Codebase list python-nmap / 7f7a64c3-639d-4869-9aa0-9da86462f80f/main PKG-INFO

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Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: python-nmap
Version: 0.6.1
Summary: This is a python class to use nmap and access scan results from python3
Author: Alexandre Norman
License: gpl-3.0.txt
Description: ===========
        python-nmap is a python library which helps in using nmap port scanner.
        It allows to easilly manipulate nmap scan results and will be a perfect
        tool for systems administrators who want to automatize scanning task
        and reports. It also supports nmap script outputs.
        Typical usage looks like:: 
            #!/usr/bin/env python
            import nmap                         # import module
            nm = nmap.PortScanner()             # instantiate nmap.PortScanner object
            nm.scan('', '22-443')      # scan host, ports from 22 to 443
            nm.command_line()                   # get command line used for the scan : nmap -oX - -p 22-443
            nm.scaninfo()                       # get nmap scan informations {'tcp': {'services': '22-443', 'method': 'connect'}}
            nm.all_hosts()                      # get all hosts that were scanned
            nm[''].hostname()          # get one hostname for host, usualy the user record
            nm[''].hostnames()         # get list of hostnames for host as a list of dict
                                                # [{'name':'hostname1', 'type':'PTR'}, {'name':'hostname2', 'type':'user'}]
            nm[''].hostname()          # get hostname for host
            nm[''].state()             # get state of host (up|down|unknown|skipped) 
            nm[''].all_protocols()     # get all scanned protocols ['tcp', 'udp'] in (ip|tcp|udp|sctp)
            nm['']['tcp'].keys()       # get all ports for tcp protocol
            nm[''].all_tcp()           # get all ports for tcp protocol (sorted version)
            nm[''].all_udp()           # get all ports for udp protocol (sorted version)
            nm[''].all_ip()            # get all ports for ip protocol (sorted version)
            nm[''].all_sctp()          # get all ports for sctp protocol (sorted version)
            nm[''].has_tcp(22)         # is there any information for port 22/tcp on host
            nm['']['tcp'][22]          # get infos about port 22 in tcp on host
            nm[''].tcp(22)             # get infos about port 22 in tcp on host
            nm['']['tcp'][22]['state'] # get state of port 22/tcp on host (open
            # a more usefull example :
            for host in nm.all_hosts():
                print('Host : %s (%s)' % (host, nm[host].hostname()))
                print('State : %s' % nm[host].state())
                for proto in nm[host].all_protocols():
                    print('Protocol : %s' % proto)
                    lport = nm[host][proto].keys()
                    for port in lport:
                        print('port : %s\tstate : %s' % (port, nm[host][proto][port]['state']))
            # print result as CSV
            # If you want to do a pingsweep on network
            nm.scan(hosts='', arguments='-n -sP -PE -PA21,23,80,3389')
            hosts_list = [(x, nm[x]['status']['state']) for x in nm.all_hosts()]
            for host, status in hosts_list:
                print('{0}:{1}'.format(host, status))
           print '----------------------------------------------------'
           # Asynchronous usage of PortScannerAsync
           nma = nmap.PortScannerAsync()
           def callback_result(host, scan_result):
               print '------------------'
               print host, scan_result
           nma.scan(hosts='', arguments='-sP', callback=callback_result)
           while nma.still_scanning():
               print("Waiting ...")
               nma.wait(2)   # you can do whatever you want but I choose to wait after the end of the scan
        2016/07/29 (v0.6.1)
         - Fix bug #22 UnboundLocalError in scan_progressive
         - Fix bug #23 Scanning fails on nmap warnings
         - Fix bug #20: Fix for empty <hostnames> values which results in blank CSV output
         - Fix bug #18: print(nm.csv()) does not return any results
         - Fix bug #19: nmap program was not found in path
         - Fix bug #17: hostname is no longer reported
        2016/03/15 (v0.6.0)
         - Add information about Nmap special licence
         - Licence precision for distributing python-nmap along with nmap
        2016/03/15 (v0.5.2)
         - add hostname to csv export
        2015/12/05 (v0.5.0-1)
         - updating
        2015/11/18 (v0.5.0)
         - Closes bugs :
           - #11 Display only one osclass/osmatch instead of multiple
         - Change in data structure :
           - osmatch is a list of osclass	
           - osclass is a list of dictionnary
           - added cpe which is a list of string
           - added portused which is a list of dictionnary
           Data structure for a host looks like :
              {'addresses': {'ipv4': ''},
               'hostnames': [],
               'osmatch': [{'accuracy': '98',
                            'line': '36241',
                            'name': 'Juniper SA4000 SSL VPN gateway (IVE OS 7.0)',
                            'osclass': [{'accuracy': '98',
                                         'cpe': ['cpe:/h:juniper:sa4000',
                                         'osfamily': 'IVE OS',
                                         'osgen': '7.X',
                                         'type': 'firewall',
                                         'vendor': 'Juniper'}]},
                           {'accuracy': '91',
                            'line': '17374',
                            'name': 'Citrix Access Gateway VPN gateway',
                            'osclass': [{'accuracy': '91',
                                         'cpe': [],
                                         'osfamily': 'embedded',
                                         'osgen': None,
                                         'type': 'proxy server',
                                         'vendor': 'Citrix'}]}],
               'portused': [{'portid': '443', 'proto': 'tcp', 'state': 'open'},
                            {'portid': '113', 'proto': 'tcp', 'state': 'closed'}],
