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#!/usr/bin/env python
# E-Mail post-processing script for NZBGet
# Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Andrey Prygunkov <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

### NZBGET POST-PROCESSING SCRIPT                                          ###

# Send E-Mail notification.
# This script sends E-Mail notification when the job is done.
# NOTE: This script requires Python to be installed on your system.

### OPTIONS                                                       ###

# When to send the message (Always, OnFailure).

# Email address you want this email to be sent from.
#From="NZBGet" <>

# Email address you want this email to be sent to.
# Multiple addresses can be separated with comma.

# SMTP server host.

# SMTP server port (1-65535).

# Secure communication using TLS/SSL (yes, no, force).
#  no    - plain text communication (insecure);
#  yes   - switch to secure session using StartTLS command;
#  force - start secure session on encrypted socket.

# SMTP server user name, if required.

# SMTP server password, if required.

# To check connection parameters click the button.
#ConnectionTest@Send Test E-Mail

# Append statistics to the message (yes, no).

# Append list of files to the message (yes, no).
# Add the list of downloaded files (the content of destination directory).

# Append broken-log to the message (yes, no).
# Add the content of file _brokenlog.txt. This file contains the list of damaged
# files and the result of par-check/repair. For successful downloads the broken-log
# is usually deleted by cleanup-script and therefore is not sent.

# Append nzb log to the message (Always, Never, OnFailure).
# Add the download and post-processing log of active job.

### NZBGET POST-PROCESSING SCRIPT                                          ###

import os
import sys
import datetime
import smtplib

from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.header import Header
try: # python 2
	from urllib2 import quote
	from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
except ImportError: # python 3
	from urllib.parse import quote
	from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy

# Exit codes used by NZBGet

# Check if the script is called from nzbget 15.0 or later
if not 'NZBOP_NZBLOG' in os.environ:
	print('*** NZBGet post-processing script ***')
	print('This script is supposed to be called from nzbget (15.0 or later).')

print('[DETAIL] Script successfully started')

for	optname in required_options:
	if (not optname in os.environ):
		print('[ERROR] Option %s is missing in configuration file. Please check script settings' % optname[6:])

# Check if the script is executed from settings page with a custom command
command = os.environ.get('NZBCP_COMMAND')
test_mode = command == 'ConnectionTest'
if command != None and not test_mode:
	print('[ERROR] Invalid command ' + command)

status = os.environ.get('NZBPP_STATUS') if not test_mode else 'SUCCESS/ALL'
total_status = os.environ.get('NZBPP_TOTALSTATUS') if not test_mode else 'SUCCESS'

# If any script fails the status of the item in the history is "WARNING/SCRIPT".
# This status however is not passed to pp-scripts in the env var "NZBPP_STATUS"
# because most scripts are independent of each other and should work even
# if a previous script has failed. But not in the case of E-Mail script,
# which should take the status of the previous scripts into account as well.
if total_status == 'SUCCESS' and os.environ.get('NZBPP_SCRIPTSTATUS') == 'FAILURE':
	total_status = 'WARNING'
	status = 'WARNING/SCRIPT'

success = total_status == 'SUCCESS'

if success and os.environ.get('NZBPO_SENDMAIL') == 'OnFailure' and not test_mode:
	print('[INFO] Skipping sending of message for successful download')

if success:
	subject = 'Success for "%s"' % (os.environ.get('NZBPP_NZBNAME', 'Test download'))
	text = 'Download of "%s" has successfully completed.' % (os.environ.get('NZBPP_NZBNAME', 'Test download'))
	subject = 'Failure for "%s"' % (os.environ['NZBPP_NZBNAME'])
	text = 'Download of "%s" has failed.' % (os.environ['NZBPP_NZBNAME'])

text += '\nStatus: %s' % status

if (os.environ.get('NZBPO_STATISTICS') == 'yes' or \
	os.environ.get('NZBPO_NZBLOG') == 'Always' or \
	(os.environ.get('NZBPO_NZBLOG') == 'OnFailure' and not success)) and \
	not test_mode:
	# To get statistics or the post-processing log we connect to NZBGet via XML-RPC.
	# For more info visit
	# First we need to know connection info: host, port and password of NZBGet server.
	# NZBGet passes all configuration options to post-processing script as
	# environment variables.
	host = os.environ['NZBOP_CONTROLIP'];
	port = os.environ['NZBOP_CONTROLPORT'];
	username = os.environ['NZBOP_CONTROLUSERNAME'];
	password = os.environ['NZBOP_CONTROLPASSWORD'];

	if host == '': host = ''

	# Build a URL for XML-RPC requests
	rpcUrl = 'http://%s:%s@%s:%s/xmlrpc' % (quote(username), quote(password), host, port);

