Codebase list lwjgl / 3ead0a30-ed6a-406e-8de3-813af4d478f5/main src / native / common / extcl_types.h

Tree @3ead0a30-ed6a-406e-8de3-813af4d478f5/main (Download .tar.gz)

extcl_types.h @3ead0a30-ed6a-406e-8de3-813af4d478f5/mainraw · history · blame

// -----------------[ Core typedefs ]-----------------

typedef struct _cl_platform_id *    cl_platform_id;
typedef struct _cl_device_id *      cl_device_id;
typedef struct _cl_context *        cl_context;
typedef struct _cl_command_queue *  cl_command_queue;
typedef struct _cl_mem *            cl_mem;
typedef struct _cl_program *        cl_program;
typedef struct _cl_kernel *         cl_kernel;
typedef struct _cl_event *          cl_event;
typedef struct _cl_sampler *        cl_sampler;

typedef cl_uint             cl_bool;                     /* WARNING!  Unlike cl_ types in cl_platform.h, cl_bool is not guaranteed to be the same size as the bool in kernels. */
typedef cl_ulong            cl_bitfield;
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_device_type;
typedef cl_uint             cl_platform_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_device_info;
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_device_fp_config;
typedef cl_uint             cl_device_mem_cache_type;
typedef cl_uint             cl_device_local_mem_type;
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_device_exec_capabilities;
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_command_queue_properties;
typedef intptr_t            cl_device_partition_property;
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_device_affinity_domain;

typedef intptr_t            cl_context_properties;
typedef cl_uint             cl_context_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_command_queue_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_channel_order;
typedef cl_uint             cl_channel_type;
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_mem_flags;
typedef cl_uint             cl_mem_object_type;
typedef cl_uint             cl_mem_info;
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_mem_migration_flags;
typedef cl_uint             cl_image_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_buffer_create_type;
typedef cl_uint             cl_addressing_mode;
typedef cl_uint             cl_filter_mode;
typedef cl_uint             cl_sampler_info;
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_map_flags;
typedef cl_uint             cl_program_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_program_build_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_program_binary_type;
typedef cl_int              cl_build_status;
typedef cl_uint             cl_kernel_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_kernel_arg_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_kernel_arg_address_qualifier;
typedef cl_uint             cl_kernel_arg_access_qualifier;
typedef cl_uint             cl_kernel_work_group_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_event_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_command_type;
typedef cl_uint             cl_profiling_info;

typedef struct _cl_image_format {
    cl_channel_order        image_channel_order;
    cl_channel_type         image_channel_data_type;
} cl_image_format;

typedef struct _cl_image_desc {
    cl_mem_object_type      image_type;
    size_t                  image_width;
    size_t                  image_height;
    size_t                  image_depth;
    size_t                  image_array_size;
    size_t                  image_row_pitch;
    size_t                  image_slice_pitch;
    cl_uint                 num_mip_levels;
    cl_uint                 num_samples;
    cl_mem                  buffer;
} cl_image_desc;

typedef struct _cl_buffer_region {
    size_t                  origin;
    size_t                  size;
} cl_buffer_region;

// cl_gl.h
typedef cl_uint             cl_gl_platform_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_gl_context_info;
typedef cl_uint             cl_gl_object_type;
typedef cl_uint             cl_gl_texture_info;

// -----------------[ Extension typedefs ]-----------------

// EXT_device_fission
typedef cl_ulong            cl_device_partition_property_ext;
// EXT_migrate_memobject
typedef cl_bitfield         cl_mem_migration_flags_ext;

// KHR_subgroups
typedef cl_uint             cl_kernel_sub_group_info;

// -----------------[ Convenience typedefs ]-----------------

typedef void                cl_void;