               'status': {'reason': 'syn-ack', 'state': 'up'},
               'tcp': {113: {'conf': '3',
                             'cpe': '',
                             'extrainfo': '',
                             'name': 'ident',
                             'product': '',
                             'reason': 'conn-refused',
                             'state': 'closed',
                             'version': ''},
                       443: {'conf': '10',
                             'cpe': '',
                             'extrainfo': '',
                             'name': 'http',
                             'product': 'Juniper SA2000 or SA4000 VPN gateway http config',
                             'reason': 'syn-ack',
                             'state': 'open',
                             'version': ''}},
               'vendor': {}}
        2015/11/17 (v0.4.7)
         - Closes bugs :
           - #10 Error when trying to parse 'osclass' , 'osmatch'
             removed addresses, hostnames, status, vendor, osclass, uptime, osmatch
             from all_protocols()
         - Changed shebang line from python3 to python as it works with python2
        2015/11/13 (v0.4.6)
         - Closes bugs :
           - #10 Error when trying to parse 'osclass' , 'osmatch'
        2015/10/25 (v0.4.5)
         - Closes bugs :
           - #9 Can not pass ports with unicode string at scan function
        2015/10/17 (v0.4.4)
         - Closes bugs :
           - #8 IPv6 Async scanner doesn't work
        2015/09/11 (v0.4.3)
         - Change in url for __get_last_online_version
        2015/09/11 (v0.4.2)
         - Closes bugs :
           - #7: Error with empty hostname
           - #6: Windows support of close_fds if you redirect stdin/stdout/stderr
        2015/08/21 (v0.4.1)
         - Closes bugs :
           - #5: only one hostname stored per host
         - Add hostnames() method which return the list of hostnames as a list of
           dict [{'name':'hostname1', 'type':'PTR'}, {'name':'hostname2', 'type':'user'}]
        2015/08/01 (v0.4.0)
         - Closes bugs :
           - #2: use close_fds in subprocess.Popen
           - #3: memory leak parsing xml using xml.dom.minidom
         - Corrects a bug in parsing osclass
         - Add nosetests for case testing
         - Removed test case in docstring
        2015/05/08 (v0.3.7)
         - adding sudo parameter for scanning (idea from scupython)
        2015/05/08 (v0.3.6)
         - correcting issue 7 : Issues under windows
        2015/05/08 (v0.3.5)
         - correcting a bug in all_protocols()
         - correcting issue 8 : PortScannerAsync Doesn't work in windows...
        2014/06/22 (v0.3.4)
         - adding PortScannerYield class with generator
           >>> nm = nmap.PortScannerYield()
           >>> for i in nm.scan('', '22-25'):
           >>>     print(i)
        2014/03/13 (v0.3.3)
         - moving file
         - adding function convert_nmap_output_to_encoding
         - adding vendor for mac address
        2013/09/23 (v0.3.2)
         - adding acces to CPE values under [host][proto][port]['cpe'] key
        2013/07/27 (v0.3.1)
         - Bug correction on callback's assert in PortScannerAsync.scan
           proposed by Robert Bost
        2013/06/23 (v0.3.0)
         - added support for NMAP SCRIPT ENGINE
           >>> r=nm.scan(hosts='', ports='139', arguments="-sC ")
           >>> print(nm._scan_result['scan']['']['hostscript'])
        2013/02/24 (v0.2.7)
         - added an address block in host scan result which contains ipv4, mac and other addresses :
           nm = nmap.PortScanner()
           r = nm.scan(arguments='-sS -p T:22', hosts='')
           print r['scan']['']['addresses']
           {u'mac': u'02:50:43:F4:02:B1', u'ipv4': u''}
         - Adding a CSV scan output as a string.
         - Changes to make it python3 compliant
        2012/12/13 (v0.2.6)
         - patch from lundberg.johan
         - bug correction : when nmap doesn't work displays stderr instead of stdout
        2012/11/23 (v0.2.5)
         - corrected : Issue 2: "map.nmap.PortScannerError: 'nmap program was not found in path'" on CentOS
         - corrected : Issue 3: nmap.scan() short-circuits prematurely
        2011/11/09 (v0.2.4)
         - implemented a request from Santhosh Edukulla <> :
           parse OS scanning output
         - Error with multiple host specifications :
           bug and patch from 
         - bug in : if no tcp port was open between 22-443
        2010/12/17 (v0.2.3)
         - adding __get_last_online_version to check if current version is the last published
        2010/12/17 (v0.2.2)
         - bug in handling nmap_error output (returned value was bin, string was expected)
         - removed test strings form file.
        2010/12/15 (v0.2.1)
         - corrected bug in about scope problem
         - try to find nmap executable in known directories
         - raise AssertionError when trying to call command_line, scaninfo, scanstats, has_host before scanning
        2010/12/14 (v0.2.0)
         - Make python-nmap works with Python 3.x
         - Contribution from Brian Bustin <brian at>
        2010/06/07 (v0.1.4)
         - Patches from Steve 'Ashcrow' Milner <steve at>
         - remove shebang from as it is not a runnable script
         - allow use with ALPHA and BETA nmap releases
         - .has_key() is deprecated, replaced instances with in
         - move to using the print function for python2 and 3 usage
         - adding PortScanner.listscan
         - PortScanner.scan now returns scan_result
         - adding class PortScannerAsync (idea from Steve 'Ashcrow' Milner <steve at>)
         - Import on google code
           svn checkout python-nmap --username  XXXXX
         - added PortScanner.scanstats method
         - updated and documentation for pingsweep
         - updated Makefile for generating documentation
         - Modified packaging. v0.1.1 [norman]
         - Initial release. v0.1.0 [norman]
Keywords: nmap,portscanner,network,sysadmin
Platform: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: System Administrators
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Monitoring
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Networking
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Networking :: Firewalls
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Networking :: Monitoring