Codebase list libpoe-component-sslify-perl / upstream/0.08 lib / POE / Component /

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# Declare our package
package POE::Component::SSLify;

# Standard stuff to catch errors
use strict qw(subs vars refs);				# Make sure we can't mess up
use warnings FATAL => 'all';				# Enable warnings to catch errors

# Initialize our version
# $Revision: 1213 $
our $VERSION = '0.08';

# We need Net::SSLeay or all's a failure!
	eval { require Net::SSLeay };

	# Check for errors...
	if ( $@ ) {
		# Oh boy!
		die $@;
	} else {
		# Check to make sure the versions are what we want
		if ( ! (	defined $Net::SSLeay::VERSION and
				$Net::SSLeay::VERSION >= 1.30 ) ) {
			# Argh...
			die 'Please upgrade Net::SSLeay to 1.30+';
		} else {
			# Finally, load our subclass :)
			require POE::Component::SSLify::ClientHandle;
			require POE::Component::SSLify::ServerHandle;

			# Initialize Net::SSLeay

# Do the exporting magic...
require Exporter;
use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK );
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
@EXPORT_OK = qw( Client_SSLify Server_SSLify SSLify_Options SSLify_GetCTX SSLify_GetCipher SSLify_GetSocket );

# Bring in some socket-related stuff
use Symbol qw( gensym );

# We need the server-side stuff
use Net::SSLeay qw( die_now die_if_ssl_error );

# The server-side CTX stuff
my $ctx = undef;

# Helper sub to set blocking on a handle
sub Set_Blocking {
	my $socket = shift;

	# Net::SSLeay needs blocking for setup.
	# ActiveState Perl 5.8.0 dislikes the Win32-specific code to make
	# a socket blocking, so we use IO::Handle's blocking(1) method.
	# Perl 5.005_03 doesn't like blocking(), so we only use it in
	# 5.8.0 and beyond.
	if ( $] >= 5.008 and $^O eq 'MSWin32' ) {
		# From IO::Handle POD
		# If an error occurs blocking will return undef and $! will be set.
		if ( ! $socket->blocking( 1 ) ) {
			die "Unable to set blocking mode on socket: $!";
	} else {
		# Make the handle blocking, the POSIX way.
		if ( $^O ne 'MSWin32' ) {
			# Get the old flags
			my $flags = fcntl( $socket, F_GETFL, 0 ) or die "fcntl( $socket, F_GETFL, 0 ) fails: $!";

			# Okay, we patiently wait until the socket turns blocking mode
			until( fcntl( $socket, F_SETFL, $flags & ~O_NONBLOCK ) ) {
				# What was the error?
				if ( ! ( $! == EAGAIN or $! == EWOULDBLOCK ) ) {
					# Fatal error...
					die "fcntl( $socket, FSETFL, etc ) fails: $!";
		} else {
			# Darned MSWin32 way...
			# Do some ioctl magic here
			# 126 is FIONBIO ( some docs say 0x7F << 16 )
			my $flag = "0";
			ioctl( $socket, 0x80000000 | ( 4 << 16 ) | ( ord( 'f' ) << 8 ) | 126, $flag ) or die "ioctl( $socket, FIONBIO, $flag ) fails: $!";

	# All done!
	return $socket;

# Okay, the main routine here!
sub Client_SSLify {
	# Get the socket!
	my $socket = shift;

	# Validation...
	if ( ! defined $socket ) {
		die "Did not get a defined socket";

	# Set blocking on
	$socket = Set_Blocking( $socket );

	# Now, we create the new socket and bind it to our subclass of Net::SSLeay::Handle
	my $newsock = gensym();
	tie( *$newsock, 'POE::Component::SSLify::ClientHandle', $socket ) or die "Unable to tie to our subclass: $!";

	# All done!
	return $newsock;

# Okay, the main routine here!
sub Server_SSLify {
	# Get the socket!
	my $socket = shift;

	# Validation...
	if ( ! defined $socket ) {
		die "Did not get a defined socket";

	# If we don't have a ctx ready, we can't do anything...
	if ( ! defined $ctx ) {
		die 'Please do SSLify_Options() first';

	# Set blocking on
	$socket = Set_Blocking( $socket );

	# Now, we create the new socket and bind it to our subclass of Net::SSLeay::Handle
	my $newsock = gensym();
	tie( *$newsock, 'POE::Component::SSLify::ServerHandle', $socket, $ctx ) or die "Unable to tie to our subclass: $!";

	# All done!
	return $newsock;

# Sets the key + certificate
sub SSLify_Options {
	# Get the key + cert
	my( $key, $cert ) = @_;

	$ctx = Net::SSLeay::CTX_new() or die_now( "CTX_new($ctx): $!" );
	Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options( $ctx, &Net::SSLeay::OP_ALL ) and die_if_ssl_error( 'ssl ctx set options' );

