Codebase list libocas / upstream/0.93

Tree @upstream/0.93 (Download .tar.gz)

LIBOCAS - Library implementing Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm (OCAS) 
solver for training linear SVM classifiers

 - SVM solvers for training linear classifiers from large scale-data.
 - Binary (two-class) and genuine multi-class SVM formulations.
 - Optimized code written in C.
 - A stand alone application and MEX interface for Matlab.
 - Reads examples from SVM^light format.
 - Optimized for both sparse and dense features.
 - Parallelized version of the binary solver.
 - Allows using different C for each training example (Matlab's interace to binary solver).
 - Tools for classification.
 - Training translation invariant image classifiers from virtual examples.
 - Functions for computing image features based on Local Binary Patterns (LBP).


OCAS solver is currently implemented for training binary (two-class) and multi-class
SVM classifiers:

1. Binary case: OCAS solves the following unconstrained convex optimization task
   W^*,W0^* = argmin 0.5*(W'*W+W0^2) + C*sum max( 0, 1-y(i)*(W'*X(:,i)+W0*X0) )
                W,W0                  i=1:nData

where C is the regularization constant, X [nDim x nData] are training feature
vectors and y [nData x 1] are their binary labels (+1/-1). The result are 
parameters W^* [nDim x 1], W0^* [1 x 1] of the linear rule

      f(X) = sign( X'*W + W0 )

2. Multi-class case: OCAS solves the following unconstrained convex optimization task

   W^*  =  argmin  0.5*sum_y (W(:,y)'*W(:,y)) + C*  sum     max( (y~=y(i)) + (W(:,y) - W(:,y(i)))'*X(:,i)) 
             W                                    i=1:nData  y 

where C is the regularization constant, X [nDim x nData] are training feature
vectors and y [nData x 1] are their labels from 1 to Y. The result are 
parameters W^* [nDim x Y] of the linear rule

      f(X) = argmax X'*W(:,y)


LIBOCAS can be downloaded from




LIBOCAS is licensed under the GPL version 3 (cf. LICENSE).


V. Franc, S. Sonnenburg. Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm for Large-Scale Risk Minimization. 
  The Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), vol. 10, pp. 2157--2192. October 2009.

V. Franc, S. Sonnenburg. OCAS optimized cutting plane algorithm for Support Vector 
  Machines. In Proceedings of ICML. Omnipress, 2008.

S. Sonnenburg, V. Franc.  COFFIN: A Computational Framework for Linear SVMs.  
  In Proceedings of the 27nd International Machine Learning Conference (ICML'10). 
  Haifa 2010.