Codebase list python-pyproj / debian/ nad2bin.c

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/* Convert bivariate ASCII NAD27 to NAD83 tables to NTv2 binary structure */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

#define PJ_LIB__
#include <projects.h>
#define U_SEC_TO_RAD 4.848136811095359935899141023e-12

/*                             swap_words()                             */
/*                                                                      */
/*      Convert the byte order of the given word(s) in place.           */

static int  byte_order_test = 1;
#define IS_LSB	(((unsigned char *) (&byte_order_test))[0] == 1)

static void swap_words( void *data_in, int word_size, int word_count )

    int	word;
    unsigned char *data = (unsigned char *) data_in;

    for( word = 0; word < word_count; word++ )
        int	i;
        for( i = 0; i < word_size/2; i++ )
            int	t;
            t = data[i];
            data[i] = data[word_size-i-1];
            data[word_size-i-1] = t;
        data += word_size;

/*                               Usage()                                */

static void Usage()
            "usage: nad2bin [-f ctable/ctable2/ntv2] binary_output < ascii_source\n" );

/*                                main()                                */
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    struct CTABLE ct;
    FLP *p, t;
    size_t tsize;
    int i, j, ichk;
    long lam, laml, phi, phil;
    FILE *fp;

    const char *output_file = NULL;

    const char *format   = "ctable2";
    const char *GS_TYPE  = "SECONDS";
    const char *VERSION  = "";
    const char *SYSTEM_F = "NAD27";
    const char *SYSTEM_T = "NAD83";
    const char *SUB_NAME = "";
    const char *CREATED  = "";
    const char *UPDATED  = "";

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Process arguments.                                              */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
        if( strcmp(argv[i],"-f") == 0 && i < argc-1 ) 
            format = argv[++i];
        else if( output_file == NULL )
            output_file = argv[i];

    if( output_file == NULL )

    fprintf( stdout, "Output Binary File Format: %s\n", format );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Read the ASCII Table                                            */
/* ==================================================================== */

    if ( NULL == fgets(, MAX_TAB_ID, stdin) ) {
    if ( EOF == scanf("%d %d %*d %lf %lf %lf %lf", &ct.lim.lam, &ct.lim.phi,
          &ct.ll.lam, &ct.del.lam, &ct.ll.phi, &ct.del.phi) ) {
    if (!(ct.cvs = (FLP *)malloc(tsize = ct.lim.lam * ct.lim.phi *
                                 sizeof(FLP)))) {
        perror("mem. alloc");
    ct.ll.lam *= DEG_TO_RAD;
    ct.ll.phi *= DEG_TO_RAD;
    ct.del.lam *= DEG_TO_RAD;
    ct.del.phi *= DEG_TO_RAD;
    /* load table */
    for (p = ct.cvs, i = 0; i < ct.lim.phi; ++i) {
        if ( EOF == scanf("%d:%ld %ld", &ichk, &laml, &phil) ) {
            perror("scanf on row");
        if (ichk != i) {
            fprintf(stderr,"format check on row\n");
        t.lam = laml * U_SEC_TO_RAD;
        t.phi = phil * U_SEC_TO_RAD;
        *p++ = t;
        for (j = 1; j < ct.lim.lam; ++j) {
            if ( EOF == scanf("%ld %ld", &lam, &phi) ) {
                perror("scanf on column");
            t.lam = (laml += lam) * U_SEC_TO_RAD;
            t.phi = (phil += phi) * U_SEC_TO_RAD;
            *p++ = t;
    if (feof(stdin)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "premature EOF\n");

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Write out the old ctable format - this is machine and byte      */
/*      order specific.                                                 */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( strcmp(format,"ctable") == 0 ) 
	if (!(fp = fopen(output_file, "wb"))) {
	if (fwrite(&ct, sizeof(ct), 1, fp) != 1 ||
            fwrite(ct.cvs, tsize, 1, fp) != 1) {
            fprintf(stderr, "output failure\n");
        fclose( fp );
	exit(0); /* normal completion */

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Write out the old ctable format - this is machine and byte      */
/*      order specific.                                                 */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( strcmp(format,"ctable2") == 0 ) 
        char header[160];

	if (!(fp = fopen(output_file, "wb"))) {

        assert( MAX_TAB_ID == 80 );
        assert( sizeof(int) == 4 ); /* for ct.lim.lam/phi */

        memset( header, 0, sizeof(header) );

        memcpy( header +   0, "CTABLE V2.0     ", 16 );
        memcpy( header +  16,, 80 );
        memcpy( header +  96, &ct.ll.lam, 8 );
        memcpy( header + 104, &ct.ll.phi, 8 );
        memcpy( header + 112, &ct.del.lam, 8 );
        memcpy( header + 120, &ct.del.phi, 8 );
        memcpy( header + 128, &ct.lim.lam, 4 );
        memcpy( header + 132, &ct.lim.phi, 4 );

        /* force into LSB format */
        if( !IS_LSB ) 
            swap_words( header +  96, 8, 4 );
            swap_words( header + 128, 4, 2 );
            swap_words( ct.cvs, 4, ct.lim.lam * 2 * ct.lim.phi );

        if( fwrite( header, sizeof(header), 1, fp ) != 1 ) {
            perror( "fwrite" );
            exit( 2 );

	if (fwrite(ct.cvs, tsize, 1, fp) != 1) {
            perror( "fwrite" );

        fclose( fp );
	exit(0); /* normal completion */

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Write out the NTv2 format grid shift file.                      */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( strcmp(format,"ntv2") == 0 ) 
        if (!(fp = fopen(output_file, "wb"))) 
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write the file header.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            char achHeader[11*16];

            memset( achHeader, 0, sizeof(achHeader) );
            memcpy( achHeader +  0*16, "NUM_OREC", 8 );
            achHeader[ 0*16 + 8] = 0xb;

