Codebase list libmoose-perl / debian/0.94-1 Makefile.PL

Tree @debian/0.94-1 (Download .tar.gz)

Makefile.PL @debian/0.94-1raw · history · blame

use strict;
use warnings;
use inc::Module::Install 0.91;
use Module::Install::ExtraTests;
use Module::Install::AuthorRequires;
use 5.008001;


name 'Moose';
perl_version '5.008001';
all_from 'lib/';
license 'perl';

requires 'Carp';
requires 'Class::MOP'       => '0.98';
requires 'Data::OptList'    => '0';
requires 'List::MoreUtils'  => '0.12';
requires 'Scalar::Util'     => '1.19';
requires 'Sub::Exporter'    => '0.980';
requires 'Sub::Name'        => '0';
requires 'Task::Weaken'     => '0';
requires 'Try::Tiny'        => '0.02';

test_requires 'Test::More'      => '0.88';
test_requires 'Test::Exception' => '0.27';

author_requires 'Test::Inline';
author_requires 'File::Find::Rule';
author_requires 'Module::Info';

if ( $Module::Install::AUTHOR || $ENV{IS_MAINTAINER} ) {
    system( $^X, 'author/extract-inline-tests' );



# Use the cpan-smolder-stable script in the Moose svn root to figure
# out what on CPAN will break with the latest Moose, then update this
# before a release.
sub check_conflicts {
    my %conflicts = (
        'Fey::ORM'                      => '0.23',
        'MooseX::Aliases'               => '0.07',
        'MooseX::AttributeHelpers'      => '0.22',
        'MooseX::Attribute::Prototype'  => '0.10',
        'MooseX::ClassAttribute'        => '0.09',
        'MooseX::MethodAttributes'      => '0.18',
        'MooseX::NonMoose'              => '0.05',
        'MooseX::Params::Validate'      => '0.05',
        'MooseX::Role::Cmd'             => '0.06',
        'MooseX::Role::WithOverloading' => '0.04',
        'MooseX::Singleton'             => '0.19',
        'MooseX::StrictConstructor'     => '0.07',
        'MooseX::Types'                 => '0.19',
        'namespace::autoclean'          => '0.08',

    my $found = 0;
    for my $mod ( sort keys %conflicts ) {
        eval "require $mod";
        next if $@;

        my $installed = $mod->VERSION();
        if ( $installed le $conflicts{$mod} ) {

            print <<"EOF";

    This version of Moose conflicts with the version of
    $mod ($installed) you have installed.

    You will need to upgrade $mod after installing
    this version of Moose.


            $found = 1;

    return unless $found;

    # More or less copied from Module::Build
    return if  $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT};
    return unless -t STDIN && (-t STDOUT || !(-f STDOUT || -c STDOUT));

    sleep 4;