `mkopt`.

    For the purposes of this discussion we'll assume we have a module called
    `MyUtils` which exports one function, `frobnicate`. `MyUtils` inherits
    from Exporter::Tiny.

    Many of these tricks may seem familiar from Sub::Exporter. That is
    intentional. Exporter::Tiny doesn't attempt to provide every feature of
    Sub::Exporter, but where it does it usually uses a fairly similar API.

  Basic importing
       # import "frobnicate" function
       use MyUtils "frobnicate";

       # import all functions that MyUtils offers
       use MyUtils -all;

  Renaming imported functions
       # call it "frob"
       use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -as => "frob" };

       # call it "my_frobnicate"
       use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -prefix => "my_" };

       # call it "frobnicate_util"
       use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -suffix => "_util" };

       # import it twice with two different names
       use MyUtils
          "frobnicate" => { -as => "frob" },
          "frobnicate" => { -as => "frbnct" };

  Lexical subs
          use Sub::Exporter::Lexical lexical_installer => { -as => "lex" };
          use MyUtils { installer => lex }, "frobnicate";
          frobnicate(...);  # ok
       frobnicate(...);  # not ok

  Import functions into another package
       use MyUtils { into => "OtherPkg" }, "frobnicate";

  Import functions into a scalar
       my $func;
       use MyUtils "frobnicate" => { -as => \$func };

  Import functions into a hash
    OK, Sub::Exporter doesn't do this...

       my %funcs;
       use MyUtils { into => \%funcs }, "frobnicate";

    This imports everything except "frobnicate":

       use MyUtils qw( -all !frobnicate );

    Negated imports always "win", so the following will not import
    "frobnicate", no matter how many times you repeat it...

       use MyUtils qw( !frobnicate frobnicate frobnicate frobnicate );

  Importing by regexp
    Here's how you could import all functions beginning with an "f":

       use MyUtils qw( /^F/i );

    Or import everything except functions beginning with a "z":

       use MyUtils qw( -all !/^Z/i );

    Note that regexps are always supplied as *strings* starting with "/", and
    not as quoted regexp references (`qr/.../`).

    Simple configuration works the same as Exporter; inherit from this module,
    and use the @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK and %EXPORT_TAGS package variables to list
    subs to export.

    Exporter::Tiny has always allowed exported subs to be generated (like
    Sub::Exporter), but until version 0.025 did not have an especially nice
    API for it.

    Now, it's easy. If you want to generate a sub `foo` to export, list it in
    @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK as usual, and then simply give your exporter module
    a class method called `_generate_foo`.

       push @EXPORT_OK, 'foo';
       sub _generate_foo {
          my $class = shift;
          my ($name, $args, $globals) = @_;
          return sub {

    You can also generate tags:

       my %constants;
       BEGIN {
          %constants = (FOO => 1, BAR => 2);
       use constant \%constants;
       $EXPORT_TAGS{constants} = sub {
          my $class = shift;
          my ($name, $args, $globals) = @_;
          return keys(%constants);

  Overriding Internals
    An important difference between Exporter and Exporter::Tiny is that the
    latter calls all its internal functions as *class methods*. This means
    that your subclass can *override them* to alter their behaviour.

    The following methods are available to be overridden. Despite being named
    with a leading underscore, they are considered public methods. (The
    underscore is there to avoid accidentally colliding with any of your own
    function names.)

        This method is called once each time `import` is called. It is passed
        a reference to the global options hash. (That is, the optional leading
        hashref in the `use` statement, where the `into` and `installer`
        options can be provided.)

        You may use this method to munge the global options, or validate them,
        throwing an exception or printing a warning.

        The default implementation does nothing interesting.

    `_exporter_merge_opts($tag_opts, $globals, @exports)`
        Called to merge options which have been provided for a tag into the
        options provided for the exports that the tag expanded to.

    `_exporter_expand_tag($name, $args, $globals)`
        This method is called to expand an import tag (e.g. ":constants"). It
        is passed the tag name (minus the leading ":"), an optional hashref of
        options (like `{ -prefix => "foo_" }`), and the global options

        It is expected to return a list of ($name, $args) arrayref pairs.
        These names can be sub names to export, or further tag names (which
        must have their ":"). If returning tag names, be careful to avoid
        creating a tag expansion loop!

        The default implementation uses %EXPORT_TAGS to expand tags, and
        provides fallbacks for the `:default` and `:all` tags.

    `_exporter_expand_regexp($regexp, $args, $globals)`
        Like `_exporter_expand_regexp`, but given a regexp-like string instead
        of a tag name.

        The default implementation greps through @EXPORT_OK.

