Codebase list nettoe / bullseye-backports/main INSTALL

Tree @bullseye-backports/main (Download .tar.gz)

INSTALL @bullseye-backports/mainraw · history · blame

-- $Id: INSTALL file for netToe version 1.5.1 --

 tar -zxvf nettoe-1.5.1.tar.gz
 cd nettoe-1.5.1

 make install

 By default nettoe gets installed into the /usr/local prefix.

 You can change this with the --prefix option in the configure

     ./configure --prefix=/usr

 The binary itself gets installed into the bin directory under
 the given prefix, thus below "/usr/local/bin/" with default setting.
 There are three configuration switches available:

     ./configure --without-terminfo --with-port=7654

 which will disable the use of terminal capability librarie, and thus
 will fall back to ANSI/ECMA-48 character sequences. Overriding the
 default TCP port 7501 is also possible.
     ./configure --enable-desktop

 This will install a desktop description file, a single pixel map,
 and two icons, for use on graphical terminals. These go into four
 different directories, but these can be overridden using

     make applicationsdir=/usr/share/applications \
          pixmapsdir=/usr/share/pixmaps \
          iconsdir=/usr/share/icons \


     ./configure --enable-desktop --enable-menu

 will install a description file for Debian's menu system. It can be
 positioned using

     make menudir=/etc/menu  install

 For information on how to play netToe read the README file included
 in the source package.


  -- Mats Erik Andersson