Codebase list miniasm / 5fa53ad6-7ddf-44da-a04d-f104d4cdfb6b/main hit.c

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hit.c @5fa53ad6-7ddf-44da-a04d-f104d4cdfb6b/mainraw · history · blame

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "sdict.h"
#include "paf.h"
#include "kvec.h"
#include "sys.h"
#include "miniasm.h"

#include "ksort.h"
#define ma_hit_key(a) ((a).qns)
KRADIX_SORT_INIT(hit, ma_hit_t, ma_hit_key, 8)


typedef kvec_t(uint32_t) uint32_v;

void ma_hit_sort(size_t n, ma_hit_t *a)
	radix_sort_hit(a, a + n);

void ma_hit_mark_unused(sdict_t *d, size_t n, const ma_hit_t *a)
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < d->n_seq; ++i)
		d->seq[i].aux = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		d->seq[a[i].qns>>32].aux = d->seq[a[i].tn].aux = 1;
	for (i = 0; i < d->n_seq; ++i) {
		sd_seq_t *s = &d->seq[i];
		if (!s->aux) s->del = 1;
		else s->aux = 0;

sdict_t *ma_hit_no_cont(const char *fn, int min_span, int min_match, int max_hang, float int_frac)
	paf_file_t *fp;
	paf_rec_t r;
	sdict_t *d;

	fp = paf_open(fn);
	if (!fp) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[E::%s] could not open PAF file %s\n", __func__, fn);
	d = sd_init();
	while (paf_read(fp, &r) >= 0) {
		int l5, l3;
		if (r.qe - r.qs < min_span || r.te - r.ts < min_span || < min_match) continue;
		l5 = r.rev? - r.te : r.ts;
		l3 = r.rev? r.ts : - r.te;
		if (r.ql>>1 > {
			if (l5 > max_hang>>2 || l3 > max_hang>>2 || r.te - r.ts < * int_frac) continue; // internal match
			if ((int)r.qs - l5 > max_hang<<1 && (int)(r.ql - r.qe) - l3 > max_hang<<1)
		} else if (r.ql <>>1) {
			if (r.qs > max_hang>>2 || r.ql - r.qe > max_hang>>2 || r.qe - r.qs < r.ql * int_frac) continue; // internal
			if (l5 - (int)r.qs > max_hang<<1 && l3 - (int)(r.ql - r.qe) > max_hang<<1)
				sd_put(d, r.qn, r.ql);
	if (ma_verbose >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s::%s] dropped %d contained reads\n", __func__, sys_timestamp(), d->n_seq);
	return d;

ma_hit_t *ma_hit_read(const char *fn, int min_span, int min_match, sdict_t *d, size_t *n, int bi_dir, const sdict_t *excl)
	paf_file_t *fp;
	paf_rec_t r;
	ma_hit_v h = {0,0,0};
	size_t i, tot = 0, tot_len = 0;

	fp = paf_open(fn);
	if (!fp) {
		fprintf(stderr, "[E::%s] could not open PAF file %s\n", __func__, fn);
	while (paf_read(fp, &r) >= 0) {
		ma_hit_t *p;
		if (r.qe - r.qs < min_span || r.te - r.ts < min_span || < min_match) continue;
		if (excl && (sd_get(excl, r.qn) >= 0 || sd_get(excl, >= 0)) continue;
		kv_pushp(ma_hit_t, h, &p);
		p->qns = (uint64_t)sd_put(d, r.qn, r.ql)<<32 | r.qs;
		p->qe = r.qe;
		p->tn = sd_put(d,,;
		p->ts = r.ts, p->te = r.te, p->rev = r.rev, p->ml =, p->bl =;
		if (bi_dir && p->qns>>32 != p->tn) {
			kv_pushp(ma_hit_t, h, &p);
			p->qns = (uint64_t)sd_put(d,,<<32 | r.ts;
			p->qe = r.te;
			p->tn = sd_put(d, r.qn, r.ql);
			p->ts = r.qs, p->te = r.qe, p->rev = r.rev, p->ml =, p->bl =;
	for (i = 0; i < d->n_seq; ++i)
		tot_len += d->seq[i].len;
	if (ma_verbose >= 3) fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s::%s] read %ld hits; stored %ld hits and %d sequences (%ld bp)\n", __func__, sys_timestamp(), tot, h.n, d->n_seq, tot_len);
	ma_hit_sort(h.n, h.a);
	*n = h.n;
	return h.a;

