Codebase list python-hpilo / 5842bae8-822d-4af8-b084-59e89af12902/main hpilo_cli

Tree @5842bae8-822d-4af8-b084-59e89af12902/main (Download .tar.gz)

hpilo_cli @5842bae8-822d-4af8-b084-59e89af12902/mainraw · history · blame

# (c) 2011-2020 Dennis Kaarsemaker <>
# see COPYING for license details

import hpilo
import hpilo_fw
import getpass
import optparse
import os
from pprint import pprint
import ssl
import sys

PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
if PY3:
    import configparser as ConfigParser
    from urllib.error import HTTPError
    basestring = str
    import ConfigParser
    from urllib2 import HTTPError
    input = raw_input

ilo_methods = sorted([x for x in dir(hpilo.Ilo) if not x.startswith('_') and x.islower()])

def main():
    usage = """
  %prog [options] hostname method [args...] [ + method [args...]...]
  %prog download_rib_firmware ilotype version [version...] """

    p = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, add_help_option=False)
    p.add_option("-l", "--login", dest="login", default=None,
                 help="Username to access the iLO")
    p.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", default=None,
                 help="Password to access the iLO")
    p.add_option("-i", "--interactive", action="store_true", default=False,
                 help="Prompt for username and/or password if they are not specified.")
    p.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", default="~/.ilo.conf",
                 help="File containing authentication and config details", metavar="FILE")
    p.add_option("-t", "--timeout", dest="timeout", type="int", default=60,
                 help="Timeout for iLO connections")
    p.add_option("-j", "--json", dest="format", action="store_const", const="json", default="python",
                 help="Output a json document instead of a python dict")
    p.add_option("-y", "--yaml", dest="format", action="store_const", const="yaml", default="python",
                 help="Output a yaml document instead of a python dict")
    p.add_option("-P", "--protocol", dest="protocol", choices=("http","raw","local"), default=None,
                 help="Use the specified protocol instead of autodetecting")
    p.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="count", default=0,
                 help="Output debug information, repeat to see all XML data")
    p.add_option("-o", "--port", dest="port", type="int", default=443,
                 help="SSL port to connect to")
    p.add_option('--ssl-verify', dest="ssl_verify", action="store_true", default=False,
                 help="Verify SSL certificates against the trusted CA's")
    p.add_option('--ssl-ca-file', dest="ssl_ca_file", default=None,
                 help="CA bundle to validate iLO certificate against, instead of the system CA's")
    p.add_option('--ssl-ignore-hostname', dest="ssl_ignore_hostname", action='store_true', default=False,
                 help="Don't check if the hostname matches the certificate when verifying SSL certificates")
    p.add_option("-h", "--help", action="callback", callback=hpilo_help,
                 help="show this help message or help for a method")
    p.add_option("-H", "--help-methods", action="callback", callback=hpilo_help_methods,
                 help="show all supported methods")
    p.add_option('--save-response', dest="save_response", default=None, metavar='FILE',
                 help="Store XML output in this file")
    p.add_option('--read-response', dest="read_response", default=None, metavar='FILE',
                 help="Read XML response from this file instead of the iLO")
    p.add_option('-v', '--version', action="callback", callback=hpilo_version)

    opts, args = p.parse_args()

    if opts.format == 'json':
        import json
    elif opts.format == 'yaml':
        import yaml

    # Did we get correct arguments?
    if len(args) < 2:
        p.error("Not enough arguments")

    if args[1] not in ilo_methods and args[0] != 'download_rib_firmware':
        p.error("Unknown method: %s" % args[1])

    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser(opts.config)):

    if args[0] == 'download_rib_firmware':
        if config.has_option('firmware', 'mirror'):
            hpilo_fw.config(mirror=config.get('firmware', 'mirror'))
        return download(args[1], args[2:])

    hostname = args.pop(0)

    args_ = list_split(args, '+')
    calls = []

    for args in args_:
        method = args.pop(0)

        # Arguments must be passed as param=value pairs that are valid arguments to the methods
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            func = getattr(hpilo.Ilo, method)#.__func__
            argnames = func.__code__.co_varnames[1:func.__code__.co_argcount]
            args_with_defaults = []
            if func.__defaults__:
                args_with_defaults = argnames[-len(func.__defaults__):]
            func = getattr(hpilo.Ilo, method).im_func
            argnames = func.func_code.co_varnames[1:func.func_code.co_argcount]
            args_with_defaults = []
            if func.func_defaults:
                args_with_defaults = argnames[-len(func.func_defaults):]
        params = {}
        for arg in args:
            if '=' not in arg:
                hpilo_help(None, None, method, None, 2)
            param, val = arg.split('=', 1)
            # Do we expect structured data?
            keys = param.split('.')
            if (len(keys) > 1) != (keys[0] in getattr(func, 'requires_dict', {})):
                hpilo_help(None, None, method, None, 2)

            if keys[0] not in argnames:
                hpilo_help(None, None, method, None, 2)

            # Optionally extract values from the config
            if val.startswith('$') and '.' in val:
                section, option = val[1:].split('.', 1)
                if config.has_option(section, option):
                    val = config.get(section, option)

            # Do some type coercion for shell goodness
            if val.isdigit():
                val = int(val)
                val = {'true': True, 'false': False}.get(val.lower(), val)
            params_ = params
            for key in keys[:-1]:
                if key not in params_:
                    params_[key] = {}
                params_ = params_[key]

            params_[keys[-1]] = val

        for name in argnames:
            if name not in params and name not in args_with_defaults:
                hpilo_help(None, None, method, None, 2)

        calls.append((method, params))

