Codebase list materia-gtk-theme / bullseye-backports/main

Tree @bullseye-backports/main (Download .tar.gz)

<img src="images/materia-logo.svg" alt="materia-logo" align="right" />

# Materia

Materia is a [Material Design]( theme for GNOME/GTK based desktop environments.

It supports GTK 2, GTK 3, GTK 4, GNOME Shell, Budgie, Cinnamon, MATE, Unity, Xfce, LightDM, GDM, Chrome theme, etc.

## Previews


## Features

Supports **ripple animations** for GTK 3 and 4:


**3 color variants** and **2 size variants** are available:

**Materia** | **standard** | **compact**
:-: | :-: | :-:
**standard** | ![Materia][1] | ![Materia-compact][2]
**dark** | ![Materia-dark][3] | ![Materia-dark-compact][4]
**light** | ![Materia-light][5] | ![Materia-light-compact][6]

[1]: images/Materia.png?raw=true
[2]: images/Materia-compact.png?raw=true
[3]: images/Materia-dark.png?raw=true
[4]: images/Materia-dark-compact.png?raw=true
[5]: images/Materia-light.png?raw=true
[6]: images/Materia-light-compact.png?raw=true

## Supported Toolkits and Desktops

- GTK 2
- GTK 3 `>=3.20`
- GTK 4 `>=4.0`
- Budgie `>=10.4`
- Cinnamon `>=3.x`
- GNOME Shell `>=3.26`
- MATE `>=1.14`
- Unity `>=7.4`
- Xfce `>=4.13`

## Unsupported Apps and Desktops

- elementary apps
  > Because they are based on [their own stylesheet]( that conflicts with GTK standards.
- Downstream customized GNOME sessions
  > E.g. "Ubuntu" session, "Pop" session. To properly use Materia on GNOME Shell, please install `gnome-session` and then switch to "GNOME" or "GNOME on Xorg" session from your display manager.

## Installation

### Distro Packages

<!-- For contributors, please add your package alphabetically. -->

Distro | Package Name | Annotation
--- | --- | ---
Arch Linux | `materia-gtk-theme` | [Link](
Debian 10 or later | `materia-gtk-theme` | [Link](
Fedora | `materia-gtk-theme` | [Link](
Solus | `materia-gtk-theme` | [Link](
Ubuntu 18.04 or later | `materia-gtk-theme` | [Link](

> NOTE: Distro packages could be outdated and incompatible with your desktop environment. You can check the latest version [here](

### Flatpak

All 6 variants are available via Flathub:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
flatpak install flathub org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Materia{,-dark,-light}{,-compact}

### Manual Installation

See [``]( for details.

## Recommendations

### Font

- Use a font family including **Medium** weight (e.g. [Roboto]( or [M+]( to properly display the theme.
- Set the font size to `9.75` (= 13px at 96dpi) or `10.5` (= 14px at 96dpi).

### Chrome Extensions

To improve the appearance of Chrome, you can install our Chrome extensions as follows:

1. Open the `/usr/share/themes/Materia<-variant>/chrome` folder in your file manager.
2. Drag and drop the `.crx` files into the Chrome's Extensions page (`chrome://extensions`).

### GDM Theme

You can change the GDM (lock/login screen) theme by replacing the default GNOME Shell theme.  
See [``]( for details.

## Customization

Materia can be customized with GUI application, [**oomox theme designer**](

Materia also allows you to change the color scheme relatively easily in other ways. See [``]( for details.

## Contributing

If you find bugs or have suggestions, please report it to the [issue tracker]( Any contribution would be much appreciated.

Todo list can be found at [``](

## Related Projects

- [**Materia KDE**]( by @PapirusDevelopmentTeam
- [**Materia VSCode Theme**]( by @m-thorsen
- [**Materia Kolorizer**]( by @DarthWound
- [**oomox theme designer**]( by @themix-project

## License

Materia is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later. See the [`COPYING`](COPYING) file for details.

## Acknowledgments

- Materia is based on [Adwaita]( by GNOME.
- Design and specifications are based on Google's [Material Design](
- The included symbolic icons are based on [Material Design icons]( by Google.
- The Chrome scrollbar extension was forked from [Adwaita-chrome-scrollbar]( by GNOME Integration Team.
- Yauhen Kirylau (@actionless) who is oomox author polished scripts and supported Materia with [oomox](
- @n3oxmind who helped improve the installation script.
- @smurphos who made and provided the Cinnamon theme for Materia.
- Our Meson code is heavily influenced by @monday15's [lounge-gtk-theme](

Also thank you to all contributors and upstream developers.