    `_exporter_expand_sub($name, $args, $globals)`
        This method is called to translate a sub name to a hash of name =>
        coderef pairs for exporting to the caller. In general, this would just
        be a hash with one key and one value, but, for example, Type::Library
        overrides this method so that "+Foo" gets expanded to:

              Foo         => sub { $type },
              is_Foo      => sub { $type->check(@_) },
              to_Foo      => sub { $type->assert_coerce(@_) },
              assert_Foo  => sub { $type->assert_return(@_) },

        The default implementation checks that the name is allowed to be
        exported (using the `_exporter_permitted_regexp` method), gets the
        coderef using the generator if there is one (or by calling `can` on
        your exporter otherwise) and calls `_exporter_fail` if it's unable to
        generate or retrieve a coderef.

        This method is called to retrieve a regexp for validating the names of
        exportable subs. If a sub doesn't match the regexp, then the default
        implementation of `_exporter_expand_sub` will refuse to export it. (Of
        course, you may override the default `_exporter_expand_sub`.)

        The default implementation of this method assembles the regexp from
        @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK.

    `_exporter_fail($name, $args, $globals)`
        Called by `_exporter_expand_sub` if it can't find a coderef to export.

        The default implementation just throws an exception. But you could
        emit a warning instead, or just ignore the failed export.

        If you don't throw an exception then you should be aware that this
        method is called in list context, and any list it returns will be
        treated as an `_exporter_expand_sub`-style hash of names and coderefs
        for export.

    `_exporter_install_sub($name, $args, $globals, $coderef)`
        This method actually installs the exported sub into its new
        destination. Its return value is ignored.

        The default implementation handles sub renaming (i.e. the `-as`,
        `-prefix` and `-suffix` functions. This method does a lot of stuff; if
        you need to override it, it's probably a good idea to just pre-process
        the arguments and then call the super method rather than trying to
        handle all of it yourself.

    Type::Library had a bunch of custom exporting code which poked coderefs
    into its caller's stash. It needed this to be something more powerful than
    most exporters so that it could switch between exporting Moose, Mouse and
    Moo-compatible objects on request. Sub::Exporter would have been capable,
    but had too many dependencies for the Type::Tiny project.

    Meanwhile Type::Utils, Types::TypeTiny and Test::TypeTiny each used the
    venerable However, this meant they were unable to use the
    features like Sub::Exporter-style function renaming which I'd built into

       ## import "Str" but rename it to "String".
       use Types::Standard "Str" => { -as => "String" };

    And so I decided to factor out code that could be shared by all
    Type-Tiny's exporters into a single place: Exporter::TypeTiny.

    As of version 0.026, Exporter::TypeTiny was also made available as
    Exporter::Tiny, distributed independently on CPAN. CHOCOLATEBOY had
    convinced me that it was mature enough to live a life of its own.

    As of version 0.030, Type-Tiny depends on Exporter::Tiny and
    Exporter::TypeTiny is being phased out.

    Exporting is unlikely to be your application's performance bottleneck, but
    nonetheless here are some comparisons.

    Comparative sizes according to Devel::SizeMe:

       Exporter                     217.1Kb
       Sub::Exporter::Progressive   263.2Kb
       Exporter::Tiny               267.7Kb
       Exporter + Exporter::Heavy   281.5Kb
       Exporter::Renaming           406.2Kb
       Sub::Exporter                701.0Kb

    Performance exporting a single sub:

                  Rate     SubExp    ExpTiny SubExpProg      ExpPM
    SubExp      2489/s         --       -56%       -85%       -88%
    ExpTiny     5635/s       126%         --       -67%       -72%
    SubExpProg 16905/s       579%       200%         --       -16%
    ExpPM      20097/s       707%       257%        19%         --

    (Exporter::Renaming globally changes the behaviour of, so
    could not be included in the same benchmarks.)

    (Non-Core) Dependencies:

       Exporter                    -1
       Exporter::Renaming           0
       Exporter::Tiny               0
       Sub::Exporter::Progressive   0
       Sub::Exporter                3


                                          ExpPM   ExpTiny SubExp  SubExpProg
     Can export code symbols............. Yes     Yes     Yes     Yes      
     Can export non-code symbols......... Yes                              
     Groups/tags......................... Yes     Yes     Yes     Yes      
     Config avoids package variables.....                 Yes              
     Allows renaming of subs.............         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
     Install code into scalar refs.......         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
     Can be passed an "into" parameter...         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
     Can be passed an "installer" sub....         Yes     Yes     Maybe    
     Supports generators.................         Yes     Yes              
     Sane API for generators.............         Yes     Yes

    (Certain Sub::Exporter::Progressive features are only available if
    Sub::Exporter is installed.)

    Please report any bugs to

    IRC: support is available through in the *#moops* channel on

    Exporter::Shiny, Sub::Exporter, Exporter.

    Toby Inkster <>.

    This software is copyright (c) 2013-2014 by Toby Inkster.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.