Codebase list python-repoze.tm2 / 85580694-9d64-4635-b24b-343b7b3b77c9/main PKG-INFO

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PKG-INFO @85580694-9d64-4635-b24b-343b7b3b77c9/mainraw · history · blame

Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: repoze.tm2
Version: 2.0
Summary: Per-request transactions via WSGI middleware
Author: Agendaless Consulting
License: BSD-derived (
Description: repoze.tm2 (Transaction Manager)
        Middleware which uses the ZODB transaction manager to wrap a call to
        its pipeline children inside a transaction.  This is a fork of the
        ```` package which depends only on the ``transaction``
        package rather than the entirety of ZODB (for users who don't rely on ZODB).
        See docs/index.rst for documentation.
        2.0 (2013-06-26)
        - Avoid swallowing the original exception while aborting the transaction
          in middleware.  See PR #3.
        2.0b1 (2013-04-05)
        - Middleware is now a generator, to deal appropriately with application
          iterators which are themselves not lists.
        - Convert use of deprecated failIf/failUnless to assertFalse/assertTrue.
        - Add support for testing under supported Pythons using Tox.
        - Add explicit support for Python 3.2 ad 3.3.
        - Drop support for Python 2.4, 2.5.
        1.0 (2012-03-24)
        - Run OOTB under Python 2.4 / 2.5 (pin 'transaction' dependency to
          a supported version when running under 2.4 / 2.5).
        1.0b2 (2011-07-18)
        - A new header ``X-Tm`` is now honored by the ``default_commit_veto`` commit
          veto hook.  If this header exists in the headerlist, its value must be a
          string.  If its value is ``commit``, the transaction will be committed
          regardless of the status code or the value of ``X-Tm-Abort``.  If the value
          of the ``X-Tm`` header is ``abort`` (or any other string value except
          ``commit``), the transaction will be aborted regardless of the status code
          or the value of ``X-Tm-Abort``.
        - Use of the ``X-Tm-Abort`` header is now deprecated.  Instead use the
          ``X-Tm`` header with a value of ``abort`` instead.
        - Add API docs section.
        1.0b1 (2011-01-19)
        - Added ```` commit veto hook.  This commit veto
          hook aborts for 4XX and 5XX response codes, or if there's a header named
          ``X-Tm-Abort`` in the headerlist and allows a commit otherwise.
        - Documented commit veto hook.
        1.0a5 (2009-09-07)
        - Don't commit after aborting if the transaction was doomed or if the
          commit veto aborted.
        - Don't use "real" transaction module in tests.
        - 100% test coverage.
        1.0a4 (2009-01-06)
        - RESTify CHANGES, move docs in README.txt into Sphinx.
        - Remove ``setup.cfg`` (all dependencies available via PyPI).
        - Synchronization point with ```` (0.9).
        1.0a3 (2008-08-03)
        Allow ``commit_veto`` hook to be specified within Paste config, ala::
           use =
           commit_veto = some.package:myfunction
        ``myfunction`` should take three args: environ, status, headers and
        should return True if the txn should be aborted, False if it should be
        Initial PyPI release.
        1.0a2 (2008-07-15)
        - Provide "commit_veto" hook point (contributed by Alberto Valverde).
        - Point easy_install at via setup.cfg.
        1.0a1 (2008-01-09)
        - Fork point: we've created repoze.tm2, which is that has a
          dependency only on the 'transaction' package instead of all of ZODB.
        - Better documentation for non-Zope usage in README.txt.
        0.8 (2007-10-11)
        - Relaxed requirement for ZODB 3.7.2, since we might need to use the
          package with other verions.  Note that the tests which depend on
          transaction having "doom" semantics don't work with 3.7.2, anyway.
        0.7 (2007-09-25)
        - Depend on PyPI release of ZODB 3.7.2.  Upgrade to this by doing
          bin/easy_install -U 'ZODB3 >= 3.7.1, < 3.8.0a' if necessary.
        0.6 (2007-09-21)
         - after_end.register and after_end.unregister must now be passed a
           transaction object rather than a WSGI environment to avoid the
           possibility that the WSGI environment used by a child participating
           in transaction management won't be the same one used by the
         - now inserts a key into the WSGI environment
           (````) if it's active in the WSGI pipeline.  An API
           function, can be called with a single argument,
           the WSGI environment, to check if the middleware is active.
        0.5 (2007-09-18)
        - Depend on rerolled ZODB 3.7.1 instead of zopelib.
        - Add license and copyright, change trove classifiers.
        0.4 (2007-09-17)
        - Depend on zopelib rather than ZODB 3.8.0b3 distribution, because the
          ZODB distribution pulls in various packages (zope.interface and ZEO
          most notably) that are incompatible with stock Zope 2.10.4 apps and
          older sandboxes.  We'll need to revisit this.
        0.3 (2007-09-14)
        - Provide limited compatibility for older transaction package versions
          which don't support the 'transaction.isDoomed' API.
        0.2 (2007-09-13)
        - Provide after_end API for registering callbacks at transaction end.
        0.1 (2007-09-10)
        - Initial Release
Keywords: web application server wsgi zope repoze
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Development Status :: 3 - Alpha
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.2
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI
Classifier: Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware