Codebase list nettoe / 8df9bd30-2946-4282-a618-5b74288f0751/main NEWS

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NEWS @8df9bd30-2946-4282-a618-5b74288f0751/mainraw · history · blame

-- $Id: NEWS file for netToe version 1.5.1 --

  The most important changes and NEWS are in this file.
  A more detailed list of changes can be found in the ChangeLog file.

nettoe-1.5.1 (21 March 2014)
  * Improve the propagation of linker flags.
    This is needed together with terminfo/curses.

nettoe-1.5 (22 November 2013)
  * Include some icons.
  * Optional configuration to install desktop related files.
  * Better adaption to desktop users.
  * Avoid some annoying waste of screen area.
  * Middle AI level prefers winning moves.
  * Extensive refactoring uncovered some corner cases where
    previous version would react contrary to expectations.
    All logic and interoperability with those versions should
    be intact, though.

nettoe-1.4.2 (23 May 2013)
  * Support newer automake.
  * TCP port is configurable at build time.

nettoe-1.4.1 (7 May 2013)
  * Fixes to manual page.
  * Improved autoconf template.

nettoe-1.4.0 (25 April 2013)
  * Portability fixes to NetBSD, GNU/OpenSolaris, and OpenIndiana.
  * Support for terminfo/termcap control of terminal output.
  * Curses is used by default.
  * Network code allows restriction to IPv4 or to IPv6.

nettoe-1.3.2 (17 March 2010):
  * Dual stacked behaviour restored for eglibc 2.10.

nettoe-1.3.0 (25 February 2010):
  * Network game uses IPv4 as well as IPv6.
  * The network code is incompatible with nettoe-1.2.* and earlier.
    Only the server port 7501 is fixed.
  * The name of a player can be a full name with separating spaces.

nettoe-1.2.1 (3 January 2010):
  * Small fix to autotools configuration file ./

nettoe-1.2.0 (30 December 2009):
  * Randomized board view in AI-mode.
  * A new AI-mode: "harder". This detects all threats and winning moves.
  * Colouring is made suitable for virtual consoles, as well as for
    terminal emulators.
  * Networking code has been revised for predictability. Bugs removed!

nettoe-1.1.0 (22 July 2001):
  * netToe new uses Colors !
  - Modified the parse_cmd_args(...) function to accept more than one
    argument at time, option --no-colors added. (ref: misc.c)
  - Added modules terminal.c and terminal.h Those file include the new
    code to handle colors in nettoe.
  - Added modules matrices.c and matrices.h Those files include the new
    code to handle the nettoe board matrix.
  - Removed netmisc.c and netmisc.h modules and  included the code in the
    network.c and network.h modules.

nettoe-1.0.6 (1 July 2001):
  * A lot of time passed since the last release :-(
  - Added pc-speaker beeps. (everytime player has to make a move or... take
    a decision in the game.
  - Added a man page for nettoe ( man nettoe )
  - Command line options added. (--no-beep, --help, --version)  
  - Added support for autotools (automake,autoconf...)
  - Fixed all compilation warnings produced by gcc with the -Wall option
    (a lot of potential bugs....)
  - See ChangeLog for a detailed list of changes.

24 June 2001:
  * nettoe 1.0.5 is in Debian unstable, thanks to Andras Bali.

nettoe-1.0.5 (6 June 2000):
  - Why 1.0.0 to 1.0.5 ? Ehm, hmmm.... because ..... ( who cares ? ).  
  * Now nettoe uses ports 7501, 7502 for the network game.
  - Fixed the stupid AI ;-).
  - Added "Hard" (not so hard) AI, removed the old Easy AI level.

nettoe-1.0.0 (31 January 2000):
  - FIXED a BUG in version 0.9b that caused the game to exit improperly.
  - Added error debugging in the network game: now user it's adviced
    on connection errors etc...

  - Fixed bugs in the network game.
  - Improved AI. (it still need to be improved).

  -- Gabriele Giorgetti