            memcpy( achHeader +  1*16, "NUM_SREC", 8 );
            achHeader[ 1*16 + 8] = 0xb;

            memcpy( achHeader +  2*16, "NUM_FILE", 8 );
            achHeader[ 2*16 + 8] = 0x1;

            memcpy( achHeader +  3*16, "GS_TYPE         ", 16 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  3*16+8, GS_TYPE, MIN(16,strlen(GS_TYPE)) );

            memcpy( achHeader +  4*16, "VERSION         ", 16 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  4*16+8, VERSION, MIN(16,strlen(VERSION)) );

            memcpy( achHeader +  5*16, "SYSTEM_F        ", 16 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  5*16+8, SYSTEM_F, MIN(16,strlen(SYSTEM_F)) );

            memcpy( achHeader +  6*16, "SYSTEM_T        ", 16 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  6*16+8, SYSTEM_T, MIN(16,strlen(SYSTEM_T)) );

            memcpy( achHeader +  7*16, "MAJOR_F ", 8);
            memcpy( achHeader +  8*16, "MINOR_F ", 8 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  9*16, "MAJOR_T ", 8 );
            memcpy( achHeader + 10*16, "MINOR_T ", 8 );

            fwrite( achHeader, 1, sizeof(achHeader), fp );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write the grid header.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            unsigned char achHeader[11*16];
            double dfValue;
            int nGSCount = ct.lim.lam * ct.lim.phi;
            LP ur;

            ur.lam = ct.ll.lam + (ct.lim.lam-1) * ct.del.lam;
            ur.phi = ct.ll.phi + (ct.lim.phi-1) * ct.del.phi;

            assert( sizeof(nGSCount) == 4 );

            memset( achHeader, 0, sizeof(achHeader) );

            memcpy( achHeader +  0*16, "SUB_NAME        ", 16 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  0*16+8, SUB_NAME, MIN(16,strlen(SUB_NAME)) );
            memcpy( achHeader +  1*16, "PARENT          ", 16 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  1*16+8, "NONE", MIN(16,strlen("NONE")) );
            memcpy( achHeader +  2*16, "CREATED         ", 16 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  2*16+8, CREATED, MIN(16,strlen(CREATED)) );
            memcpy( achHeader +  3*16, "UPDATED         ", 16 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  3*16+8, UPDATED, MIN(16,strlen(UPDATED)) );

            memcpy( achHeader +  4*16, "S_LAT   ", 8 );
            dfValue = ct.ll.phi * 3600.0 / DEG_TO_RAD;
            memcpy( achHeader +  4*16 + 8, &dfValue, 8 );

            memcpy( achHeader +  5*16, "N_LAT   ", 8 );
            dfValue = ur.phi * 3600.0 / DEG_TO_RAD;
            memcpy( achHeader +  5*16 + 8, &dfValue, 8 );

            memcpy( achHeader +  6*16, "E_LONG  ", 8 );
            dfValue = -1 * ur.lam * 3600.0 / DEG_TO_RAD;
            memcpy( achHeader +  6*16 + 8, &dfValue, 8 );

            memcpy( achHeader +  7*16, "W_LONG  ", 8 );
            dfValue = -1 * ct.ll.lam * 3600.0 / DEG_TO_RAD;
            memcpy( achHeader +  7*16 + 8, &dfValue, 8 );

            memcpy( achHeader +  8*16, "LAT_INC ", 8 );
            dfValue = ct.del.phi * 3600.0 / DEG_TO_RAD;
            memcpy( achHeader +  8*16 + 8, &dfValue, 8 );
            memcpy( achHeader +  9*16, "LONG_INC", 8 );
            dfValue = ct.del.lam * 3600.0 / DEG_TO_RAD;
            memcpy( achHeader +  9*16 + 8, &dfValue, 8 );
            memcpy( achHeader + 10*16, "GS_COUNT", 8 );
            memcpy( achHeader + 10*16+8, &nGSCount, 4 );
            if( !IS_LSB ) 
                swap_words( achHeader +  4*16 + 8, 8, 1 );
                swap_words( achHeader +  5*16 + 8, 8, 1 );
                swap_words( achHeader +  6*16 + 8, 8, 1 );
                swap_words( achHeader +  7*16 + 8, 8, 1 );
                swap_words( achHeader +  8*16 + 8, 8, 1 );
                swap_words( achHeader +  9*16 + 8, 8, 1 );
                swap_words( achHeader + 10*16 + 8, 4, 1 );

            fwrite( achHeader, 1, sizeof(achHeader), fp );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write the actual grid cells.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            float *row_buf;
            int row;

            row_buf = (float *) pj_malloc(ct.lim.lam * sizeof(float) * 4);
            memset( row_buf, 0, sizeof(float)*4 );

            for( row = 0; row < ct.lim.phi; row++ )
                int	    i;

                for( i = 0; i < ct.lim.lam; i++ )
                    FLP *cvs = ct.cvs + (row) * ct.lim.lam
                        + (ct.lim.lam - i - 1);

                    /* convert radians to seconds */
                    row_buf[i*4+0] = cvs->phi * (3600.0 / (PI/180.0));
                    row_buf[i*4+1] = cvs->lam * (3600.0 / (PI/180.0));

                    /* We leave the accuracy values as zero */

                if( !IS_LSB )
                    swap_words( row_buf, 4, ct.lim.lam * 4 );

                if( fwrite( row_buf, sizeof(float), ct.lim.lam*4, fp ) 
                    != 4 * ct.lim.lam )
                    perror( "write()" );
                    exit( 2 );

        fclose( fp );
        exit(0); /* normal completion */

    fprintf( stderr, "Unsupported format, nothing written.\n" );
    exit( 3 );