Codebase list neko / 09b4872e-bf2a-4fc2-89a0-a0f8a6035a1c/main

Tree @09b4872e-bf2a-4fc2-89a0-a0f8a6035a1c/main (Download .tar.gz)


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# Neko Virtual Machine


## Snapshot Builds

Compiled binaries can be found in the "artifacts" link in the summary section of each [Azure Pipelines build](

For macOS, Neko snapshot of the latest master branch can be built using [homebrew]( in a single command: `brew install neko --HEAD`. It will install required dependencies, build, and install Neko to the system. The binaries can be found at `brew --prefix neko`. Use `brew reinstall neko --HEAD` to upgrade in the future.

Ubuntu users can use the [Haxe Foundation snapshots PPA]( to install a Neko package built from the latest master branch. To do so, run the commands as follows:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:haxe/snapshots -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neko -y

Users of other Linux/FreeBSD distributions should build Neko from source. See below for additional instructions.

## Build instruction

Neko can be built using CMake (version 3.x is recommended) and one of the C compilers listed as follows:

 * Windows: Visual Studio 2010 / 2013 / 2015 / 2017 
 * Mac: XCode (with its "Command line tools")
 * Linux: gcc (can be obtained by installing the "build-essential" Debian/Ubuntu package)

Neko needs to link with various third-party libraries, which are summarized as follows:

| library / tool                          | OS          | Debian/Ubuntu package                                     |
| Boehm GC                                | all         | libgc-dev                                                 |
| OpenSSL                                 | all         | libssl-dev                                                |
| PCRE                                    | all         | libpcre3-dev                                              |
| zlib                                    | all         | zlib1g-dev                                                |
| Apache 2.2 / 2.4, with apr and apr-util | all         | apache2-dev                                               |
| MariaDB / MySQL (Connector/C)           | all         | libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat (or libmysqlclient-dev) |
| SQLite                                  | all         | libsqlite3-dev                                            |
| mbed TLS                                | all         | libmbedtls-dev                                            |
| GTK+2                                   | Linux       | libgtk2.0-dev                                             |

On Windows, CMake will automatically download and build the libraries in the build folder during the build process. However, you need to install [Perl]( manually because OpenSSL needs it for configuration. On Mac/Linux, you should install the libraries manually to your system before building Neko, or use the `STATIC_DEPS` CMake option, which will be explained in [CMake options](#cmake-options).

### Building on Mac/Linux

# make a build directory, and change to it
mkdir build
cd build

# run cmake
cmake ..

# let's build, the outputs can be located in the "bin" directory

# install it if you want
# default installation prefix is /usr/local
make install

### Building on Windows

Below is the instructions of building Neko in a Visual Studio command prompt.
You may use the CMake GUI and Visual Studio to build it instead.

# make a build directory, and change to it
mkdir build
cd build

# run cmake specifying the visual studio version you need 
# Visual Studio 12 2013, Visual Studio 14 2015, Visual Studio 15 2017
# you can additionally specify platform via -A switch (x86, x64)
cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" ..

# let's build, the outputs can be located in the "bin" directory
msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release

# install it if you want
# default installation location is C:\HaxeToolkit\neko
msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release

### CMake options

A number of options can be used to customize the build. They can be specified in the CMake GUI, or passed to `cmake` in command line as follows:

cmake "-Doption=value" ..

#### NDLLs

Settings that allow to exclude libraries and their dependencies from the build; available on all platforms. By default all are `ON`:

- `WITH_REGEXP` - Build Perl-compatible regex support
- `WITH_UI` - Build GTK-2 UI support
- `WITH_SSL` - Build SSL support
- `WITH_MYSQL` - Build MySQL support
- `WITH_SQLITE` - Build Sqlite support
- `WITH_APACHE` - Build Apache modules


Default value: `all` for Windows, `none` otherwise

It defines the dependencies that should be linked statically. Can be `all`, `none`, or a list of library names (e.g. `BoehmGC;Zlib;OpenSSL;MariaDBConnector;PCRE;Sqlite3;APR;APRutil;Apache;MbedTLS`).

CMake will automatically download and build the specified dependencies into the build folder. If a library is not present in this list, it should be installed manually, and it will be linked dynamically.

All third-party libraries, except GTK+2 (Linux), can be linked statically. We do not support statically linking GTK+2 due to the difficulty of building it and its own dependencies.


Available on Mac/Linux. Default value: `ON`

Set RPATH to `$ORIGIN` (Linux) / `@executable_path` (Mac). It allows the resulting Neko VM executable to locate libraries (e.g. "libneko" and ndll files) in its local directory, such that the libraries need not be installed to "/usr/lib" or "/usr/local/lib".


Default `OFF`.

Disable Neko JIT. By default, Neko JIT will be enabled for platforms it supports. Setting this to `ON` disable JIT for all platforms.


Default `OFF`.

Debug Neko JIT.


Available on Linux. Default value: `ON`

Whether to run `ldconfig` automatically after `make install`. It is for refreshing the shared library cache such that "libneko" can be located correctly by the Neko VM.