Codebase list minbif / 16283745-20a3-44d6-987d-04ee6924e251/main ChangeLog

Tree @16283745-20a3-44d6-987d-04ee6924e251/main (Download .tar.gz)

ChangeLog @16283745-20a3-44d6-987d-04ee6924e251/mainraw · history · blame

Minbif 1.0.5 (2011-12-04)
	* Add an option 'file_transfers/dcc_own_ip' in config file.
	* Change weechat's script to ignore the 'request' nick.
	* When a new request is received during process of an other one, tell
	* Add a facebook rename script for weechat.
	* Change users of child process with pam authentification.
	* Escape URL entities in /JOIN params.
	* Add a /SCONNECT alias to /CONNECT.
	* Can use wildcards to match buddies with /WHO.
	* prpl-coincoin: support hh:mm:ss:ref norloge syntax.
	* prpl-coincoin: works with the new version of the DLFP board.
	* Fix: prevent crash with the msn plugin.
	* Fix: conversion to IRC escape chars.
	* Fix: compatibility with libpurple 2.8+.

Minbif 1.0.4 (2010-09-20)
	* libpurple 2.4 isn't supported anymore.
	* /WHO can take -s to display status instead of realname.
	* Support multilines messages by waiting a delay before sending buffer
	* Send RPL_MYINFO and RPL_ISUPPORT at connection to be RFC 2812
	* Only /SVSNICK sends aliases server side.
	* New command '/STATS p' to manage libpurple plugins.
	* /MAP commands have to match the start of the exact name.
	* With '/MAP add', decode usernames as URL-encoded (#338).
	* Do not add '0' at the end of the new account ID when it's the first
	* Allow joining a remote channel even if account is disconnected
	* New option '-m' to binary to select the server mode to create.
	* Add im_typing_notice script for weechat.
	* prpl-coincoin new features: support clocks without seconds, can
	  refer to a previous message by writing the nickname, etc.
	* Fix: crash when which occurs sometimes when disconnecting from an
	* Fix: don't warn about aborted joins if the account is not connected
	  while removing it (#337).
	* Fix: issues with multilines received messages (#331).
	* Fix: use unicode in status channel topics.
	* Fix: ability to unset status.
	* Fix: file descriptor leak in daemon fork mode.
	* Fix: infinite loop when there are more than 2 accounts without any
	  ID set.

Minbif 1.0.3 (2010-05-15)
	* Use /topic on status channels to change your status message (#210).
	* With field requests, display image fields with libcaca.
	* Improvement of bans management (match wildcards, fix parsing, etc.).
	* When starting to chat with a buddy in a status channel, every
	  received messages from this buddy are displayed in the status channel
	* Do not allow two IRC clients to be logged at the same time on the
	  same account (only with the daemon fork mode) (#178).
	* Display the current status of a buddy in /WHOIS when he is not away.
	* Default value of 'server_alias' is now 'true'.
	* Works with libpurple 2.7.0.
	* Fix: crash with conversations (occured when a buddy sends a message,
	  then disconnects/reconnects and re-send a message) (#258).
	* Fix: crash when closing a request.
	* Fix: compilation on FreeBSD (now using a buildbot slave on this OS)
	* Fix: /svsnick collision detection.
	* Fix: crash when nobody connects to DCC server.
	* Fix: crash when a buddy has an icon without any path (wtf).

Minbif 1.0.2 (2010-04-05)
	* TLS support.
	* New 'maxcon' parameter to limit simultaneous connections.
	* /TOPIC on a status channel change your status on attached accounts.
	* Can put '%XX' in remote channel names to join, to insert special
	  characters (for example spaces).
	* Auto-reconnect on accounts only when disconnection was because of a
	  network error.
	* Display account ID and more information in requests.
	* Aibility to not store password on an account (it is requested at
	* Aibility to edit password with '/MAP edit'.
	* Use imlib2 to convert received buddyicons to right encoded images.
	* Send several PRIVMSG or NOTICE when there are \n in message.
	* Better display of /MAP replies (with stats on accounts).
	* /ADMIN voiced_buddies: enable or disable voices on status channels.
	* /ADMIN accept_nobuddies_messages: if disabled, messages from unknown
	  buddies are not displayed (prevent spam).
	* /ADMIN server_aliases: enable or disable sending of aliases
	* 'server_aliases' accounts parameter to enable or disable sending of
	  aliases server-side on a specific account.
	* Command '/STATS u' to display server uptime.
	* Command '/STATS o' to display every available minbif administrator
	  and their email address.
	* Command '/INFO' to display copyright information.
	* Irssi script to auto-rename facebook buddies.
	* Fix: pam default configuration.
	* Fix: chat buddy's nickname when users have a jabber resource.
	* Fix: crash with '/STATS c' on a disconnected account.
	* Fix: compilation on strange compilers.
	* Fix: typing notices were broken.
	* Fix: crash when removing an account which have an active request.
	* Fix: prevent empty nicknames.
	* Fix: sent buddy icons cut on the bottom.

