Codebase list ohcount / c865d4db-f4b2-4b3e-8e76-e6475c6514d2/main test / src_dir / haskell1.hs

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  This module contains some functions that are useful in several places in the
  program and don't belong to one specific other module.
module Gnutella.Misc where

import Data.ByteString(ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Text.Read
import Data.Char(isNumber)
import Data.List(intersperse)
import Network
import Network.BSD(getHostByName, HostEntry(..))
import Network.Socket(HostAddress(..))
import Debug.Trace

  Maakt van vier bytes een Word32. Gaat ervan uit dat die vier bytes little-endian achter elkaar
  staan. Als de gegeven string korter is dan 4 bytes, termineert de functie. Als de string langer
  is, worden alle bytes voorbij de vierde genegeerd.
composeWord32 :: ByteString -> Word32
composeWord32 s = shiftL byte4 24 + shiftL byte3 16 + shiftL byte2 8 + byte1
  where byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4 :: Word32
        [byte1, byte2, byte3, byte4] = map fromIntegral $ BS.unpack (BS.take 4 s)

  Turns a Word32 into a tuple of Word8s. The tuple is little-endian: the least
  significant octet comes first.
word32ToWord8s :: Word32 -> (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
word32ToWord8s w = (fromIntegral (w .&. 0x000000ff)
                   ,fromIntegral (shiftR w 8 .&. 0x000000ff)
                   ,fromIntegral (shiftR w 16 .&. 0x000000ff)
                   ,fromIntegral (shiftR w 24 .&. 0x000000ff)

  Parses a host specification in the "name:12345"-style notation into a hostname
  and a port number.

  As a rather special feature, it returns 6346 as the port number when there is
  no port specified. When there is a port specified, but it is unparseable, it
  returns Nothing.
parseHostnameWithPort :: String -> IO (Maybe ((Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
parseHostnameWithPort str = do maybeHostName <- stringToIP hostNameStr
                               return $ (do portNum <- maybePortNum
                                            hostName <- maybeHostName
                                            return (hostName, portNum)
  where hostNameStr = takeWhile (/=':') str
        maybePortNum  = case tail (dropWhile (/=':') str) of
                          [] -> Just $ 6346
                          s  -> case reads s of
                                  []     -> Nothing
                                  (x:xs) -> Just $ fromIntegral $ fst x

  Translates a string, representing an IP address, to a list of bytes.
  Returns Nothing when the string does not represent an IP address in format
ipStringToBytes :: String -> Maybe (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
-- Again, hugs won't let us use regexes where they would be damn convenient
ipStringToBytes s =
    let ipBytesStrings = splitAtDots s
    in if all (all isNumber) ipBytesStrings
         then let bytesList = map (fst . head . reads) ipBytesStrings
              in Just (bytesList!!0
         else Nothing
  where splitAtDots s = foldr (\c (n:nums) -> if c == '.'
                                              then [] : n : nums
                                              else (c:n) : nums
                              ) [[]] s

  Translates a list of bytes representing an IP address (big endian) to a string
  in the format.
ipBytesToString :: (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) -> String
ipBytesToString (b1, b2, b3, b4) = 
    concat $ intersperse "." $ map show [b1, b2, b3, b4]

  Takes a String that's either an IP address or a hostname, and returns you the
  IP address as a list of 4 bytes (in big-endian byte order). It returns Nothing
  if there is no parse for the string as IP address and the hostname can't be
stringToIP :: String -> IO (Maybe (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8))
stringToIP hostName = case ipStringToBytes hostName of
                        Just a  -> return (Just a)
                        Nothing -> do hostent <- getHostByName hostName
                                      let ipWord32 = head (hostAddresses hostent)
                                          ipWord8s = word32ToWord8s ipWord32
                                      return (Just ipWord8s)

-- used in reading the hostcache
instance Read PortNumber where
    readsPrec i = map (\(a, b) -> (fromIntegral a, b)) . (readsPrec i :: ReadS Word16)