Codebase list libmoox-file-configdir-perl / fresh-snapshots/upstream Makefile.PL

Tree @fresh-snapshots/upstream (Download .tar.gz)

Makefile.PL @fresh-snapshots/upstreamraw · history · blame

use strict;
use warnings;

use 5.008001;

use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;

my %RUN_DEPS = (
    'Carp'            => 0,
    'File::ConfigDir' => '0.018',
    'Moo::Role'       => '1.003000',
    'Scalar::Util'    => 0,
    'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,
my %BUILD_DEPS = ();

my %TEST_DEPS = (
    'Test::More' => 0.90,

    MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.008001',
    META_ADD         => {
        'meta-spec' => {version => 2},
        resources   => {
            homepage   => '',
            repository => {
                url  => '',
                web  => '',
                type => 'git',
            bugtracker => {
                web    => '',
                mailto => '',
            license => '',
        prereqs => {
            develop => {
                requires => {
                    'Test::CPAN::Changes'                 => 0,
                    'Test::CheckManifest'                 => 0,
                    'Module::CPANTS::Analyse'             => '0.96',
                    'Test::Kwalitee'                      => 0,
                    'Test::Perl::Critic'                  => 0,
                    'Test::PerlTidy'                      => 0,
                    'Test::Pod'                           => 0,
                    'Test::Pod::Coverage'                 => 0,
                    'Test::Pod::Spelling::CommonMistakes' => 0,
                    'Test::Spelling'                      => 0,
                recommends => {
                    'MooX::ConfigFromFile' => '0.006',
            configure => {
                requires => {%CONFIGURE_DEPS},
            build   => {requires => {%BUILD_DEPS}},
            test    => {requires => {%TEST_DEPS}},
            runtime => {
                requires => {
                    perl => '5.8.1',
    NAME               => 'MooX::File::ConfigDir',
    VERSION_FROM       => 'lib/MooX/File/',
    ABSTRACT_FROM      => 'lib/MooX/File/',
    LICENSE            => 'perl',
    AUTHOR             => q{Jens Rehsack <>},
    PREREQ_PM          => \%RUN_DEPS,
    test               => {TESTS => 't/*.t xt/*.t'},

sub WriteMakefile1
{    # originally written by Alexandr Ciornii, version 0.21. Added by eumm-upgrade.
    my %params       = @_;
    my $eumm_version = $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION;
    $eumm_version = eval $eumm_version;
    die "EXTRA_META is deprecated" if (exists($params{EXTRA_META}));
    die "License not specified"    if (!exists($params{LICENSE}));
      and $eumm_version < 6.6303
      and $params{BUILD_REQUIRES} = {%{$params{BUILD_REQUIRES} || {}}, %{delete $params{TEST_REQUIRES}}};
    #EUMM 6.5502 has problems with BUILD_REQUIRES
      and $eumm_version < 6.5503
      and $params{PREREQ_PM} = {%{$params{PREREQ_PM} || {}}, %{delete $params{BUILD_REQUIRES}}};
    ref $params{AUTHOR}
      and "ARRAY" eq ref $params{AUTHOR}
      and $eumm_version < 6.5702
      and $params{AUTHOR} = join(", ", @{$params{AUTHOR}});
    delete $params{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES}    if ($eumm_version < 6.52);
    delete $params{MIN_PERL_VERSION}      if ($eumm_version < 6.48);
    delete $params{META_MERGE}            if ($eumm_version < 6.46);
    delete $params{META_ADD}{prereqs}     if ($eumm_version < 6.58);
    delete $params{META_ADD}{'meta-spec'} if ($eumm_version < 6.58);
    delete $params{META_ADD}              if ($eumm_version < 6.46);
    delete $params{LICENSE}               if ($eumm_version < 6.31);
    delete $params{AUTHOR}                if ($] < 5.005);
    delete $params{ABSTRACT_FROM}         if ($] < 5.005);
    delete $params{BINARY_LOCATION}       if ($] < 5.005);

    # more or less taken from Moose' Makefile.PL
    if ($params{CONFLICTS})
        my $ok = CheckConflicts(%params);
        exit(0) if ($params{PREREQ_FATAL} and not $ok);
        my $cpan_smoker = grep { $_ =~ m/(?:CR_SMOKER|CPAN_REPORTER|AUTOMATED_TESTING)/ } keys %ENV;
        unless ($cpan_smoker || $ENV{PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT})
            sleep 4 unless ($ok);
        delete $params{CONFLICTS};
