Codebase list libnet-sftp-foreign-perl / HEAD samples / psftp

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# This script has not being updated and still uses the Net::SFTP API
# available from the adapter module Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat.

use strict;
use warnings;

use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat;
use Getopt::Long;

my %opts;
GetOptions(\%opts, "C", "v");

my($host) = @ARGV;
die "usage: psftp [options] hostname\n" unless $host;

my %args = (more => []);
$args{debug} = 1 if $opts{v};
push @{ $args{more} }, '-C' if $opts{C};

print "Connecting to $host...\n";
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat->new($host, %args);

my $shell = Net::SFTP::Foreign::Shell->new($sftp);

package Net::SFTP::Foreign::Shell;
use strict;

use File::Basename;
use File::Spec::Functions qw( catdir catfile );
use Text::ParseWords qw( shellwords );
use Term::ReadLine;

use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Constants qw(
use Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes::Compat;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $sftp  = shift;
    my $shell = bless { sftp => $sftp }, $class;

sub shell {
    my $shell = shift;

    my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('Perl SFTP');
    my $odef = select STDERR;
    $| = 1;
    select STDOUT;
    $| = 1;
    select $odef;

    while () {
        last unless defined ($_ = $term->readline("sftp> "));
        next if /^$/;
        $_ = 'h' if /^\s*\?/;
        my @line;
        if (/^(?:q(?:uit)?|byte|exit)$/i) {
        elsif (/./) {
            @line = shellwords($_);
            next unless @line;
        my $cmd = "process_" . shift @line;
        eval { $shell->$cmd(@line); };
        $shell->mywarn($@) if $@;

sub pwd { $_[0]->{pwd} }

sub init {
    my $shell = shift;
    my $sftp = $shell->{sftp};
    my %param = @_;
    $shell->{pwd} = $param{Pwd};
    unless ($shell->{pwd}) {
        $shell->{pwd} = $sftp->do_realpath(".");

use vars qw( $AUTOLOAD );
    my($cmd) = $AUTOLOAD;
    return if $cmd =~ /DESTROY/;
    my $shell = shift;
    $cmd =~ s/.*::process_//;
    $shell->mywarn("Unknown command '$cmd'. Type '?' for help.");

sub make_absolute {
    my($piece, $pwd) = @_;
    $piece =~ m!^/! ? $piece : catdir($pwd, $piece);

sub process_h {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    $shell->mywarn("usage: h"), return if @arg;
q{Available commands:
cd path                          Change remote directory to 'path'
h,?                              Display this help text
get remote-path [local-path]     Download file 'remote-path'
ls [path]                        Display remote directory listing
mkdir path                       Create remote directory
put local-path [remote-path]     Upload file 'local-path'
pwd                              Display remote working directory
q[uit],exit                      Quit the psftp shell
rename old-path new-path         Rename remote file
rmdir path                       Remove remote directory 'path'
rm path                          Remove remote file 'path'
version                          Display SFTP version

sub process_get {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    my $sftp = $shell->{sftp};
    $shell->mywarn("usage: get remote [local]"), return unless @arg;
    $arg[0] = make_absolute($arg[0], $shell->{pwd});
    $arg[1] = basename($arg[0]) unless $arg[1];
    print "Downloading $arg[0] to $arg[1]\n";
    $shell->{sftp}->get($arg[0], $arg[1]);

sub process_put {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    $shell->mywarn("usage: put local remote"), return unless @arg == 2;
    print "Uploading $arg[0] to $arg[1]\n";
    $shell->{sftp}->put($arg[0], $arg[1]);

sub process_ls {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    $shell->mywarn("usage: ls [path]"), return unless @arg < 2;
    $shell->{sftp}->ls($arg[0] || $shell->{pwd},
        sub { print $_[0]->{longname}, "\n" });

sub process_cd {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    my $sftp = $shell->{sftp};
    $shell->mywarn("usage: cd path"), return unless @arg == 1;
    my $path = make_absolute($arg[0], $shell->{pwd});
    my $real = $sftp->do_realpath($path) or return;
    my $a = $sftp->do_stat($real) or return;
    $shell->mywarn("Can't change directory: Can't check target"), return
        if !($a->flags & SSH2_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS);
    $shell->{pwd} = $real;

sub process_mkdir {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    $shell->mywarn("usage: mkdir path"), return unless @arg == 1;
    my $a = Net::SFTP::Foreign::Attributes::Compat->new;
    $a->flags( $a->flags | SSH2_FILEXFER_ATTR_PERMISSIONS );
    $shell->{sftp}->do_mkdir(make_absolute($arg[0], $shell->{pwd}), $a);

sub process_rmdir {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    $shell->mywarn("usage: rmdir path"), return unless @arg == 1;
    $shell->{sftp}->do_rmdir(make_absolute($arg[0], $shell->{pwd}));

sub process_rename {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    $shell->mywarn("usage: rename oldpath newpath"), return unless @arg == 2;
    $shell->{sftp}->do_rename(make_absolute($arg[0], $shell->{pwd}),
        make_absolute($arg[1], $shell->{pwd}));

sub process_rm {
    my($shell, @arg) = @_;
    $shell->mywarn("usage: rm path"), return unless @arg == 1;
    $shell->{sftp}->do_remove(make_absolute($arg[0], $shell->{pwd}));

sub process_pwd { print "Remote working directory: $_[0]->{pwd}\n" }

sub process_version {
    print "SFTP protocol version ", SSH2_FILEXFER_VERSION, "\n";

sub mywarn {
    my($shell, $what) = @_;
    print $what, "\n";


=head1 NAME

psftp - Perl secure file transfer client


psftp [B<-v>] [B<-C>] I<hostname>


I<psftp> is an interactive SFTP client written in Perl, using the
I<Net::SFTP::Foreign::Compat> libraries. It is very similar in functionality to
the I<sftp> program that is part of both OpenSSH and ssh2.

On startup, I<psftp> logs into the specified I<hostname>, then
enters an interactive command mode. The supported list of commands

=head1 OPTIONS

I<psftp> supports the following options:

=over 4

=item -C

Enables compression.

=item -v

Enables debugging messages.



In interactive mode, I<psftp> understands a subset of the commands
supported by I<sftp>. Commands are case insensitive.

=head2 cd I<path>

Change remote directory to I<path>.

=head2 exit / quit

Quit sftp.

=head2 get I<remote-path> [I<local-path>]

Retrieve the file I<remote-path> and store it in the local
machine. If the local path name is not specified, it is given
the same leaf name it has on the remote machine. Copies the
remote file's full permission and access times, as well.

=head2 h / ?

Display help screen.

=head2 ls [I<path>]

Display remote directory listing of either I<path> or current
working remote directory if I<path> is unspecified.

=head2 mkdir I<path>

Create remote directory specified by I<path>.

=head2 put I<local-path> I<remote-path>

Upload the file I<local-path> and store it on the remote
machine. Copies the local file's full permission and access
times, as well.

=head2 pwd

Display remote working directory.

=head2 rename I<oldpath> I<newpath>

Rename remote file from I<oldpath> to I<newpath>.

=head2 rmdir I<path>

Remove remote directory specified by I<path>.

=head2 rm I<path>

Remove remote file specified by I<path>.

=head2 version

Show SFTP version.


Please see the Net::SFTP::Foreign manpage for author, copyright,
and license information.
