Codebase list python-pygerrit2 / f7fdcae
Drop livetests against 2.13.x Change-Id: I53a700dfad3364cee1c4f3d1fedb19945f0eaf54 David Pursehouse 5 years ago
1 changed file(s) with 1 addition(s) and 1 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
5454 @pytest.fixture(scope="module",
55 params=["2.13.11", "2.14.17", "2.15.7", "2.16"])
55 params=["2.14.17", "2.15.7", "2.16"])
5656 def gerrit_api(request):
5757 """Create a Gerrit container for the given version and return an API."""
5858 with GerritContainer(request.param) as gerrit: