Codebase list node-err-code / upstream/2.0.0+dfsg

Tree @upstream/2.0.0+dfsg (Download .tar.gz)

# err-code

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Create new error instances with a code and additional properties.

## Installation

$ npm install err-code
// or
$ bower install err-code

The browser file is named index.umd.js which supports CommonJS, AMD and globals (errCode).

## Why

I find myself doing this repeatedly:

var err = new Error('My message');
err.code = 'SOMECODE';
err.detail = 'Additional information about the error';
throw err;

## Usage

Simple usage.

var errcode = require('err-code');

// fill error with message + code
throw errcode(new Error('My message'), 'ESOMECODE');
// fill error with message + code + props
throw errcode(new Error('My message'), 'ESOMECODE', { detail: 'Additional information about the error' });
// fill error with message + props
throw errcode(new Error('My message'), { detail: 'Additional information about the error' });

## Tests

`$ npm test`

## License

Released under the [MIT License](