	# Following will ask password unless private key is not encrypted
	Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_RSAPrivateKey_file( $ctx, $key, &Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_PEM );
	die_if_ssl_error( 'private key' );

	# Set the cert file
	Net::SSLeay::CTX_use_certificate_file( $ctx, $cert, &Net::SSLeay::FILETYPE_PEM );
	die_if_ssl_error( 'certificate' );

	# All done!
	return 1;

# Returns the server-side CTX in case somebody wants to play with it
sub SSLify_GetCTX {
	return $ctx;

# Gives you the cipher type of a SSLified socket
sub SSLify_GetCipher {
	my $sock = shift;
	return Net::SSLeay::get_cipher( tied( *$sock )->_get_self()->{'ssl'} );

# Gives you the "Real" Socket to play with
sub SSLify_GetSocket {
	my $sock = shift;
	return tied( *$sock )->_get_self()->{'socket'};

# End of module

=head1 NAME

POE::Component::SSLify - Makes using SSL in the world of POE easy!


=head2 Client-side usage

	# Import the module
	use POE::Component::SSLify qw( Client_SSLify );

	# Create a normal SocketFactory wheel or something
	my $factory = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( ... );

	# Converts the socket into a SSL socket POE can communicate with
	eval { $socket = Client_SSLify( $socket ) };
	if ( $@ ) {
		# Unable to SSLify it...

	# Now, hand it off to ReadWrite
	my $rw = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
		Handle	=>	$socket,

	# Use it as you wish...

=head2 Server-side usage

	# !!! Make sure you have a public key + certificate generated via Net::SSLeay's

	# Import the module
	use POE::Component::SSLify qw( Server_SSLify SSLify_Options SSLify_GetCTX );

	# Set the key + certificate file
	eval { SSLify_Options( 'public-key.pem', 'public-cert.pem' ) };
	if ( $@ ) {
		# Unable to load key or certificate file...

	# Ah, I want to set some options ( not required )
	# my $ctx = SSLify_GetCTX();
	# Net::SSLeay::CTX_set_options( $ctx, foo );

	# Create a normal SocketFactory wheel or something
	my $factory = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( ... );

	# Converts the socket into a SSL socket POE can communicate with
	eval { $socket = Server_SSLify( $socket ) };
	if ( $@ ) {
		# Unable to SSLify it...

	# Now, hand it off to ReadWrite
	my $rw = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
		Handle	=>	$socket,

	# Use it as you wish...


	Makes SSL use in POE a breeze!


This component represents the standard way to do SSL in POE.

=head1 NOTES

=head2 Socket methods doesn't work

The new socket this module gives you actually is some tied socket magic, so you cannot do stuff like
getpeername() or getsockname(). The only way to do it is to use SSLify_GetSocket and then operate on
the socket it returns.

=head2 Dying everywhere...

This module will die() if Net::SSLeay could not be loaded or it is not the version we want. So, it is recommended
that you check for errors and not use SSL, like so:

	eval { use POE::Component::SSLify };
	if ( $@ ) {
		$sslavailable = 0;
	} else {
		$sslavailable = 1;

	# Make socket SSL!
	if ( $sslavailable ) {
		eval { $socket = POE::Component::SSLify::Client_SSLify( $socket ) };
		if ( $@ ) {
			# Unable to SSLify the socket...


=head2 Client_SSLify

	Accepts a socket, returns a brand new socket SSLified

=head2 Server_SSLify

	Accepts a socket, returns a brand new socket SSLified

	NOTE: SSLify_Options must be set first!

=head2 SSLify_Options

	Accepts the location of the SSL key + certificate files and does it's job

=head2 SSLify_GetCTX

	Returns the server-side CTX in case you wanted to play around with it :)

=head2 SSLify_GetCipher

	Returns the cipher used by the SSLified socket

		print "SSL Cipher is: " . SSLify_GetCipher( $sslified_sock ) . "\n";

=head2 SSLify_GetSocket

	Returns the actual socket used by the SSLified socket, useful for stuff like getpeername()/getsockname()

		print "Remote IP is: " . ( unpack_sockaddr_in( getpeername( SSLify_GetSocket( $sslified_sock ) ) ) )[0] . "\n";

=head1 EXPORT

	Stuffs all the 4 functions in @EXPORT_OK so you have to request them directly

=head1 BUGS

On Win32 platforms SSL support is pretty shaky, please help me out with detailed error descriptions if it happens to you!

=head1 SEE ALSO



=head1 AUTHOR

Apocalypse E<lt>apocal@cpan.orgE<gt>

=head1 PROPS

	Original code is entirely Rocco Caputo ( Creator of POE ) -> I simply
	packaged up the code into something everyone could use and accepted the burden
	of maintaining it :)

	From the PoCo::Client::HTTP code =]
	# TODO - This code should probably become a POE::Kernel method,
    	# seeing as it's rather baroque and potentially useful in a number
    	# of places.


Copyright 2007 by Apocalypse/Rocco Caputo

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