ma_sub_t *ma_hit_sub(int min_dp, float min_iden, int end_clip, size_t n, const ma_hit_t *a, size_t n_sub)
	size_t i, j, last, n_remained = 0;
	kvec_t(uint32_t) b = {0,0,0};
	ma_sub_t *sub = 0;

	sub = (ma_sub_t*)calloc(n_sub, sizeof(ma_sub_t));
	for (i = 1, last = 0; i <= n; ++i) {
		if (i == n || a[i].qns>>32 != a[i-1].qns>>32) { // we come to a new query sequence
			size_t start = 0;
			int dp, qid = a[i-1].qns>>32;
			ma_sub_t max, max2;
			kv_resize(uint32_t, b, i - last);
			b.n = 0;
			for (j = last; j < i; ++j) { // collect all starts and ends
				uint32_t qs, qe;
				if (a[j].tn == qid || a[j].ml < a[j].bl * min_iden) continue; // skip self match
				qs = (uint32_t)a[j].qns + end_clip, qe = a[j].qe - end_clip;
				if (qe > qs) {
					kv_push(uint32_t, b, qs<<1);
					kv_push(uint32_t, b, qe<<1|1);
			ks_introsort_uint32_t(b.n, b.a);
			max.s = max.e = max.del = max2.s = max2.e = max2.del = 0;
			for (j = 0, dp = 0; j < b.n; ++j) {
				int old_dp = dp;
				if (b.a[j]&1) --dp;
				else ++dp;
				if (old_dp < min_dp && dp >= min_dp) {
					start = b.a[j]>>1;
				} else if (old_dp >= min_dp && dp < min_dp) {
					int len = (b.a[j]>>1) - start;
					if (len > max.e - max.s) max2 = max, max.s = start, max.e = b.a[j]>>1;
					else if (len > max2.e - max2.s) max2.s = start, max2.e = b.a[j]>>1;
			if (max.e - max.s > 0) {
				assert(qid < n_sub);
				sub[qid].s = max.s - end_clip;
				sub[qid].e = max.e + end_clip;
				sub[qid].del = 0;
			} else sub[qid].del = 1;
			last = i;
	if (ma_verbose >= 3)
		fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s::%s] %ld query sequences remain after sub\n", __func__, sys_timestamp(), n_remained);
	return sub;

size_t ma_hit_cut(const ma_sub_t *reg, int min_span, size_t n, ma_hit_t *a)
	size_t i, m;
	for (i = m = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		ma_hit_t *p = &a[i];
		const ma_sub_t *rq = &reg[p->qns>>32], *rt = &reg[p->tn];
		int qs, qe, ts, te;
		if (rq->del || rt->del) continue;
		if (p->rev) {
			qs = p->te < rt->e? (uint32_t)p->qns : (uint32_t)p->qns + (p->te - rt->e);
			qe = p->ts > rt->s? p->qe : p->qe - (rt->s - p->ts);
			ts = p->qe < rq->e? p->ts : p->ts + (p->qe - rq->e);
			te = (uint32_t)p->qns > rq->s? p->te : p->te - (rq->s - (uint32_t)p->qns);
		} else {
			qs = p->ts > rt->s? (uint32_t)p->qns : (uint32_t)p->qns + (rt->s - p->ts);
			qe = p->te < rt->e? p->qe : p->qe - (p->te - rt->e);
			ts = (uint32_t)p->qns > rq->s? p->ts : p->ts + (rq->s - (uint32_t)p->qns);
			te = p->qe < rq->e? p->te : p->te - (p->qe - rq->e);
		qs = (qs > rq->s? qs : rq->s) - rq->s;
		qe = (qe < rq->e? qe : rq->e) - rq->s;
		ts = (ts > rt->s? ts : rt->s) - rt->s;
		te = (te < rt->e? te : rt->e) - rt->s;
		if (qe - qs >= min_span && te - ts >= min_span) {
			p->qns = p->qns>>32<<32 | qs, p->qe = qe, p->ts = ts, p->te = te;
			a[m++] = *p;
	if (ma_verbose >= 3)
		fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s::%s] %ld hits remain after cut\n", __func__, sys_timestamp(), m);
	return m;

