Codebase list libpdl-ccs-perl / 9de39c28-cf70-4e9f-ad3e-e667a845f986/main

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## File:
## Author: Bryan Jurish <>
## Description: top-level PDL::CCS (also pulls in compatibility code)

package PDL::CCS;
use PDL;
use PDL::CCS::Config;
use PDL::CCS::Compat;
use PDL::CCS::Functions;
use PDL::CCS::Utils;
use PDL::CCS::Ufunc;
use PDL::CCS::Ops;
use PDL::CCS::MatrixOps;
use PDL::CCS::Nd;
use PDL::CCS::IO::FastRaw;
use strict;

our $VERSION = '1.23.16'; ##-- update with perl-reversion from Perl::Version module
our @ISA = ('PDL::Exporter');
our @EXPORT_OK =
   Func => [
	   ],               ##-- respect PDL conventions (hopefully)
our @EXPORT = @{$EXPORT_TAGS{Func}};

1; ##-- make perl happy

## pod: headers

=head1 NAME

PDL::CCS - Sparse N-dimensional PDLs with compressed column storage


 use PDL;
 use PDL::CCS;

 ## ... stuff happens ...




PDL::CCS is now just a wrapper package which pulls in a number of
submodules.  See the documentation of the respective modules for details.


## Submodules

=head2 Modules

=over 4

=item L<PDL::CCS::Nd|PDL::CCS::Nd>

Perl class for representing large sparse N-dimensional numeric structures
using sorted index vector-vectors and a flat vector of non-missing values.
Supports a subset of the perl-side PDL API.

=item L<PDL::CCS::Compat|PDL::CCS::Compat>

Backwards-compatibility module for Harwell-Boeing compressed row- or column-storage.

=item L<PDL::CCS::Functions|PDL::CCS::Functions>

Some useful generic pure-perl functions for dealing directly with
CCS-, CRS-, and index-encoded PDLs.

=item L<PDL::CCS::Utils|PDL::CCS::Utils>

Low-level generic PDL::PP utilities for Harwell-Boeing encoding and decoding
"pointers" along arbitrary dimensions of a sparse PDL given an index list.

=item L<PDL::CCS::Ops|PDL::CCS::Ops>

Low-level generic PDL::PP utilities for blockwise alignment of pairs
of sparse index-encoded PDLs, useful for implementing binary operations.

=item L<PDL::CCS::Ufunc|PDL::CCS::Ufunc>

Various low-level ufunc (accumulator) utilities for index-encoded PDLs.

=item L<PDL::CCS::MatrixOps|PDL::CCS::MatrixOps>

Low-level generic PDL::PP utilities for matrix operations
on index-encoded PDLs.

=item L<PDL::CCS::IO::FastRaw|PDL::CCS::IO::FastRaw>

PDL::IO::FastRaw wrappers for PDL::CCS::Nd objects.



## Footer Administrivia



Perl by Larry Wall.

PDL by Karl Glazebrook, Tuomas J. Lukka, Christian Soeller, and others.

Original inspiration and algorithms from the SVDLIBC C library by Douglas Rohde;
which is itself based on SVDPACKC
by Michael Berry, Theresa Do, Gavin O'Brien, Vijay Krishna and Sowmini Varadhan.




=over 4

=item *

PDL::CCS::Nd supports only a subset of the PDL API
(i.e. is not really a PDL).

=item *

Binary operations via alignment only work correctly when
missing values are annihilators.

=item *

Misleading module name: PDL::CCS::Nd objects actually use a native COO (full coordinate list)
format rather than CRS (compressed row storage) or CCS (compressed column storage);
see L<> for a discussion.




=head1 AUTHOR

Bryan Jurish E<lt>moocow@cpan.orgE<gt>

=head2 Copyright Policy

Copyright (C) 2005-2018 by Bryan Jurish. All rights reserved.

This package is free software, and entirely without warranty.
You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
as Perl itself.

=head1 SEE ALSO

