Codebase list libjsyntaxpane-java / 91e9683e-9207-4665-ae61-3c187af58dbb/main CHANGELOG.txt

Tree @91e9683e-9207-4665-ae61-3c187af58dbb/main (Download .tar.gz)

CHANGELOG.txt @91e9683e-9207-4665-ae61-3c187af58dbb/mainraw · history · blame

Version 0.9.5 - Java Reflection Completions additions
    * Configuration class overhaul.  Each kit now has its own COnfiguration file
      which merges the superclass(es) Configurations.
    * Usable Reflect Completions Dialog (Java with F1 or Menu)
    * Java ENTER key responds properly to multi line comments
    * Font can be changed for each Kit
    * Kits for XHTML and Xpath added.  XHTML has a simple Preview Action.
    * Added Execute Script to JacaScript (can also be used for Groovy if Groovy
      Scripting support is installed properly).
    * Hotkeys for actions are displayed in Popup Menus
    * Word Completion action can also do CamelCase matches
    * Smart Home Action (and Smart Home Extend Selection)
    * Enhanced JavaScript support.  Issue 115
    * Better Undo grouping
    * Replace DIalog ENhancement.  Only for updatedable editors and added single replace.
    * Added append method to SyntaxDocument
    * Fixed Issue 130 - Compound Undo on multiple lines.
Version 0.9.4 - IntelliSense additions
    * Adding IntelliSense to Java with simple List of selectable keywords
    * Added Toggle Comment Actions using Control SLASH
    * Fixed Issue 47.
    * Added Clojure, Scala, DOS Batch and 'nix bash support
    * Added Configurable Popup menus with default Tango Desktop icons
    * Added configurable format for the CaretMonitor class
    * Toggle Comments Action selects the lines affected after being performed
    * Added multi-line support in ActionUtils.insertMagicSTring method.
    * GotoLine dialog responds to ESC key
Version 0.9.3 - Start of scripts for the document:
    * Added new methods getLine() to SyntaxDocument
    * SyntaxDocument getIndexOf methods deprecated, use getMatchers instead
    * Added Line Numbering to Java
    * Added CaretMonitor Class
    * Merged Find And Replace dialogs into one.
    * Created SyntaxComponent interface and have all UI components implement
      that interface.  DefaultSyntaxKit will use class to
      dynamically install these components.
    * Added Right Margin option and Single Color Selection Options
    * Added Python, C and C++ Support
    * Added Ruby Syntax Support
    * Fixed Issue 37 (NPE for LineNumbersRuler)
    * Fixed Issue 39 (Highlighting Tokens overrides selection highlights)
    * Fixed some JavaDoc comments.
    * Fixed Line Numbers being displayed for the height of the editor and now
      just for the actual available lines.
    * Fixed Margin typo in all project. Issue 43
    * Changing Actions to be more configurable:
      * SyntaxActions renamed to ActionUtils
      * Removed all inner classes from SyntaxActions
      * Will create new SyntaxAction interface that will allow dynamic addition
        actions (in the addKeyActions of DefaultSyntaxKit
    * Added Text AA property to SyntaxView
Version 0.9.2:
    * Fixing Java Indentation and Un-Indentattion Actions
    * Added and used (in the Tester) clearUndoes on the SyntaxDocument
    * Added Basic JFlex Syntax
    * Added getContentTypes to DefaultSyntaxKit to get all registered
      ContentTypes.  This is now also used in the SyntaxTester instead of
      hardcoding the types.
    * Cleanup and optimization of Lexers by removing duplicate Java Code
      (replaced with Regex OR)
    * Removed calls to deprecated calls in SyntaxView
    * Modified the SyntaxDOcument to override the fireXXX methods and parse
      the document at that time instead of overriding the inserUpdate method.
      This fixes issue 24.
    * Added Groovy GString expression highlights
    * Removed getLanguages method from Lexer interface and implementations.
    * Added WARNING and ERROR TokenTypes and added their default styles.
    * Moved Keymaps and install methods to SyntaxKits instead of the Lexers
    * Removed deprecated methods from SyntaxActions class
    * Split SyntaxActions into new package and moved inner classes to the new
    * Added Token HighLighter to Java
    * Added Pairs Highlighter to Java
    * Token class made immutable (all final fields)
    * Added Find and Replace Dialogs and Action to Java (mapped to C-F and
      C-H )
    * Added pair matching to XML tags
    * Added CDATA matching and pair highlights for XML
    * Added Comment Pair Highlighting in XML
    * Fixed highlighting with selections so the selection always appears
    * Merged Find and Replace Dialogs into one
    * Fixed issue 33 (undable to add new line after final closing brace for
    * Added Groovy Multi-Line strings and fixed Comments as Regex issue.
    * Fixes to empty find text field causing NPE
Version 0.9.1
    * Fixed empty strings in XML syntax  Issue 29
    * Fixed TAL lexer using incorrect package name
Version 0.9.0
    * Initial version after major overhaul