size_t ma_hit_flt(const ma_sub_t *sub, int max_hang, int min_ovlp, size_t n, ma_hit_t *a, float *cov)
	size_t i, m;
	asg_arc_t t;
	uint64_t tot_dp = 0, tot_len = 0;
	for (i = m = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		ma_hit_t *h = &a[i];
		const ma_sub_t *sq = &sub[h->qns>>32], *st = &sub[h->tn];
		int r;
		if (sq->del || st->del) continue;
		r = ma_hit2arc(h, sq->e - sq->s, st->e - st->s, max_hang, .5, min_ovlp, &t);
		if (r >= 0 || r == MA_HT_QCONT || r == MA_HT_TCONT)
			a[m++] = *h, tot_dp += r >= 0? r : r == MA_HT_QCONT? sq->e - sq->s : st->e - st->s;
	for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i)
		if (i == m || a[i].qns>>32 != a[i-1].qns>>32)
			tot_len += sub[a[i-1].qns>>32].e - sub[a[i-1].qns>>32].s;
	*cov = (double)tot_dp / tot_len;
	if (ma_verbose >= 3)
		fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s::%s] %ld hits remain after filtering; crude coverage after filtering: %.2f\n", __func__, sys_timestamp(), m, *cov);
	return m;

void ma_sub_merge(size_t n_sub, ma_sub_t *a, const ma_sub_t *b)
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < n_sub; ++i)
		a[i].e = a[i].s + b[i].e, a[i].s += b[i].s;

size_t ma_hit_contained(const ma_opt_t *opt, sdict_t *d, ma_sub_t *sub, size_t n, ma_hit_t *a)
	int32_t *map, r;
	size_t i, m, old_n_seq = d->n_seq;
	asg_arc_t t;
	for (i = m = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		ma_hit_t *h = &a[i];
		ma_sub_t *sq = &sub[h->qns>>32], *st = &sub[h->tn];
		r = ma_hit2arc(h, sq->e - sq->s, st->e - st->s, opt->max_hang, opt->int_frac, opt->min_ovlp, &t);
		if (r == MA_HT_QCONT) sq->del = 1;
		else if (r == MA_HT_TCONT) st->del = 1;
	for (i = 0; i < d->n_seq; ++i)
		if (sub[i].del) d->seq[i].del = 1;
	ma_hit_mark_unused(d, n, a);
	map = sd_squeeze(d);
	for (i = 0; i < old_n_seq; ++i)
		if (map[i] >= 0) sub[map[i]] = sub[i];
	for (i = m = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		ma_hit_t *h = &a[i];
		int32_t qn = map[h->qns>>32], tn = map[h->tn];
		if (qn >= 0 && tn >= 0) {
			a[i].qns = (uint64_t)qn<<32 | (uint32_t)a[i].qns;
			a[i].tn = tn;
			a[m++] = a[i];
	if (ma_verbose >= 3)
		fprintf(stderr, "[M::%s::%s] %d sequences and %ld hits remain after containment removal\n", __func__, sys_timestamp(), d->n_seq, m);
	return m;