Codebase list ocaml-qcheck / ac554fb5-45d8-404d-925a-e33ce2bc76e1/main

Tree @ac554fb5-45d8-404d-925a-e33ce2bc76e1/main (Download .tar.gz) @ac554fb5-45d8-404d-925a-e33ce2bc76e1/mainraw · history · blame

# Changes

## 0.15

- fix: in main runner, remove reset line in more places if `colors=false`
- fix: invalid arg in `int_range` when a<0
- fix(runner): do not use ansi code for random seed if `colors=false`
- feat: on `>=4.08`, provide let operators

## 0.14

- modify `int_range` to make it accept ranges bigger than `max_int`.
- less newline-verbose stats
- add `int{32,64}` shrinkers to arbitrary gens
- add `int{32,int64}` shrinkers
- move to ounit2 for `QCheck_ounit`

## 0.13

- make counter private
- Add debug shrinking log
- fix: small fix related to stdlib/pervasives
- feat: add flatten combinators in `gen`

## 0.12

- fix singleton list shrinking
- feat: add `Gen.char_range` and `Gen.(<$>)` (credit @spewspews)

## 0.11

- Add `QCheck.Gen.{string_of,string_readable}`
- fix `int_bound` bound inclusiveness problem
- change implementation of `int_bound` to generate values using `` for `bound < 2^30`
- add weighted shuffled lists generator
- add `float_range` to generate a floating-point number in the given range (inclusive)
- add `float_bound_inclusive` and `float_bound_exclusive` to generate floating-point numbers between 0 and a given bound

## 0.10

- `Shrink`: decompose Shrink.list into Shrink.list_spine and Shrink.list_elems
- `Gen.fix` has a more general and useful type
- update README to include `Rely` section (qcheck now available for reason-native!)
- Fix stat printing
- speed-up list shrinker
- Better int shrinking
- core: modify proba distributions again, add `big_nat`
- feat: add `small_array`, modify distributions
- print number of warnings in runner's summary
- refactor: modify type of results to make them more accurate
- feat: warn/fail if too many tests passed only b/c precondition failed

## 0.9

- add `qcheck-ounit` sublibrary
- use environment variables to configure `qcheck-alcotest` tests
- alcotest backend for qcheck
- make `qcheck.ounit` tests verbose by default
- make `qcheck` is a compatibility library, depends on `qcheck-core`
- split lib into `qcheck` and `qcheck.ounit`
- add `TestResult.is_success` helper
- give access to list of instances in test results
- allow setting `time_between_msg` in runner

- chore: remove submodule
- chore: add travis support
- doc: explanations about qcheck.ounit runners
- doc: update readme

## 0.8

- migrate to jbuilder
- fix warnings
- add some useful functions
- update oasis files (close #48)
- update copyright header (closes #47)

## 0.7

- switch to BSD license, make it more explicit (close #43)
- improve multi-line message printing in ounit (closes #46)
- fix complexity of `add_stat`
- allow negative entries in statistics (see #40)
- add a way for tests to report messages to the user (see #39)
- add `QCheck.Shrink.int_aggressive` and make default int shrinker faster
- shrinker for `map_keep_input`
- add `QCheck.set_gen`, missing for some reason

- more compact verbose output (see #33)
- better handling of dynamic progress line
- Add colors to checkmarks in verbose mode
- improve statistics display for runner

- recover exception of shrunk input
- print status line before the solving starts

## 0.6

- add `find_example` and `find_example_gen` to synthesize values from
  properties (see #31)
- add `QCheck.gen` for accessing the random generator easily
- colorful runners, with `--no-colors` to disable them
- add more generator (for corner cases)
- better generation of random functions (see #8),
  using `Observable` and an efficient internal representation using
  heterogeneous tuples, printing, and shrinking.  deprecate old hacks.
- add statistics gathering and display (see #30)

- better printing of Tuple
- improve `Shrink.{array,list}` (see #32)
- Change asserts to raise `Invalid_arg` (following the doc), and update doc
- Change `Gen.{int_bount,int_range}` to support up to 2^62


- fix regression in runner output (print results of `collect`)
- update the `@since` tags

## 0.5.3

- missing char in `Gen.char` (close #23)
- add `test` and `doc` to opam
- add `small_list` generator
- add `~long_factor` to tests and runner, for long tests
- add more examples in readme, better doc for runners
- improved reporting when running qcheck tests
- add `Test.get_count` on test cells

## 0.5.2

- Add cli option for backtraces in `QCheck_runner`
- Add test case for raising exception
- Better handling of backtraces
- All tests now have a name
- Add step function called on each instance in a test
- make `small_int` a deprecated alias to `small_nat`
- add `small_signed_int`
- remove some warnings
- use safe-string, and fix related bug
- Add long tests options to `QCheck_runner`
- Add `length` specification for `to_ounit2_test`
- Added paragraph in README about long tests

## 0.5.1

- document exceptions
- add `small_nat`, change `small_int` semantics (close #10)
- add `QCheck.assume_fail`
- add `QCheck.assume`; explain preconditions a bit (close #9)
- Polish documentation
- Added quad support uniformly

## 0.5

- merge back from `qtest`: big changes in API, shrinking, use `'a arbitrary`
  type that combines printer, generator, shrinker, etc. (see git log)
- merlin file
- reorganize sources, `_oasis`, `.merlin`, etc.

## 0.4

- bugfix in `fix_fuel`

- if verbose enabled, print each test case
- add `QCheck.run_main`
- `QCheck_ounit.~::`
- add `(>:::)`
- add `qcheck_ounit ml{lib,dylib}`
- trivial ounit integration
- make `` optional
- `Arbitrary.fix_fuel(_gen)`: add a recursive case
- `Arbitrary.fix_fuel_gen`, similar to `fix_fuel` but threading a state bottom-up to make choices depend on the path
- `Arbitrary.fail_fix` to fail in a fixpoint
- helper cases for `Arbitrary.fix_fuel`

## 0.3

- get rid of submodule `generator`
- `Arbitrary.fix_fuel`, to generate complex recursive structures
- new combinators (infix map, applicative funs, shuffle)
- remove generator/Generator, and a deprecation warning
- output of printers of lists/arrays now parsable by ocaml toplevel

## 0.2

- integrate Gabriel Scherer's `Generator` into `QCheck`
- add `|||`
- add `Prop.raises`
- print the faulty instance in case of error (if a printer is available)
- some combinators for `QCheck.Arbitrary`
- `QCheck.mk_test` takes more arguments

## 0.1

- oasis based build system
- source files