Codebase list libpoe-component-sslify-perl / f5b8e4a t / 4_hooks.t

Tree @f5b8e4a (Download .tar.gz)

4_hooks.t @f5b8e4araw · history · blame


# Thanks to ASCENT for this test!

use strict; use warnings;

my $numtests;
	$numtests = 14;

# disabled for testing now...
#	eval "use Test::NoWarnings";
#	if ( ! $@ ) {
#		# increment by one
#		$numtests++;
#	}

use Test::More tests => $numtests;

use POE 1.267;
use POE::Component::Client::TCP;
use POE::Component::Server::TCP;
use POE::Component::SSLify qw/Client_SSLify Server_SSLify SSLify_Options SSLify_GetCipher SSLify_ContextCreate SSLify_GetSocket SSLify_GetSSL/;

# TODO rewrite this to use Test::POE::Server::TCP and stuff :)

my $port;

	Alias			=> 'myserver',
	Address			=> '',
	Port			=> 0,

	Started			=> sub
		use Socket qw/sockaddr_in/;
		$port = (sockaddr_in($_[HEAP]->{listener}->getsockname))[0];
	ClientConnected		=> sub
		ok(1, 'SERVER: accepted');
	ClientDisconnected	=> sub
		ok(1, 'SERVER: client disconnected');
		$_[KERNEL]->post( 'myserver' => 'shutdown');
	ClientPreConnect	=> sub
		eval { SSLify_Options('mylib/example.key', 'mylib/example.crt', 'sslv3') };
		eval { SSLify_Options('../mylib/example.key', '../mylib/example.crt', 'sslv3') } if ($@);
		ok(!$@, "SERVER: SSLify_Options $@");

		my $socket = eval { Server_SSLify( $_[ARG0], sub {
			pass( "Got connect hook for server" );
		} ) };
		ok(!$@, "SERVER: Server_SSLify $@");
		ok(1, 'SERVER: SSLify_GetCipher: '. SSLify_GetCipher($socket));

		# We pray that IO::Handle is sane...
		ok( SSLify_GetSocket( $socket )->blocking == 0, 'SERVER: SSLified socket is non-blocking?');

		return ($socket);
	ClientInput		=> sub
		my ($kernel, $heap, $line) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];

		die "Unknown line from CLIENT: $line";
	ClientError	=> sub
		# Thanks to H. Merijn Brand for spotting this FAIL in 5.12.0!
		# The default PoCo::Server::TCP handler will throw a warning, which causes Test::NoWarnings to FAIL :(
		my ($syscall, $errno, $error) = @_[ ARG0..ARG2 ];

		# TODO are there other "errors" that is harmless?
		$error = "Normal disconnection" unless $error;
		my $msg = "Got SERVER $syscall error $errno: $error";
		unless ( $syscall eq 'read' and $errno == 0 ) {
			fail( $msg );
		} else {
			diag( $msg ) if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};

	Alias		=> 'myclient',
	RemoteAddress	=> '',
	RemotePort	=> $port,
	Connected	=> sub
		ok(1, 'CLIENT: connected');
	PreConnect	=> sub
		my $ctx = eval { SSLify_ContextCreate(undef, undef, 'sslv3') };
		ok(!$@, "CLIENT: SSLify_ContextCreate $@");
		my $socket = eval { Client_SSLify($_[ARG0], undef, undef, $ctx, sub {
			pass( "Got connect hook for client" );
			$poe_kernel->post( 'myclient' => 'shutdown' );
		}) };
		ok(!$@, "CLIENT: Client_SSLify $@");
		ok(1, 'CLIENT: SSLify_GetCipher: '. SSLify_GetCipher($socket));

		# We pray that IO::Handle is sane...
		ok( SSLify_GetSocket( $socket )->blocking == 0, 'CLIENT: SSLified socket is non-blocking?');

		return ($socket);
	ServerInput	=> sub
		my ($kernel, $heap, $line) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];

	ServerError	=> sub
		# Thanks to H. Merijn Brand for spotting this FAIL in 5.12.0!
		# The default PoCo::Client::TCP handler will throw a warning, which causes Test::NoWarnings to FAIL :(
		my ($syscall, $errno, $error) = @_[ ARG0..ARG2 ];

		# TODO are there other "errors" that is harmless?
		$error = "Normal disconnection" unless $error;
		my $msg = "Got CLIENT $syscall error $errno: $error";
		unless ( $syscall eq 'read' and $errno == 0 ) {
			fail( $msg );
		} else {
			diag( $msg ) if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE};


pass( 'shut down sanely' );

exit 0;