	# Create remote server object
	server = ServerProxy(rpcUrl)

if os.environ.get('NZBPO_STATISTICS') == 'yes' and not test_mode:
	# Find correct nzb in method listgroups
	groups = server.listgroups(0)
	nzbID = int(os.environ['NZBPP_NZBID'])
	for nzbGroup in groups:
		if nzbGroup['NZBID'] == nzbID:

	text += '\n\nStatistics:';

	# add download size
	DownloadedSize = float(nzbGroup['DownloadedSizeMB'])
	unit = ' MB'
	if DownloadedSize > 1024:
		DownloadedSize = DownloadedSize / 1024 # GB
		unit = ' GB'
	text += '\nDownloaded size: %.2f' % (DownloadedSize) + unit

	# add average download speed
	DownloadedSizeMB = float(nzbGroup['DownloadedSizeMB'])
	DownloadTimeSec = float(nzbGroup['DownloadTimeSec'])
	if DownloadTimeSec > 0: # check x/0 errors
		avespeed = (DownloadedSizeMB/DownloadTimeSec) # MB/s
		unit = ' MB/s'
		if avespeed < 1:
			avespeed = avespeed * 1024 # KB/s
			unit = ' KB/s'
		text += '\nAverage download speed: %.2f' % (avespeed) + unit

	def format_time_sec(sec):
		Hour = sec/3600
		Min = (sec - (sec/3600)*3600)/60
		Sec = (sec - (sec/3600)*3600)%60
		return '%d:%02d:%02d' % (Hour,Min,Sec)

	# add times
	text += '\nTotal time: ' + format_time_sec(int(nzbGroup['DownloadTimeSec']) + int(nzbGroup['PostTotalTimeSec']))
	text += '\nDownload time: ' + format_time_sec(int(nzbGroup['DownloadTimeSec']))
	text += '\nVerification time: ' + format_time_sec(int(nzbGroup['ParTimeSec']) - int(nzbGroup['RepairTimeSec']))
	text += '\nRepair time: ' + format_time_sec(int(nzbGroup['RepairTimeSec']))
	text += '\nUnpack time: ' + format_time_sec(int(nzbGroup['UnpackTimeSec']))

# add list of downloaded files
files = False
if os.environ.get('NZBPO_FILELIST') == 'yes' and not test_mode:
	text += '\n\nFiles:'
	for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.environ['NZBPP_DIRECTORY']):
		for filename in filenames:
			text += '\n' + os.path.join(dirname, filename)[len(os.environ['NZBPP_DIRECTORY']) + 1:]
			files = True
	if not files:
		text += '\n<no files found in the destination directory (moved by a script?)>'

# add _brokenlog.txt (if exists)
if os.environ.get('NZBPO_BROKENLOG') == 'yes' and not test_mode:
	brokenlog = '%s/_brokenlog.txt' % os.environ['NZBPP_DIRECTORY']
	if os.path.exists(brokenlog):
		text += '\n\nBrokenlog:\n' + open(brokenlog, 'r').read().strip()

# add post-processing log
if (os.environ.get('NZBPO_NZBLOG') == 'Always' or \
	(os.environ.get('NZBPO_NZBLOG') == 'OnFailure' and not success)) and \
	not test_mode:

	# To get the item log we connect to NZBGet via XML-RPC and call
	# method "loadlog", which returns the log for a given nzb item.
	# For more info visit

	# Call remote method 'loadlog'
	nzbid = int(os.environ['NZBPP_NZBID'])
	log = server.loadlog(nzbid, 0, 10000)

	# Now iterate through entries and save them to message text
	if len(log) > 0:
		text += '\n\nNzb-log:';
		for entry in log:
			text += '\n%s\t%s\t%s' % (entry['Kind'], datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(entry['Time'])), entry['Text'])

# Create message
print('[DETAIL] Creating Email')
msg = MIMEText(text.encode('utf-8'), 'plain', 'utf-8')
msg['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8')
msg['From'] = os.environ['NZBPO_FROM']
msg['To'] = os.environ['NZBPO_TO']
msg['Date'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")
msg['X-Application'] = 'NZBGet'

# Send message
print('[DETAIL] Sending E-Mail')
	if os.environ['NZBPO_ENCRYPTION'] == 'force':
		smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(os.environ['NZBPO_SERVER'], os.environ['NZBPO_PORT'])
		smtp = smtplib.SMTP(os.environ['NZBPO_SERVER'], os.environ['NZBPO_PORT'])

	if os.environ['NZBPO_ENCRYPTION'] == 'yes':

	if os.environ['NZBPO_USERNAME'] != '' and os.environ['NZBPO_PASSWORD'] != '':
		smtp.login(os.environ['NZBPO_USERNAME'], os.environ['NZBPO_PASSWORD'])

	smtp.sendmail(os.environ['NZBPO_FROM'], os.environ['NZBPO_TO'].split(','), msg.as_string())

except Exception as err:
	print('[ERROR] %s' % err)

# All OK, returning exit status 'POSTPROCESS_SUCCESS' (int <93>) to let NZBGet know
# that our script has successfully completed.