Codebase list python-git / 95a0b1d7-7740-4210-9f50-bc994db446da/main pyproject.toml

Tree @95a0b1d7-7740-4210-9f50-bc994db446da/main (Download .tar.gz)

pyproject.toml @95a0b1d7-7740-4210-9f50-bc994db446da/mainraw · history · blame

requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

python_files = 'test_*.py'
testpaths = 'test'  # space seperated list of paths from root e.g test tests doc/testing
addopts = '--cov=git --cov-report=term --maxfail=10 --force-sugar --disable-warnings'
filterwarnings = 'ignore::DeprecationWarning'
# --cov   coverage
# --cov-report term  # send report to terminal term-missing -> terminal with line numbers  html  xml
# --cov-report term-missing # to terminal with line numbers
# --cov-report html:path  # html file at path
# --maxfail  # number of errors before giving up
# -disable-warnings  # Disable pytest warnings (not codebase warnings)
# -rf   # increased reporting of failures
# -rE   # increased reporting of errors
# --ignore-glob=**/gitdb/*  # ignore glob paths
# filterwarnings ignore::WarningType  # ignores those warnings

disallow_untyped_defs = true
no_implicit_optional = true
warn_redundant_casts = true
# warn_unused_ignores = true
warn_unreachable = true
show_error_codes = true
implicit_reexport = true
# strict = true

# TODO: remove when 'gitdb' is fully annotated
module = "gitdb.*"
ignore_missing_imports = true

source = ["git"]

include = ["*/git/*"]
omit = ["*/git/ext/*"]