Minbif 1.0.1 (2010-01-16)
	* PAM authentication.
	* /MAP CMD command to run a specific command on an account, which
	  allow you to change nickname, mood messages, etc.
	* Support fields requests.
	* Display group name in IRC user realname.
	* The /MAP REGISTER command registers account on server before adding
	* Conf option to enable the purple conv logging.
	* /CMD command to send commands in a conversation
	* Display date before delayed messages if they hasn't been sent today.
	* Fix: daemonize correctly.
	* Fix: security issue when a global password is set on the minbif
	  server, it creates the userdir before checking if the password is
	* Fix: buddy's realnames wasn't updated in realtime.
	* Fix: the PONG reply wasn't RFC compliant.
	* Fix: crash in NAMES and TOPIC commands when giving an invalid chan
	* Fix: don't typing notice unless either bitlbee_send_typing or
	  typing_notice is true.

Minbif 1.0 (2009-11-18)
	* Global proxy settings with the /ADMIN command.
	* Ability to set parameters when joining a conversation channel.
	* /STATS c: display all available parameters of a specific account.
	* Transliteration of buddies' IRC nicknames.
	* Handle mIRC format chars when sending a message.
	* gayattitude: new prpl-plugin.
	* coincoin: improvment.
	* accounts: fix auto-reconnection.
	* Fix: remove a status channel when there isn't any associated account.
	* Fix: fix crash when rehashing twice.
	* Fix: memory leaks.

Minbif 1.0-rc2 (2009-10-28)
	* Timestamps of delayed messages are bold formatted.
	* coincoin: fix bad-encoded xml files.
	* coincoin: display nickname of message sender before timestamps.

Minbif 1.0-rc (2009-10-24)
	* Auto-rejoin channels when disconnect/reconnect to an IM account, or
	  when restart minbif.
	* Channel users status changes are propagated to IRC user.
	* /TOPIC command to change the conversation channel topic.
	* Aibility to chat with a channel member.
	* When an unknown buddy tries to send a message, create a temporary
	  IRC user to chat with him anyway.
	* /ADMIN log_level: change the log level.
	* can change ID and status channel of an account with /MAP EDIT.
	* /LIST <accid>: display list of channels for an account.
	* MSN protocol: use /JOIN #nickname:accid to create a group chat with
	  a buddy.
	* prpl-coincoin: plugin to connect to a DaCode board.
	* Reorganization of CMakeLists.txt files.
	* Fix: Use libcaca 'irc' output for buddy icons.
	* Fix: Correctly send a ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL reply when a channel can't
	  be joined.
	* Fix: TYPING: send stale state to avoid the irssi's plugin to timeout.
	* Fix: crash when a notify field is NULL.

Minbif 1.0-beta2 (2009-10-10)
	* CACAcam works.
	* scripts/irssi/ irssi script to display CACAcam in the
	  buddy's query.
	* Files send supported (/DCC SEND).
	* Set accounts icon with /DCC SEND buddyicon.
	* Daemon-fork mode supports IPv6.
	* Display a MOTD at connection, or with the /MOTD command.
	* Parameter irc/buddy_icons_url to display an URL to download icon in
	* /ADMIN away_idle (bool): enable/disable away when idling.
	* /SVSNICK: reject invalid nicks.
	* /MAP edit: edit an account.
	* /OPER: authenticate as an IRC operator.
	* /WALLOPS: oper command to send a wallops message to every launched
	* /DIE: kill every minbif instances.
	* /REHASH: reload configuration of every launched minbif.
	* Handle SIGHUP signal to reload configuration file.
	* IPC channel in daemon fork mode, to broadcast several commands.
	* Wrote tests system.
	* A buildbot is setup on
	* Fix: join MSN channels when invited (it's still buggous, but doesn't
	  crash anymore).
	* Fix: memory leak with CACAImage.
	* Fix: crash when an alias is overrided by server.
	* Fix: iso-8859-15 charset crash.

Minbif 1.0-beta (2009-09-28)
	* Daemon fork mode.
	* Ability to protect the minbif server with a password.
	* File transfers support for reception.
	* Buggy implementation of CACAcam (do not use it!).
	* /SVSNICK command to change a buddy's nickname.
	* /WHO can match on a server name or an account name.
	* /NAMES command.
	* /MAP ADD without any channel name will use the default &minbif
	* /AWAY command.
	* '/STATS a' to display every available away status.
	* /WHOIS displays the fully away message.
	* /WII displays a larger icon and several information about buddy.
	* /ADMIN command to display and change some minbif account parameters.
	* Correctly handle the /ME command.
	* Can leave status channels.
	* Display notify messages.
	* Auto-reconnect when disconnected by server.
	* Auto-rejoin remote channels when reconnecting to minbif.
	* Display remote channel topics.
	* Display remote channel history at join (if supported by protocol).
	* libpurple error messages are logged with the PURPLE loglevel.
	* Handle SIGTERM.
	* Support CTCP TYPING.
	* Imported some bitlbee's irssi scripts and changed them to support
	* Added a manpage.
	* Fix: crash when a remote channel member leaves.
	* Fix: crash when a remote channel member changes his nickname.
	* Fix: hilight messages were not displayed.
	* Fix: correctly handle when a user tries to add me in his buddy list.

Minbif 1.0-alpha (2009-05-10)
	* First revision of project
	* Minbif uses a library which abstracts all IM calls, and has several
	  plugins to support a lot of IM protocols (IRC included!).
	* Only IRC commands are used to command Minbif.
	* Buddies are IRC users.
	* Each account has a status channel. You see in all connected buddies,
	  and their status on it.
	* Add and remove buddies from list with /INVITE and /KICK commands.
	* Blocked users are bans on the account's status channel.
	* You can see buddies' icons (with libcaca) or download them.
	* Conversation chats are supported.