    # Do we have login information
    login = None
    password = None
    needs_login = bool(opts.read_response)
    for m, _ in calls:
        if m != 'xmldata':
            needs_login = True

    if hostname == 'localhost':
        opts.protocol = 'local'
        needs_login = False
    if needs_login:
        if config.has_option('ilo', 'login'):
            login = config.get('ilo', 'login')
        if config.has_option('ilo', 'password'):
            password = config.get('ilo', 'password')
        if opts.login:
            login = opts.login
        if opts.password:
            password = opts.password
        if not login or not password:
            if opts.interactive:
                while not login:
                    login = input('Login for iLO at %s: ' % hostname)
                while not password:
                    password = getpass.getpass('Password for %s@%s:' % (login, hostname))
                p.error("No login details provided")

    opts.protocol = {
        'http':  hpilo.ILO_HTTP,
        'raw':   hpilo.ILO_RAW,
        'local': hpilo.ILO_LOCAL,
    }.get(opts.protocol, None)

    ssl_context = None
    if opts.ssl_verify:
        if sys.version_info < (2,7,9):
            p.error("SSL verification is only supported in python 2.7.9 or newer")
        ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=opts.ssl_ca_file)
        ssl_context.options &= ~ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        ssl_context.check_hostname = not opts.ssl_ignore_hostname
        # import debugme

    ilo = hpilo.Ilo(hostname, login, password, opts.timeout, opts.port, opts.protocol, len(calls) > 1, opts.ssl_verify, ssl_context)
    ilo.debug = opts.debug
    ilo.save_response = opts.save_response
    ilo.read_response = opts.read_response
    if config.has_option('ilo', 'hponcfg'):
        ilo.hponcfg = config.get('ilo', 'hponcfg')
    if config.has_option('firmware', 'mirror'):
        ilo.firmware_mirror = config.get('firmware', 'mirror')

    def _q(val):
        if isinstance(val, basestring):
            return '"%s"' % val.replace("\\","\\\\").replace('"','\\"')
            return str(val)

    for method, params in calls:
        if method == 'update_rib_firmware':
            params['progress'] = print_progress
        results = [getattr(ilo, method)(**params)]
        if 'progress' in params:

    if len(calls) > 1:
        results = ilo.call_delayed()

    if opts.format == 'json':
        if len(calls) == 1:
            results = results[0]
        json.dump(results, sys.stdout)
    elif opts.format == 'yaml':
        yaml.dump(results, sys.stdout)
        for method, params in calls:
            param_str = ', '.join(["%s=%s" % (x[0], _q(x[1])) for x in params.items()])
            if method.startswith('get') or method == 'certificate_signing_request' or len(calls) == 1:
                result = results.pop(0)
                result = None
            if isinstance(result, basestring):
                print(">>> print(my_ilo.%s(%s))" % (method, param_str))
            elif result is None:
                print(">>> my_ilo.%s(%s)" % (method, param_str))
                print(">>> pprint(my_ilo.%s(%s))" % (method, param_str))

def hpilo_help(option, opt_str, value, parser, exitcode=0):
    if not value:
        if parser and parser.rargs and parser.rargs[0][0] != '-':
            value = parser.rargs[0]
            del parser.rargs[0]

    if not value:
        if value in ilo_methods:
            import re, textwrap
            func = getattr(hpilo.Ilo, value).im_func
            code = func.func_code
            args = ''
            if code.co_argcount > 1:
                args = code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount]
                defaults = func.func_defaults or []
                args = ["%s=%s" % (x, x.upper()) for x in args[:len(args)-len(defaults)]] + \
                       ["[%s=%s]" % (x,str(y)) for x, y in zip(args[len(args)-len(defaults):], defaults) if x != 'progress']
                args = ' ' + ' '.join(args[1:])

            print(textwrap.fill("Ilo.%s%s:" % (value, args), 80))
            doc = getattr(hpilo.Ilo, value).__doc__ or "No documentation"
            doc = re.sub(r':[a-z]+:`(.*?)`', r'\1', doc)
            if 'API note' in doc:
                doc = doc[:doc.find('API note')].strip()
            doc = re.sub('\s+', ' ', doc)
            print(textwrap.fill(doc, 80))
            print("No such method: %s" % value)
    if parser:

def hpilo_help_methods(option, opt_str, value, parser):
    print("""Supported methods:
- %s""" % "\n- ".join(ilo_methods))

def hpilo_version(option, opt_str, value, parser):

def print_progress(text):
    sys.stdout.write('\r\033[K' + text)

def list_split(lst, sep):
    ret = []
    while True:
            pos = lst.index(sep)
        except ValueError:
        lst = lst[pos+1:]
    return ret

def download(ilotype, versions):
    ilotype = ilotype.lower()
    config = hpilo_fw.config()
    if ilotype == 'all':
        for ilotype in sorted(config.keys()):
            if (versions == ['all']) == (' ' in ilotype):
                _download(config, ilotype)
        if not versions:
            _download(config, ilotype)
        elif versions == ['all']:
            for key in sorted(config.keys()):
                if key.startswith(ilotype + ' '):
                    _download(config, key)
            for version in versions:
                _download(config, '%s %s' % (ilotype, version))

def _download(config, key):
    if key not in config:
        sys.stderr.write("Unknown ilo/firmware version: %s\n" % key)
        if, progress=print_progress):
            print("%s firmware version %s was already downloaded" % (key.split()[0], config[key]['version']))
    except HTTPError as exc:
        print("\n%s" % str(exc))

if __name__ == '__main__':